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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Massive selling point that one. "Hey Kane, we don't think you are very good but selecting you was the only way we could keep Chris Bryan off the list." "Now go introduce yourself to Brad Gotch - you're going to be seeing a lot of him. Hahahahaha!!!" They probably could have left off the evil laugh at the end but AFL is an emotional game and it adds drama...and flavour.
  2. Your posts constantly contain illogical and erroneous things. The only possible reason is you. No other logical reason why your posts contain such tripe.
  3. Effing hope his height isn't 190cm to 193cm... It's a shortcut to Crapsville apparently...
  4. Kids... Besides, if I wasn't here this place would fall in on itself. And Freak is posting too often for me to leave. He's not letting me live, why won't he let me live! And QueenC, is that a BtVS reference? If it is - kudos. If it isn't - then I didn't ask that question.
  5. I think we go overboard with the analysis. LB thought he was undervalued for various reasons, he wanted to go. BM thought the same, and is gone. Rischitelli thinks the same, and is punching a effigy of Voss as we speak. Money plays a part. Wow, there is a epiphany. Who doesn't care about money? Opportunity is another aspect. Everyone wants to play on their own terms. D!ckhead player agents have been around since pro-sports started. In conclusion, sh!t happens.
  6. Or 'Sh!t players that posters bring up and deserve every insult they get' thread.
  7. This, folks, is how you get to over 6000 posts in 16 months... Thanks for your input, High Tower! (He's very special, and we all need to be extra nice.)
  8. They can only take one. So calm down and chillax as the kids say these days. Really, chillax? Combining two words that mean the same thing? That's cool? Every genaration has their losers, this one has plenty of them. No offence kids.
  9. You rest your case?! I'm sorry, I thought that was a figure of speech... Case Closed. If I hear objection and sustained one more time I am just going to scream! Objection. Sustained. Aaaarrrrggghhh!!
  10. One more to go to open up Pick 34 (as well as 1, 2, 11, 18, and PSD1) and it will probably be Batram.
  11. Yeah, Jack Grimes and his Fundamental Flaw... Just don't tell 45HG16... Loves the guy. Sh!thouse kick and everything.
  12. I'm sorry, but you're better than that. That is the kind of thing Mark Robinson would blubber on SEN through his cheek fat. Just a really lame ironic statement that is as old as it is pointless.
  13. Penny for the smart lady. Where's that from? It's a tough one. Niche.
  14. Yeah, we should make a moral stand - "if LB won't come, then the alternative 'Joel McDonald' - if that is his real name - is so crap we are going to PASS on our PSD pick and go into the season a player short." That'll learn him for being such a rubbish player...
  15. I'm just playing with you. Most people have done the right thing, I'm just in a strange mood of late. Might be diet, might be stress, I really can't say. Not a doctor. Wanted to be one, but that ship has sailed and its too late to do anything about it now... Anyway to answer your question - yes, I need to eat more vegetables. OK, having fun with you again. I thought my humour in this thread was more self deprecating - calling myself a d!ckhead and all - if it has not been received that way I will retool in the future. Endeavours!!
  16. Damn straight!! Chris effing Bryan!!
  17. Valenti is a rookie and if Buckley goes, in all likelihood, Batram will be gone aswell. Only Batram, Buckley, Cheney, and McNamara are OOC. To bring Pick 18 and 34 into play we need to move on two of those players.
  18. If Batram has gone, there is Pick 18 open. For 34 to be open one of Cheney, McNamara, and Buckley has to go. Dylan Grimes for Buckley? I don't know these kids but that is the decision the club will be making very soon.
  19. Enough of this fussing and feuding. We are going to get both. Can't we just say that we have been kissed on the dick and leave it at that?
  20. I'd donate my hamstrings... But that ain't gonna help him. Good luck in 2010 because 09 was a write-off.
  21. You don't see too many 4th bumps on threads... Interesting. Oh, who is more valuable? Couldn't care less, couldn't give a sh!t.
  22. Still would voted YES and NO. Yeah, d!ckhead. What of it?
  23. I don't think he said that at all. I think you're a liar. And, for the last time, I don't care how much you like Justin Timberlake, it is just not feasible to pick him up at Number 2 in the draft. 18 maybe. 34 of course. Kids got moves...
  24. I voted YES and NO. Why? Because the person running the poll isn't up on how to make a poll, and I'm a d!ckhead.
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