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Everything posted by ding

  1. We gave up pick 6 and handed a 27 year old a 5 year contract on big coin. If that is not paying dearly, i have a nice bridge in Sydney to sell you Im not saying i think he was a bad pickup ( i like having him in the team as long as he gets rid of the brain fade/suspensions), but we certainly didnt get a bargain. Lever trade however.................
  2. No, i wouldnt want to play at Gold Coast, but we arent comparing us v GCS are we...? The clear point i was making was the contrast in positions between what we have to sell as far as facilities go, V what the Bombers have. Any comparison is heavily stacked in their favor. We landed both Lever and May largely because of the size and length of contracts, which is the other point i was making. We paid dearly for both. They certainly didnt come here out of the kindness of their hearts. If we get Langdon it will most likely be because we offered more than the other suitors did.
  3. Im a fan of Nibbler as my sig suggests, but i am positive his re-signing wont be much of a blow-cushioning if one of our better players leave.
  4. Hey even better, how about this... Jamie "Herb" Elliot... .Herb = Basil... Yeah? Tell me im right....
  5. If he is being shopped around, or if he is exploring his options ( I don't think there is much of a difference either way), i would hope we are looking at a ready-made player as his replacement. If we get something second round in a trade thats another mid-to-high twenties pick for a raw 18 year-old, or a proven player in their mid-late 20's. Speculate on the draft, or trade for a known quantity to fill a need immediately. I would like Frosty to stay, and think he is under-rated on 'Land, but if he does decide to go, im not at all excited about the prospect of a kid in the mid-to-late second draft round being his replacement. Strangely (or not) im suddenly much more interested in the remainder of our year than i have been at any time since the bye. Groundhog day..................... What a great movie. P.S. is it just me, or is it nice to see the company man @Wiseblood so active recently? P.P.S. @Ethan Tremblay thinks everyones nickname is "Basil", so just put him on ignore until after the trade period.
  6. Our clock got stuck in Y2K and hasnt recovered.
  7. Create some fake accounts and harvest all the likes you want (I have 6.... Free Proxy List - Just Checked Proxy List....... /jks
  8. He tours Essendon and sees magnificent home that they have to themselves... Two full size ovals and great rehab facilities. Tours Melbourne and sees Storm players in the Gym and Soccer being played outside... Takes a 10 minute walk to our totally misshapen training oval, while probably dodging the dog faeces on it. MFC sells them its great coaching team of..... um....ummmm............ " Hey Mr Langdon, you can also see the "G" from here matey... LOOK OVER THERE, thats the top of light tower 4". We have no more hope to sell him than the Bombers, and our so-called home is a bit of a joke compared to theirs. All comes down to the contract, both in money and length. If we can only offer the same then MFC will miss out IMO.
  9. I thought that was his Chinese cousin, Wang ?
  10. Yeah i bet the Giraffe turns out to be a spud..........................
  11. Geez i hate it when people say they have a source but refuse to pass on any information. You should have just kept to yourself that you are keeping something to yourself. Or did you? Im confused........................................
  12. Sounds like a few of generation "me" is showing its feelings of entitlement at the club. OK, so you arent getting enough midfield time.... ask yourself why.... it may just be you havent earned it. Im not a fan of the coach, but in the end the players should NOT be calling the shots. They havent earned the bloody right.
  13. Got the following message from a Port connected person back on August 29th when i was asking about some of their expected player movements. reckon Karl might stay but Sammy go... No mention of possible clubs, but he should certainly be in the mix as he is just what we need.
  14. I KNEW IT !!!!! As good as gone if you ask me.
  15. Patton?? His knees are shot. Let the Hawks deal with his broken body. If this season taught us anything, its that we need players who can stay on the park
  16. Wow, label those who agree as intellectual, and dismiss the cynics as non-thinkers. Very typical of people who i have met before who promote this sort of thing. Its patently dishonest, and nothing more than an easy out. I have been happy to discuss at an "intellectual level", but very few of my questions have been answered. Thats ok, i dont need positive reinforcement to own my ideas. Carry on.
