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Everything posted by ding

  1. FIre and Brimstone... BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Drugs are bad for you WERRIDEE. Very bad.
  2. How many "wake up calls" do we need.... How many times can we "learn a lesson from that loss" ? I am constantly amazed by the number of excuses the sugar-coaters can find for performances like this. We simply HAD to win that game. Instead we got flogged. Really flogged. Shame Shame Shame.
  3. After all these years............... Countless rebuilds........... Multiple coaches........ Several false dawns...... So many game plans i cant remember them all............., here we are in yet another post match thread discussing a right royal flogging by the Hawks. The same Hawks who won 3 premierships on the trot just a few years ago, bottomed out and rebuilt. How THE ACTUAL [censored] can we keep coming up with performances like today ? This is a game we had every right to expect a victory in. We are on the rise after all... /sarc Goodwin is the most Vanilla coach i have ever seen. Dont reckon i have ever seen him display passion during games OR interviews. You want a team that is "resilient and humble" Goody? How bout you make us a team that can play consistent football? The players need someone to inspire them as they cant seem to do it for themselves. Goodwin is so flat and boring i doubt he has it in him. FFS i am fuming after todays surrender. 2-2 and looking at a huge loss next Tuesday, it suddenly becomes extremely hard to make finals. Our percentage might also be terrible if we repeat what happened today. The veil of negativity is well deserved.
  4. UNIQLO? Failing that, might wanna try a pub.
  5. Word. If we have genuinely turned the corner, these are the games we win.
  6. Probably the lightest interchange bench in VFL/AFL history. Not much bulk there.
  7. If he is getting north of $30k per game, i want much more from him than we have seen so far. On top of this was the price of 2 first rounders among others. Many posters were in a lather when we got him, insisting he will make us a much better team. So far i dont think he has improved us at all structure wise. Obviously he has only played 3 games, and may well explode from next week, but he can only be judged on his value thus far. That value is minimal and must improve dramatically. Over to you Jake.
  8. I watched all 4 QTRS today so i dont know why you cant find the 3rd... (checked again and im streaming the 3rd from AFL site as i type this)
  9. He got beaten badly, practically all day. I counted only a couple of contests he won and many he lost. Kid's a footballer and i don't get all the hatred he has had directed at him, but his game yesterday was rubbish. Soundly beaten.
  10. Just watched the replay and couldnt disagree more strongly. I thought after reading a few posters saying Oscar played well, that i must have missed something.... I stand by my observations from the ground. No way did he have a good game. Lost practically every single 1v1 contest and was basically pantsed all day. Amazed how anyone can say he played well, because he was flogged. Tyson was better than i thought, as were Wagner and Frosty. The umpires were also worse than i originally thought... I said that they were bad, but that doesnt even begin to describe how rank they were. Absolutely disgusting display of "guessing" by the maggots. Good result, and was actually more like a 10 goal win than the score suggested.
  11. First thing I did when we got to the ground today was to have a look at the curtain raiser from the City end where Norths Cheer member was positioned. Overheard one of them ask his mate "reckon we can win today?". Other one answered, Yeah we only have to stop Hogan and they have nothing". GAGF. Our start was obviously horrific, but when we went to the break 13 points down it didnt feel that bad. Funny how you see the game differently live than you do on TV, as I thought Oscar was rubbish for most of the day and was going to say so in this post. Then I read how many of you were so positive about his game, so I will watch the replay to see how I got it wrong. Epic game from Maxy, and Hogan now seems to be matching the hype. Hugely influential despite only kicking one. Salem did more than I expected. Really good in the guts. Trac good again. (Does anyone keep their feet in a tackle better than this kid?) Kenty was fantastic, especially considering he has been out of the seniors for so long. That fuzzy headed freak-show from Norf gets a dream run from the umpires. Some of the [censored] he was awarded should have been wrapped in Christmas paper. Never in a live game have I heard so many people booing rubbish decisions after watching the big screen replay. Umps dept should be issued a Please Explain from MFC because some of them were unfathomable. Banana shirted bastards love to awards frees right in front of the cheer squad. Horrendous display from them. Others had good games, including Jonesy, Grandpa and Bernie. This was a game where our senior players actually provided real leadership. Finally, to Goody. Well done bloke. You made some moves and they worked. Particularly Oliver to FFWD after he had been beaten for the first 3/4. One on one his skill stands out, and this move was a genuine winner. Great win Dees. Its was well worth the drive from Shepp to finally see a bad streak broken. I was at the MCG when......................................
  12. At least when the plane goes down, you will die happy,
  13. Brown dominating atm. Our lead is back to 5 points. It will come down to who wants it most. So much for my foot to the throat wish......
  14. More charity to Brown and the lead is reduced to 8. Funk they are getting some gifts.
  15. We now lead by 19 points. Foot to the throat time boys
  16. Losing every single one on one. Getting reamed by umpires. Only trail by 13 so we are still in it. Time to become a match day coach Goodwin. INSPIRE.
  17. Sickening to watch live. Gonna be a long day by the look of it. 4 goals to nothing now. We look rubbish.
  18. Majak is at the MCG and is not playing in their VFL game currently so that might be correct.
  19. At the G with my daughter and I have already heard a Norf supporter tell his friend that North should win as they only have to stop Hogan and we have nothing. Time to smash these bastards and their smug supporters. Just get it done Dees.
  20. Just get the wife to take your daughter to her party, and you can spend "quality time" with your son watching the game live on TV together. You know it makes sense. Im spending time with my daughter at the MCG (quality of said time TBA, will let you know at 5pm.)
  21. Contain your excitement guys. Wines to MFC wont happen.
  22. So we would be selling out to fund our new home? Awesome, somewhere to call home permanently is long overdue. How do we replace that income ? ( not just question for you AF )
  23. We have a long way to go financially before we can afford to jump on the Virtue-Signal train. All this will do is make us even MORE reliant on the AFL for coin. The League never does anything without expecting some sort of quid.pro-quo. Hope some of you are happy to get more Sunday arvo games, and home games against all the big clubs like GWS and Freo..All without us getting all whiny and making a fuss. Cant risk our head office funding and all that. We cant expect any free favors from AFL house for being nice corporate citizens. There had better be something in the pipeworks or this is a stupid idea.
  24. As long as we beat North As long as we beat North As long as we beat North As long as we beat North As long as we beat North As long as we beat North As long as we beat North
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