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Everything posted by Chook

  1. A merger between the Melbourne Demons and the Western Bulldogs in which both teams' lists are combined would make for a pretty good side. Of course the obvious name for such a team would be the Melbourne.......Demons. The jumper would look a little like this:
  2. The best thing about being anonymous is that no-one can call you on your bullshite.
  3. In fifty years, I'll still have forty years left.
  4. The moment people start dying in the name of the AFL, then I'll join your side. Until then, why not let 'em discover how great our game is?
  5. How committed do you really have to be to not go out and get [censored] on a Saturday night? People have been doing it for hundreds of thousands of years.
  6. What internet browser do you use? http://safariaddons.com/en-US/safari/addon/130 should work for Safari https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/download-youtube/ should work for Firefox http://www.chromeextensions.org/music-videos-photos/youtube-downloader/#.Us_fUceqphE should work for Google Chrome.
  7. I've come to accept it as just one of the noises of the game, along with the sound of the ball hitting the players' racquets and the screeching of shoe-on-court.
  8. Decimate actually refers to destroying precisely one-tenth of something, so as long as he's getting it wrong he might as well get it really wrong.
  9. Kudos if you read all that. I certainly couldn't bring myself to do it.
  10. Perhaps that's the kind of scarring they have--they BELIEVE they're not AFL standard, when in fact they are. Also, here's the link to the Herald Sun article: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/new-demon-daniel-cross-tells-of-pain-of-leaving-western-bulldogs-excited-by-new-challenge/story-fni5f91a-1226776074295 One quote from Matty Boyd Daniel Cross brought up some dark flashbacks though: "Roosy's really big on being hard around the footy and hard to play against."
  11. Beginning this year, I did one minute of meditation on January 1, two minutes on January 2, and so on all the way up until I got to an hour and a half every day. That was my goal, and I found that it didn't particularly help me all that much. I feel like I'm fairly level-headed anyway, so perhaps the scope for improvement wasn't that large. I suggest you try it out in the manner I did, and stop (or not) when you feel like you know one way or the other whether it works for you. The time investment of doing it that way isn't very large, but you still get into a progressively more significant routine every day.
  12. While I agree with you generally, I'd like to know what you think of PhDs in subjects like Theology.
  13. If you really knew the meaning of the phrase, you wouldn't care that he messed it up.
  14. I'm just annoyed at his tuckshop arms. Can't something be done about that?
  15. Wow. Talk about an off-the-ball incident.
  16. And Genetics, diet, behaviour and environment don't?
  17. I thought he was playing great up until he got suspended midyear. After his suspension, he couldn't get a look-in for weeks and when he finally came bake he looked terrible. It was a real shame, but I'm glad he has been given another shot.
  18. I'm going to be honest here. This site is significantly less fun without the like button. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I like the point-scoring it encourages. I wish all of life we like that. It would be nice.
  19. Unless he also applies for the one at AFL house that determines what constitutes a clash, I'm afraid he'd be sh*t out of luck.
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