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Everything posted by Cards13

  1. My fiance is really 'excited' about the upcoming season and is interested to know who will get the "MORRRTTTOONNN you spud" call at the game/TV....
  2. I know mate but the article i quoted from was an Aussie article too. Soft padded helmet does bugger by the looks of things, big heavy ridgid ones the same.
  3. I was of the same opinion that they must help, now they do for cuts, abrasions and some fractures but not much for actual concussions apparently. But it also states head related trauma is a minimal issue within the overall football injury spectrum.
  4. Another one: "One of the doctors said to me headgear actually increases the weight of your head, and therefore increases the rotational force of your head and can make the concussion worse. http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2012/08/16/3569488.htm Research from the USA where they wear big hard helmets shows they may make concussion worse because of the rotational forces that cause the concussion.
  5. Here is an article I found in a one search. http://www.australasianscience.com.au/article/issue-october-2012/helmets-wont-cure-footballs-concussion-headache.html
  6. Some of the articles I have read basically state they do very little as the main concussion related brain injury occurs due to the brain hitting the inside of the skull. You can't protect the brain with a padded outer helmet very well. I will stand corrected by more learned folk in this area.
  7. Brain injuries can't really be classified by 1 or 2 only, if it is a big hit to the brain then damage can occur and you may not recover. Concussions as have been discussed are a huge problem for contact sports the world over with more visibility and understanding of the long term effects on the players themselves. Hope he does recover and has no long term issues to his noodle, and as I said he can work on some kicking while away from contact drills
  8. I saw the title of the thread and thought... to work on his kicking.
  9. No updates on the action the UCI is going to take to clean up its sport. What a sham organisation. Just read Tyler Hamilton's book. The doping is so far beyond Armstrong but because he was just such a mega [censored] who was able to sustain the cheating for so long, win so often and gain so much wealth and destroy so many on the way he is the lightning rod. They all did it and had to do it to compete at that level. Amazing what cyclist pit themselves through most if them earning fark all and getting nothing out of it. The UCI is a disgrace. Ps at one point after he retired Armstrong was going to buy the Tour de France from the current owners.
  10. 4. The rats in the ranks (previous MFC employee's) dibby dobbing to the AFL before the investigation and to DOA (CW) DURING the investigation and findings period. Smoke them out.
  11. Mate "old man" too, fit as I've been in ages yet can go for 1 run every 2-3 weeks because of the 'finely tuned muscles'.
  12. How do we get into games without paying the AFL?
  13. Dumbfounded!!! My desire for the AFL and by extension footy is really flagging, here is hoping seeing some actual footy may bring the flag up the pole.
  14. 2pm media conference
  15. Anyone know how Byrnes calf has pulled up? I hope he has not got the "old man's" calf curse already.
  16. Who knows maybe his day job is causing him some deep breathes.
  17. Dowager Of Armadale.... DOA..... Dead On Arrival. She shall here by be known to myself as DOA. Thanks you sir.
  18. Is that a joke, throw away comment or a directive that has been given and some ashen faces abound??
  19. ... sitting at work desk furiously refreshing Intra Club Game Demonland page..... rocking back and forth fingers crossed mumbling "no injuries, no injuries, no injuries..." New boss looking very strangely at me...
  20. Did the Hun print it?
  21. That is amazing!!
  22. Anything else to report for those who did not tune in Jose?
  23. Dawes CHB? Really? Backline suspect? I think it is the midfield, fwd line suspect which have both been bolstered.
  24. I read "Rough Ride" by Paul Kimmage recently. In the 80's and I'm sure earlier cyclists were having the "vitiam" drips... went well for them, but overall amazing what people will do to get ahead. Race fixing, bribes, uppers etc.
  25. Please provide a detailed run down of all interactions so we can be judge jury and executioner on Schwab and the club in the sponsorship space!!!
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