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Everything posted by JTR

  1. In addition to this there is also a fair chance both the Bombers (v Tigers) and GWS (v Eagles in Perth) lose next week, so if we beat the Dogs that'll create a nice gap between us and ALL of our closest competitors.
  2. Do you mean one dimensional? Cause if not, he's barely missed a game since coming back from his concussion issues.
  3. I hope Viney coming in for Hannan sees him spending more time forward and Brayshaw stays in the middle, rather than the other way around.
  4. I hope we are all back here post game questioning why he hasn't been played before now, as we did with Weid. C'mon Preuss!
  5. Given Grundy is in dire need of a rest, would they give it to him this week, knowing our #1 & #2 options aren't playing?
  6. Pretty risky by the filth, resting Moore & Reid when they are already missing Howe, DeGoey, Treloar, Pendlebury, Elliott & Hoskin Elliott. If Adelaide can get up tonight, and we can take the filth down on Saturday, we'll be in the 8 on Saturday night. C'mon Crows!!
  7. It's all between the ears for Weids. Almost a given that if he misses one early, he'll miss more. Hopefully that late one will help him get the confidence back cause he's killing it everywhere else.
  8. If you are so inclined, you can view the umpire appointments for current or previous rounds here: https://aflua.com.au/umpire-appointments/ #31 was the worst of the three in our game last week. Hopefully he has received a bit of 'feedback' re his performance
  9. With Viney out now is a good opportunity for Harmes to remind them that the 2018 version is far superior and more valuable to the team than whatever they've been doing with him since. We are not a top of the table side that has the luxury of being able to take players away from their best position to experiment with them elsewhere.
  10. I briefly popped into a Norf board and they were all calling for Goldstein to have a rest. Maybe they'll take the opportunity now
  11. Just on the Quaynor incident, it's amazing how much damage was done for what looked like fairly innocuous contact. A scratch with a bit of blood I'd have understood, but this was a deep gash like he'd been slashed with a wood splitter
  12. This happens every season without fail. "Nothing to see here" when a name player does something wrong, then when the media outrage is sufficient they wait for an ANB type to infringe and make an example of him.
  13. Are you basing this off what Max said in post game, or has this been said elsewhere?
  14. Which is where he belongs. Hope this finally convinces them he aint a wingman.
  15. They brought in ready made players in Ryder, Howard, Hill, Jones & Butler over the off-season, all of whom had an instant impact and have played a big part in getting them to where they are now. That's not tactical nous.
  16. "Not everyone has to agree with your opinion" is something I see you say a lot around here Saty... And yet here you are are again trying to get everyone to conform to your views on how everything is going. If you don't like like what you are reading, then may I suggest you follow your own advise and take your sanctimonious dribble elsewhere?
  17. Was it really though? I get the whole "still putting his body on the line when the game was already over" thing, but who kept their feet and came away with the ball after the collision? Salem. Gray was down on the ground winded.
  18. On Harmes - I think he's been ruined by not playing him to his strengths and instead trying to turn him into something he isn't. Pre 2018 he was just another plodder who I'm sure many wouldnt have minded trading/delisting. 2018 he reinvents himself as a lockdown mid who still got plenty of his own ball. Second half of the season in particular he took many impressive scalps. 2019 was 2019.... 2020 off season we then try and turn him into a rebounding defender. He's then given about a game and a half before we abandon that plan and throw him back in the middle, minus the lock down role which was the part he was actually good at.
  19. Putting that incident aside, I think ANY defensive unit would have struggled tonight, given the speed and ease at which the ball was coming in. A wet paper bag would probably have been more effective at slowing them down.
  20. Only positive I can come up with is that I got some good stats from Boak & Wines in my Ultimate Footy side....
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