  17. Some real self-congratulatory back-slapping going on in this thread. Mission statements are being sold as a statement of fact in that they cant be at fault. If your company goes well, it means everyone followed the Mission Statement. Naturally, after a huge investment in Words, those involved will want to justify the investment. If it didnt, then its obviously because your people are incompetent and havent followed the plan...... Because we cant have the whole investment in Words look like a waste of money can we ? Its more likely because your Mission Statement was not the magic beans it was sold as. Besides, a Mission statement isnt the same a written set of expected behaviours. It was almost immediately conflated to make one mean/include the other. The are supposed to be a short statement of the purpose of the business (In fact most are a lie because we all know the purpose of any business is to make money first and foremost, and not a huge percentage of these statements even mention the word "Profit" because they want to seem more altruistic than their competitors.......... so they get more customers and make more profit. *Not-for-profits excluded obviously. Name me the percentage of staff who KNOW their organizations Mission Statement. If you dont know it, then your good or bad work cant possibly be attributed to it. But ofc, if your work is good, then these involved will no doubt claim credit. Show me facts.. something that can be actually proven that a Mission Statement makes a workplace better. Proof, not feelings. I maintain its unnecessary corporate nonsense.
  18. I think its time to add a "Comedy" board to this site, if only to give threads like these a safe space.
  19. So we seem to be going all out to recruit some decent wingmen to fill an obvious void. Watch us pay overs and begin celebrating, ................................. Then the AFL does another 6-6-6 and abolishes the wing position to "Enhance the spectacle" *MFCSS talking.
  20. I saw him at the Shepp game and have a photo of the contest when he did his shoulder. Looked really hungry for the ball before he got injured and i said to myself "Now THIS is the Jeffy we need this year". [censored] !! Shame for the bloke that he got injured and didnt return to his best for that and other reasons. ( *I have no idea what they were) At his best he was a huge asset. Seemed like a genuinely nice fella off the field too. I would love a night at he pub with him and Nev. All the best Jeffy, i hope life after footy is great for you.
  21. And yet i never heard Broocy "growl" out his name once.... Go figure.
  22. This is precisely the kind of word salad i was talking about. Once agreed, the working party defines the Values and Behaviours we will live by. No, this is what MANAGEMENT tells you they will live by... most employees wont ever learn the Mission statement, nor will they care.... Some will have a quick read, especially when bosses force them to... After all i assume its a significant financial investment to come up with these words, and the boss will want his people to know what they are. From there on, we live by those Values and Behaviours No sane, rational individual lives by a mission statement generated by their boss and his committee. they will live by their own personal values. If you meant to say that the business will "work" to these values you might have been closer to the mark. The "WE" is only the group who came up with the words, and their middle management. The line workers wont give a rats what you say they should stand for. Values are feelings, and as such they cant be imposed on someone against their will. Those who don't conform are counselled and given another chance. A second offence says they're not our type... and they're gone. And here is the nub. People, when threatened with punishment will practically always say whatever the boss wants to hear in order to keep it. This threat is usually handed out most eagerly by the same [censored]-kissing middle managers who are trying to climb the ladder over whatever metaphorical corpse they need to walk on. You can change a behaviour with threats, but you cant change what a person thinks. What percentage of existing staff can recite their employers mission statement? If it was more than single digits in a large company, i would be staggered. Now i get that you will defend your own profession. I would expect nothing less, and im sure you earn a nice quid from it. I just dont agree that an individual wants or needs to be told what their "Mission" is. They mostly just want to put food on the table and get the kids through school. Mostly, they are paragraphs hung up on the wall near the entrance, which people will only read when they are waiting for something else. I dont mean this a personal attack, as you may be the nicest person in the world, but i have strong views of my own on what the ultimate value of a forced "Mission" has. I also dont believe any organization needs one to be a success. Regards.
  23. Whilst SIMULTANEOUSLY lowering pie prices !!! IS THERE NOTHING HE CANT DO ????
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