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Everything posted by Wodjathefirst

  1. Go Sainters. Deestroy the Swannies next weekend ….pleeeease!
  2. I am beginning to think that some people just love living a life of eternal misery. Each to their own, but wow!
  3. TMac, TMac, TMac. Obviously not yet but would be rapt if he became a realistic option (as opposed to a desperate option) to consider in a few weeks. Fingers crossed.
  4. That’s pretty much exactly what I just texted to a mate of mine. And being reasonably minded, I don’t want to see any life threatening injuries, broken bones and muscles torn from limbs would be fine by me. GO DEES!
  5. This has also been and no doubt will continue to do my head in the coming weeks. To cope my strategy is fairly simple. Play whoever, play wherever, just bloody win. GO DEES
  6. I was there and that feels about right. It felt to me that at best it was a 50 50 split but they sounded a bit louder. Maybe it’s just the acoustics where I sit (Warne stand level 2A next to the AFL members .
  7. I can certainly can stand being corrected here. I think the crowd was about even but unfortunately they were a bit louder than us
  8. I was gearing myself up to read more of the negative crap on DL this morning….. what a pleasure it was to come across this thread GO DEES!!!
  9. …. and how many didn’t go to the game because they thought that it might rain 🌧
  10. Reading through the posts, it seems some demonlanders are almost willing the boys on to lose and not win another premiership so they can be proven right! If that is the case, that is quite sad. I’m not sure what joy you get out of following the Dees. I’m having the best time of my life following the boys (…and most nerrrrvous time at times) and I wouldn’t have it any other way. GO DEES!
  11. ‘And the Blues fans hearts break all around the country’ - commentary after Kozzie’s goal…. almost brings a tear to my eye 😅
  12. ‘Windy’. You can download a free version which is more than adequate. I honestly forget what features are enhanced / unlocked when you pay for a subscription. Fingers crossed it is accurate tonight! One forecast mode says a bit of weather (0.2ml 5pm ish and the other says it will occur 7pm. Either way should be fairly dry for most of the evening (showers at the moment slightly north of us moving slowly west!)🤞
  13. I know I’m banging on about it but BOM says chance of showers all day. What a load of crap.(Just like it did for last Friday’s game - which didn’t rain one bit during the game) (The app I look at shows a number of forecasts, one says a shower around 5pm, the other at 7pm) At worst there may be a shower…….so all of us that can, turn up and be loud and proud. FFS, it would be nice to outnumber the opposition supporters at our last home game for the year. Is that too much to hope for?
  14. Nah, all good- fifth time lucky! It will be a smashing…… I hope
  15. I’ve been told that I look like a Feral supporter so I think you can guess what I will be doing To boo or not to boo. I just hope heaps turn up tomorrow night - is it too much to think (hope) that at the very least, we will outnumber the opposition at our last home game- and make more noise? I keep saying, we owe it to our boys. GO DEES
  16. Just want our boys on the field to turn up and not just beat them but deestroy them. Just want our supporters to turn up in droves and give them hell
  17. For what it is worth. Last week I presume a lot of people kept away from the footy because of the rain that was forecast. It didn’t rain at all during the game. BOM in its hourly projections said it was going to rain (The icon symbols can be misinterpreted and therefore be misleading- the way I read it, if there is even a small chance of showers it will show up a ‘rain icon’ , if that makes sense). The app I used (Windy) draws on BOM data but interprets it differently- in my mind more realistically! It said the showers would be gone by 7pm and that is what happened. Right now BOM says it should be raining where I live- and it isn’t and it hasn’t been! It indicates (the hourly forecast) for Richmond for showers right now , all day and through to tomorrow night and through to Sunday!. My guess is that this is unlikely, sure there will be some showers but not all the time (therefore is somewhat misleading). My app says there will be some showers this arvo and more importantly showers tomorrow from about 4 to 7pm and then dry. Obviously the forecast will change between now and then. Why the long dribble you may ask? In short , BIG game tomorrow night, we need to OUTNUMBER Carlton supporters and show LOUD support for our boys. Surely the Cripps decision is incentive to turn up. I would urge you to spur some of your fair weathered friends to turn up. And if there happens to be some showers tomorrow night, keep in mind it is only falling water. Also, keep in mind that no matter how loud you barrack at home, the boys can’t hear you. As always, not having a go at the elderly, Covid concerned, distance issued supporters. One last thing. For those of us that turn up tomorrow night, just remember that you are not going to the opera, you are going to the footy- make some bloody noise!
  18. I have to admit, this is true ….. but every now and then it is good to be angry. Can’t wait until tomorrow night
  19. We would have lost on a AFL technically, that being ‘is he high profile player?’
  20. Professional effin entertainment, that’s all it really is. Money talks.
  21. If this doesn’t rally our supporters to turn up Saturday night I don’t know what will. We need to outnumber their fans and back the boys into smashing them. Will I be booing Cripps every time he gets near the ball? [censored] yeah!
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