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Everything posted by Spin-it-to-Goodwin-it

  1. What's Tangible evidence? Were not in the courts here.... Do you know that they tanked...YES or NO? If your answer is Yes, then that's evidence enough
  2. Best see my other response to you, because that addresses what you see as a difference between the two 40% verses 0% - we have a lot more integrity I see your point, and yes there was a part of me that would have liked to see us get a better draft position, but I would've only felt good about it if we were genuinely bad I never felt good about the prospect of stooping lower than Carlton, and didn't think there was that much to gain anyway - I'm glad the club saw it that way also (at least proportionately)
  3. Carlton tanking is not a conspiracy theory you dimwit
  4. Then set a penalty from this season onwards - If some guidelines are laid out now, with ample pre-warning - goodbye tanking! I also like your ‘9th place idea, there’s potential there with a little refinement
  5. Sympathetic to Carlton...are you for real? - I don't agree with you on this Rhino We all know that Carlton tanked last year (MFC were on the bad end of it - 2 games against them), and that is all the evidence you need. Marc Murphy and Andrew Walker is the only other evidence you need to know that they tanked previous years, everyone knows that. Putting a crap/ young team on the park is no excuse because that is precisely how they are achieving it, year in year out. It's easy to say that Carlton have a crap list and so therefore it is OK right now (draft penalties or not), but like Hawthorn, you wait until they mature and Carlton become an unbeatable force in years to come -you won't be saying it. They simply took what was a bad situation for them (draft penalties), and tried to turn it into an advantage by fielding a crap team. The trouble is that can only stay believable for so long. In my mind, there is no difference between rorting the system by breaching salary cap, and tanking games - Both are aimed at getting an edge on the comp, against the rules, and not in the spirit of the game. I don't know how far you should go with penalising draft picks etc., but I know that the AFL has to set a good but fair example...Carlton's actions more than deserve draft penalties in my opinion, given that they landed extra draft picks and then Judd from their dishonest actions. Whether they get penalised or not, they will get what's coming to them if they aren't already Go Dee's!
  6. Judd mentioned this on the Footy show last night, and whilst it has to be a front runner in terms of ways to deal with Tanking into the future, I can't help but feel the damage is done to some extent - as the Blues have got away with "Blue Murder" for the last four years, so of course they would be quite happy to find a solution now that they have emptied the bank clean so to speak. Notice how the solution just rolled off Juddy's tongue last night, anything to smooth over the cracks that are appearing. So yeah find a solution, but that solution may leave Carlton and Hawthorn (from earlier drafts), in an unfavourable position seeing any bottom finishers under a new draft structure won't have the same advantage as they previously did. Having said that, there is still an element of clubs having to use there picks wisely, but that's really no different to being given money and then blowing it, you can't say you didn't get it The currency the Blue's have received has set them up pretty well - Judd, Kruezer, Murphy, Walker etc. So any changing of the system now into a lottery or such would be an unfair advantage to Carlton, unless they are made accountable for their actions and penalised. In a sense, the introduction last year of the "two years in a row under 5 wins for a priority pick", has brought this to the surface even more than before they introduced this rule because clubs are now having to stoop to lower levels. The AFL must do something to sanction Carlton, and it must be enough of a deterrent for other clubs in the future The Penalty is the Key here, as oppose to changing the draft structure, as clubs will always find a way to sneak around the rules In Carlton's case, they should have learnt their lesson from the Salary Cap penalties, and on that basis, it makes it that much worse I feel that the Blues have tried to sneak one back on the AFL for those penalties (being bitter), and it's not as if they weren't warned in the last rounds of last season, by Demetriou, who said they had their eye on them . I told you it would catch up with them - and now it has
  7. What I've said is enough - you can make your mind up based on that. I've given you the thread to pull, your choice as to whether you pull it or not Sometimes people just don't want something to be so, so it's much easier to pretend the thread is not there Hopefully Robbo does go alright and kicks a few come round 1, cos I'll be coming down from the Queensland for one of my few live games for the year. Good on you for your support of the club and your uplifting remarks - both good qualities
  8. No, you see....once again people putting a twist on what I say (adding words and interpretations) I said that the evidence is there for everyone to see, that he isn't 100% focused Life has a funny way of highlighting certain things, and Robbo being cited two weeks in a row is no exception - Whether you like it or not And you would be exempt from this group Jaded? Just because something does not fit your reality or make sense to you - It's crap? Did it ever occur to you that other people see your posts as crap? Everyone has a different view on things Being experienced on Demonland gives you some sort of extra priveledge in term of commenting on the Melbournefc? Let's all bow down to the Moderators <_< I bet I've followed the Dee's for longer than you. Does that give me extra rights? That's his view, and there are plenty of people that see it otherwise. Gee I forgot....another Moderator....he must have privileges too. That's not my recollection - Robbo seemed to already have half a foot out the door, and needed persuading. Both parties needed to give in a bit There isn't and probably never will be any reliable information to reference - just what you know based on the information. It's a maze of lies - believe nothing you read or hear. Clubs are not going to give us those details, and every supporter or non supporter has every right to speculate, just like you do on here every day. (Product of there lack of honesty) There is a difference however between those who speculate with an element of accuracy, and those who don't.
  9. That's Collingwood - Nothing further needs to be said
  10. I've come up with a good philosophy on how to choose a CEO Whoever has the heaviest size 12 gets it M. Conlan would have to be favourite
  11. I agree, make an example of him and send him back to Merbein or whever the F he is from So he can go and eat pies, drink beer and ponder how he ever got a shot at the big time. Or trade him to Collingwood
  12. This sounds like a good explanation, or at least one that I would like to believe We need someone with a bit of rep to go in and fight for us - Good on you Mac Tell them they are a bunch of [censored] Wits while you are at it please
  13. I'm with you on this one Jacka - The evidence is there for everyone to see (2 citings in 2 weeks) He doesn't have his mind 100% focused on footy, and it is showing Nothing against players having a life outside of football, but as I said - there is more to this than meets the eye, and I feel it's contract related
  14. WTF is he doing there? Taking bribe money already <_< I can't stand the AFL, they are there own biggest problem Having to get approval from the AFL - What crap! Don't worry about the state of our club, because the whole game is screwed
  15. That's until he puts in a shocker on stage - It's a double edge sword
  16. Thanks for that, I don't know what inspired your answer two months after my question - but it was worth the look anyway, despite having now seen him play in our NAB Cup game at Geelong Eastie Boyz??...any reference to the eastern suburbs? Perhaps you are actually Zomer himself If that's the case, go well and I look forward to seeing you get a game at the "G"
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