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Everything posted by ding

  1. Vineys hairdresser needs to buy a more stylish bowl.
  2. I will be somewhere around Khon Kaen for round one. Have already sent a bunch of emails to whatever sports bars i could find on Google but none have replied to my request for info on the broadcast. Might be stuck with radio as i wont pay the $19 or whatever it is just for one match, especially as the net is so bad it wont stream continuously most of the time. Replay will have to do i guess.
  3. Onya Jesse. I reckon you will have a great year too. You have to stay off the fags though, those things are bad for your health. 50 goals and a ton of assists should be your minimum target this year. Oh, and no getting rubbed out for snotting blokes ok? You are too valuable. Cheers.
  4. I know what you mean. Loaned my 74-year-old father my video camera a couple of years ago to take on a cruise he was going on with my mother. I spent hours very patiently going through, step by step how to turn it on, press record, film interesting stuff, then press the same button to stop recording. So he only had 2 buttons to worry about.... one to power up and another (right where his thumb rested) to start and stop recording. Made him go through the process several different time over a week to make sure he had it figured out. FOOLPROOF. He comes home and i download almost 100 clips. Each and every single one lasting 7 seconds and showing nothing at all but his feet. Old people are stupid.
  5. I have ZERO doubt this will be the case.........................
  6. Only there for 6 nights as he has to fly to Manilla to see his wifes family. We leave Phuket on April 5th. Have fun
  7. I will be watching that game with my brother in the Aussie Bar, Bangla Rd Phuket. Give us a wave so i can see you on TV .
  8. lol you like living on the edge doncha ?
  9. Yeah thats what i was thinking. MRP probably trying to send an early message. IF it was a closed fist, take the fine and learn from it. If it was an open hand it couldnt have possibly been fine-worthy.
  10. Like i said earlier.... GO YOU GOOD THING !! (ps my post was from August, and ii was all over the kid before that :p) Love the way he goes about it.
  11. Anyone know where i can find a replay? Didnt see a second of the game due to work. Thanks.
  12. Any chance of a score? Cant access a radio
  13. Robbo (Mark) doesn't think ̶w̶e̶'̶l̶l̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶n̶a̶l̶s̶ Fixed
  14. Agree with most of that, but he is great at weighting his kicks over shorter distances so if we can find someone to plonk at ff who has a good burst of speed on the lead, that is where we will get the best value from Hogan. Roaming CHF with spells in the guts. He wont need big periods resting on the pine because his tank is huge.
  15. Nev is a leader regardless of his wanting that title or not. On the field and off.
  16. Pfft.... we will smash either of these teams in the granny.
  17. BC most people dont actually listen to what they say. Media in this country is laughable. GO DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES
  18. I actually think it suits him down to the ground as he is so damn good 1v1
  19. I NEED TO SET FIRE TO SOMETHING....................................
  20. 8.32pm – Melbourne v North Melbourne
  21. Takeaways from our first game................ Jake Melksham isn't just pretty, he can kick a footy. Petracca has a great vertical leap. McDonald can take a contested grab. Carlton has the spoon in the bag. MFC for the flag this year. Jonnie Red makes me positive about 2018
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