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Everything posted by Demonstone

  1. One of Geelong's black armbands would be for Bluey Hampshire RIP.
  2. Nice mancave dude, but do you really need a cigarette machine?
  3. What an indictment on the moderators that the stinking bag of pus that is this thread has been allowed to continue to fester for so long.
  4. Remember that Pies fan who was caught trying to scalp tickets ... just inside gate 4.
  5. This would be setting the bar low. Not for us, I'd think.
  6. I've still got the VHS from that one and the Sydney game but I'm not sure how they'd play 31 years later. 1987 was different in that the VFL and the commercial TV stations had a falling out and the ABC stepped in at the very last minute. Notice there were only two commentators and how much better that was!
  7. Thanks for posting that, it remains probably my favourite day at the footy. However, the commentators are neither Tim Lane nor Kevin Bartlett. One of them is Bobby Skilton and the other I'm not sure.
  8. Anyone that never saw the great David Schwarz in his pomp really should watch those 1994 finals, especially the one against Footscray, to see just how good "Nureyev!!" was.
  9. Let's hope he brings home the bacon.
  10. I was only just talking to my family. They seem nice.
  11. I just love Weed. So much so that Bob Marley had a t-shirt with my face on it.
  12. Get that piece of filth out of your avatar and favourite players and stop defiling our magnificent site.
  13. As long as no-one leaves the cake out in the rain. I don't think that I could take it.
  14. "Evil" may not be Jetta's middle name, but it's half of his first name.
  15. You could get infected if the wrong insect bit you ... a Hepatitis Bee for example.
  16. Sounds like Jack isn't the only precious, fragile Darling across there at The Boo Factory.
  17. I've seen worse on this forum. Some posters have managed to convince themselves that the whole competition is rigged, orchestrated by Gil at HQ and with all the umpires and coaches in on it.
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