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Everything posted by old55

  1. We made 12 changes to the list of 44, that's pretty substantial. If we only made 4 and retained Jetta then I could see a case, but we've got a lot of new blood.
  2. Assuming Roos is coach, I'm in favour of sticking with Watts. Roos' impact is going to be cultural and psychological, I think game-style will flow from these. I'd like to see Roos work with Watts on his deficiencies. If Roos was still coach of Sydney and Watts was looking for a trade there everyone would be saying "well that's an environment where he can finally realise his potential".
  3. Toumpas vs Wines is in the rear vision mirror. It may have some influence on Aish vs Dunstan vs Sheed etc
  4. Selwood is a class above Jones as a player but the difference is not reflected in the win-loss difference. If Selwood had come to MFC he would have experienced a similar loss rate and if Jones had gone to Geelong he would have experienced a similar win rate.
  5. I feel for Nathan 36 wins + 3 draws + 101 losses = 140 games http://stats.rleague.com/afl/stats/players/N/Nathan_Jones.html Joel Selwood 116 wins + 0 draws + 24 losses = 140 games http://stats.rleague.com/afl/stats/players/J/Joel_Selwood.html
  6. We can help GC here (and they can help us elsewhere). GC need to set a precedent that they won't be held over a barrel by players wanting to return home. They should tell Caddy they'll force him into the draft if he doesn't help them get a suitable deal and we should tell him that we'll pick him with ND13 or PSD3 whether he likes it or not. That'll force him to find a decent deal for GC.
  7. I'm saying Martin for Caddy straight swap, not pick 13 + Martin.
  8. Martin is surplus IMO. He's hopeless forward. Jamar is #1 ruck and Spencer is his depth. Clark is forward-ruck and that's why we need to solve the extra key forward problem. There's no way Jamar, Martin, Clark and another key forward are all in the 21. Fitz is ahead of Martin forward.
  9. I'd trade Martin for Caddy.
  10. Morton was pretty good and gets involved. He made some creative play in heavy traffic and he also made some skill errors. In this instance he broke a team rule, that's more important than the associated skill error.
  11. Tim Lane still the best. Brian Taylor - so, so bad.
  12. 2 great lotharios comparing notes ... "yep her too and her 5 daughters"
  13. It's impossible to top that pic with the great WC Redleg - that's truly gold!
  14. Did he offer you a cameo in his upcoming movie?
  15. Might see you there over the weekend - depends on available time.
  16. If Kennett wasn't leaving I reckon we'd have a show with Clarkson. Kennett: "I'm not aware of any offer, but I would be very surprised if all of those clubs looking for new coaches would approach Alastair," Kennett said last night. "Because next year there will be only two premiership coaches remaining in the competition - John Worsfold and Alastair - with Mick Malthouse being replaced." Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/the-clarkson-five-20110818-1j0b2.html#ixzz1VROkhaNT I guess that means Geelong can't win it this year (likely Qualifying final Geelong v Hawthorn) I bet Clarko loves this sort of thing. And what about Sheedy - he'll be 4x Premiership coach next year, with Williams a premiership coach doing the real coaching. Is there anyone more ignorant about football in such a position? Anyway, if nothing else, the Clarko offer telegraphs to MM our intentions.
  17. some interesting business strategy on the board this week - lie to key stakeholders - make key decisions on "gut feel"
  18. The process metric might be "currect premiership coach" - that means there's 3 candidates Malthouse, Clarkson and Worsfold.
  19. Fantasyland: Judd, Pendlebury, Mitchell, Goddard Realityland: S.Thompson, Kelly, Sewell, K.Cornes
  20. About to be lapped again - just trying to do what I can.
  21. Khumbu ice field - often causes problems and can claim a victim or two.
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