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Everything posted by ding

  1. Club increased it by so much because they were sure the team would be in the finals and could gouge a lot of people who believed the same. IF we make finals in 2018 expect a sharp rise for the same guarantee in 2019.
  2. Thing is, a good start to the year will not be enough to bring many back. We could ace the entire pre-bye period and still miss finals. That is the real measure for a lot of ex-members. Finally bloody deliver. No more promises. DELIVER Dees. Then and only then will i consider rejoining.
  3. The club failed to deliver what THEY expected. For the second year in a row, after many other years of even worse performances. Im guessing English is your second language ? Dont bother replying as you are on the ignore list.
  4. MFC said that to thousands of memberships with our round 23 performance. No doubt you have signed up yourself and all your pets to make up the difference.
  5. The club stated for the past 2 seasons that THEY expected finals..... we missed out both times. How is that not under-delivering? Events of this, and every other preceding year of my life are irrelevant. Wins for next year are all that matters. If you and others think you need to buy memberships each year without question, well, ..... awesome. I can and will decide for myself if the club has earnt my cash. For the 2018 season they havent. It may happen or it may not. Wins will decide, not blind faith.
  6. It only took until the very next post....................
  7. Thx for acknowledging that people can make the decision not to spend hard earned on memberships without resorting to criticism or abuse, which is so often the case. Im sure it wont take long for someone to fill the void though.
  8. I am one of the group who has not renewed. Took my name off the auto-renew list late last season. MFC has no-one to blame but itself. Keep under delivering and this will happen more and more often. The final straw for me was when i heard ( after round 23 )how our players were smart-mouthing Stk late in the year with ( as reported ) "What are you guys doing in September" or words to that effect. To miss the finals after displaying such rank arrogance had me livid. No more blind obedience from me. Club will earn my money the hard way. That so many others will have made the same decision should come as no shock to MFC management.
  9. Cant believe we only get North once next year. I was hoping we would play them 23 times. Bastards.
  10. Dumbest idea ever, from the Royal Family of dumb ideas. Scrap it because its dumb. You dont see Basketballers playing a Hybrid netball game. You dont see Baseballers playing a Hybrid Cricket game. This game is a farce and nobody cares about it, unless one of their teams players gets injured. End it and concentrate on important stuff like making pies cheaper. Stupid, meaningless game. Dumb.
  11. Geezus, never seen so many 'Landers agreeing with each other..... Short contract on not many bucks... not a lot to lose. I will add my "why not" to the list.
  12. Im guessing that in their excitement of GAJ going back to the Cats, the media have forgotten to report on out last minute, trade-week-winning deal ? There must have been one right?
  13. Relax everyone, we still have almost 58 mins to win trade week. Go you good thing Mahoney !!
  14. This is the part where our man swoops in with a last minute pick upgrade that has everyone who was saying he is useless, now praising him as a genius........ *fingers crossed.
  15. Is there snow anywhere in Australia atm? I would even settle for a bucket full of shaved ice. Anything to escape the Jupiter-sized gravity pull of this godawful thread.
  16. P-man, ..... mate........... Seriously? That comment could be countered with one equally as far-fetched the other way. Lemme try. What this thread has re-enforced to me is that some will back Watts on literally anything. The club could release a video of him smoking ice and then assaulting a 80 year old to steal her pension, and there would be posters on here saying "Well, hes a lovely kick". Do you see how dumb those sorts of comments are, regardless of who you support? Keep it real.
  17. Why not demand he try harder to improves the things he does poorly. This seems to be what the coaches have done, and Watts either couldnt or wouldnt bust a gut to improve. They obviously got sick to death of waiting for Watts to develop some urgency. Good kicking should never be enough to save a player from being traded if thats essentially all they offer the team on game day. I personally wont be tearing up when the trade is completed.
  18. Ah damn, i didnt expect to be asked so soon.... Gimme an hour or so to come up with something believable.
  19. C'mon everyone, i showed you all how to post a decent rumor yesterday, but this thread is STILL rubbish. Dont force me to make more stuff up. ( P.S. i have some genuine info on the Hogan situation if anyone is interested )
  20. MFC has demanded at least pick 2 and Freos first rounder next year for Jesse. This is why Freo offered Weller and 5, for The Suns' pick 2. This will then be sent to us for Hogan along with their 2018 1st pick. Freo were asked for their first rounder and Neale, but he refused to be traded, so we are in for 2 x first rounders instead, with this years being upgraded so we can get our intended target in the draft. The Lever trade has been used as the basis of our demand for 2 x first rounders, with nothing more than a fourth rounder going back to Freo. Deal essentially done and will be announced Wednesday. ( None of that is true, but someone needed to take the focus of the Jack Watts thread. My reputation is taking one for the team)
  21. Mods, can we please have an "Ignore thread" option?? I know, i know, i could just stop clicking on it, but its like driving past a car crash..... you just HAVE to look. Are we there yet?
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