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Everything posted by ding

  1. The players have managed to add extra unnecessary pressure to their year by canceling this training. They must have known that it would give ammunition to all the haters and opposition teams. No amount of flogging on the track will soften what is going to come their way. Media is going to have a field day with it. Good. If anything the feeling of being collectively attacked might have the outcome the club was chasing from this camp. They will have to stick tight and have each others back more than ever.
  2. Yep, if they looked at last years camp as being too hard, I hope the coaches absolutely [censored] the you-know-what out of the soft pr1cks at Gosh's. Like these blokes have the runs on the board to pick and choose what sort of hard work they do. Soft.................... REALLY soft, but not all that surprising. Because MFC.
  3. Players obviously worried about dropping bagfulls of bricks on their heads. (posted that before reading the article which mentions that same incident)
  4. Easier to lay blame for inconsistency at the feet of one person I guess? Only time will tell if this system is better or worse. At least the AFL have acknowledged that the old system was broken. Hope we finally see the same ruling apply to stars of the game as well as lesser names, although I wont be holding my breath. That, and different interpretations running into finals than we saw in the regular season.
  5. We lose round 1 to the Cats by 4 goals, with at least 3 of our best 22 out with pre-season injuries. Hunt does a hammy early in the year. Stays 426 for 8210. Maximum starts the year in red hot form and at the half way mark of the season is second fave for the Bluey behind Oliver, who continues to rack up 30+ weekly despite hard tags. Oliver also finishes the year with a kick to handball ratio of 40/60 and multiple bags of 2 or more goals in a game. Pedo to play as back up ruck, switching forward, and is important in a few wins before the bye. By the half way mark of the season, Weed takes his place and TMac relieves Max in the guts instead. Young Sam starts to look at home, and shows enough to have the press pumping up his tyres as a "future star". My boy ANB does a Ben Simmons and racks up multiple triple doubles in the forward line. ( kicks/handballs/pressure acts) Our Coach to FINALLY remind the team how long it has been since we beat North. Privately AND in the press. We have a percentage booster against North. Essendon have a percentage booster against us. At the Bye we are in 8th. Start slowly post-bye but finish the year well to finally make the finals in 7th. Lose that final to eventual premier Geelong. (During the year, we have at least one player go down with an ACL. No more broken feet though, so its not all bad) Trac to slightly disappoint. (Improves, but doesnt take games by the throat regularly despite the obvious talent/hype) Jesse to crush it, before suffering an injury in round 10-12 which sees him lose form and fitness. Tmac wins goalkicking. Viney wins Bluey ahead of Clarry and Hibbo. At least one story in the Hun saying Hogan wants to be traded to Freo, and one story saying we made a mistake trading Watts after we lose a close one with bad kicking. 3 Players who improve the most = Joel Smith, Angus Brayshaw and Corey Maynard. 3 Players who slide the most= Bernie, Jordan Lewis and Nev Jetta. Surprise packet = Charlie Spargo who plays 10 games. Other clubs.......... Improvers = Carlton by the most, with Essendon also improving. Collingwood. Obviously, i believe we (MFC) also get better. Sliders = North who will only win 4 games and the spoon. West Coast who will miss the finals. Hawks who win no more than 8. Port.
  6. After having won the most prestigious award on the internet just last year, i feel i have an obligation to take my time with next years predictions, if only for dramatic effect. I will consult my crystal ball and post the results here when i feel you are all emotionally ready to hear what is going to happen. @faultydet if you want inside information before i post, you know my number.
  7. Looks like we drafted Lleyton Hewitt in that first Pic.
  8. Yep it was good, but lets see what happens for the rest of the series. Great players back it up. Unfortunately Marsh isnt a great player. Hope he makes me eat humble pie.
  9. AFL have no business telling clubs where they can make an income as long as its legal. As long as they (AFL) continue to take big $$'s from betting companies they wont have a leg to stand on.
  10. I would buy out whatever pokies the other clubs wanted to sell. As long as its legal, i say BUY BUY BUY. If it got us closer to a premiership, and made us financially secure/independent and viable well into the future, i say go for it. If that made some people feel bad about themselves i could live with that. As for what i would pay extra for the answer is nothing. Club needs to finally deliver and stand on its merits. No doubt the haters will be along shortly.
  11. Jack, you can talk yourself up all you like, but the fact remains you just didnt care enough to get the best out of yourself while you played for MFC. That, and you were afraid of the contest. Dont think you will be greatly missed by anyone who values effort above being a nice bloke.
  12. How the F does Shaun Marsh get ANOTHER chance to embarrass himself. I am absolutely gobsmacked that this turnip gets a cap yet again. Bloke is not, and will never be a number 6. Totally defies logic.
  13. I wonder how the Labor left and the ABC will spin the fact that most of the so called "biggoted" seats are theirs.... My guess is that they will just ignore it. No real surprise that Sydneys West voted the way it did. How long till we see mass protests in those electorates to call out the "Bigots".... That will happen right? lols. Righto, time to get the laws squared away and get back to some sort of governing again.
  14. Your face isnt in the photo so i reckon i can get away with it.
  15. Wouldnt an ideal fixture be 23 home games at the MCG with a mixture of Friday night, Saturday arvo and Saturday night games? No Sundays, no away games. That would be "Ideal"
  16. Agree. That early in the season, before we have any excuse to "Fade", we should belt the living suitcase outa of the Injectors. Pencil in the 4 points.
  17. Sure Saty, you are a legend who all the boys love...... *chortle. You are in fact ridiculed (behind your back) by some you think you are respected by. P.S. your membership entitles you to a seat, a scarf, and not much else. All of us can have an opinion. Yours is no more important than anyone elses. If you didnt care what others thought you wouldnt keep replying. P.P.S, i thought you said "bye" ? You sure are clingy for an older guy. Go Dees.
  18. haha yeah jog on Santa, you are not the players fave regardless of what you think. I know, i asked.
  19. lol not the first time i have heard that name either, although its not the players favorite lol.
  20. lol at no stage did i try to talk anyone out of doing what they wanted to with their money. In fact i made it clear to anyone with a grasp of English that its what I would do with my money, not what they should do with theirs. I seriously worry about the comprehension skills of some MFC supporters. "Respect if you chose to stick with it though." wasnt clear enough mate? Peace out Wells.
  21. Do you honestly believe we will make it to the GF next year though? I mean, deep down genuinely believe? I get that your word to your lad is solid, but geez its a tough one. I would have more faith in scalpers on GF day than i do in the team to get there. Call it 50 years of disappointment. You have probably been longer yeah? If money was really tight, i would probably wait till the very last week it was available to make that sort of commitment. Almost $500 for 2 is big coin for a lot of us (Im a part time nurse so im hardly rolling in it either) Respect if you chose to stick with it though.
  22. I dont mind that at all tbh. At least we couldnt be accused of getting ahead of ourselves (Again). The heat is being applied behind the scenes. Not before time either.
  23. lol if you knew what the players said about you when you were not around you wouldnt be such a kiss-arz. "Santa-Stalker" was the best i have heard so far. Keep up the training reports though, pre season comedy is always appreciated.
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