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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. I can't see him agreeing. Deal far from done.
  2. Really? This has been mentioned a few times: He is contracted till the end of 2011.
  3. Yes, it is funny. My best stuff isn't sarcastic anyway. So I'm good, thanks. Ironically arrogant? Huh? Does that mean you think I am actually very modest? Cause and effect, people. You post nonsense, you get chastened. If you don't wish to be judged - get a blog and disable the comments. Then you can write all the crap that you feel like, and no-one will hurt you with mean words.
  4. Sweet! Pick 9? Way to go Harrington! Harrington! You've done it again. Everything is coming up Melbourne...
  5. If true, that is a shame... And not going to happen. Campbell won't agree to it.
  6. An elite endurance ruckman, he could blow up opposing rucks with sheer run but injuries are a curse not easily lifted from this fella. Good luck to him in a very important 2010.
  7. Pick 17 is what they will get. Because some bastard of a side has got the first two effing picks... Two shiny new toys.
  8. But he is using a report off SEN - the origin of all BS. Back when BS was first formed people wondered who would perfect the notion of bringing together a fascinating topic and a grand fable to convince people of beautiful lies in a insidious plan to waste the time of people who would waste it anyway... Then came along the Sports Entertainment Network on the AM dial...
  9. You know what the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was? Convincing people to post what they hear on SEN.
  10. High or low draft pick without elaborating... I know, I'm cruel.
  11. 1998 Google it. Or call up Name-A-Game and put up with the inevitable "You want video footage of who?! This is a joke right? Did Larry from Accounts put you up to this? He is incorrigible!" Just having a little fun with you. Couldn't help it. I'm sick.
  12. There you go, Nasher. Who are these people? Paul Stewart?
  13. What do we need? Star players. Listing a plethora of mids and then insinuating that that area is fine is misguided. Aaron Davey is our only star. Morton, Scully, and Trengove, with some application, will become star performers. I have high hopes for Maric, Blease, and Petterd. Best. Available. This is the week for worrying about 'needs.'
  14. If he wants to be on the list beyond 2011, he will play FP. If he wants to win a flag, he will play FP. We have got Moloney, Davey, and Sylvia as leaders in the guts. Bruce and Junior are destined for the backline and Green the forward line. Time for our kids to get exposure.
  15. Get the players to live in the middle. Brighton. Oh, wait a second... Most of them are already there. Moving on.
  16. Posting in this thread makes me feel dirty...
  17. Newton cannot. It's leadership by example. Bate isn't a leader of men. Miller is (when his confidence is up). I'm talking forward tall prospects here, they require a different body shape a large upper body, a strong core, and enormous amount of run in the legs. They need to do more gym work than the mids (except Beamer) and have about the same running capacity. Riewoldt gut runs as well as Cousins in his prime. I want Watts to train as hard as Miller does, and do as much work in the gym as him. His influence can only be a positive in that regard. Leadership is important, in the summer even moreso. I still remember having a few chats with the those at the club and they said the midfielders that worked with Woewodin would put in more effort because they saw the work that Shane did in the gym and on the track.
  18. J Rowling can say what she likes about Raines. She's an effing millionaire... BTW, if he said that and he meant that the way it sounds, he is still going to coach him - Rawlings is an assistant at BL next year.
  19. I have said this before and I will say it again. If Jack Watts gleans from Brad Miller how to get the best out of himself and his body in the gym and in the track his pay packet would have been well spent. However, anyone thinking he is apart of our flag tilt are hoping for things he cannot deliver. You're asking too much of him.
  20. At least Sheahan can write properly - with proper grammar and with some eloquence. Mark Robinson's ignorance is evident when he talks, writes, blubbers, or whatever other useless thing he has conned some Editor on Producer to pay him for. He is a waste of breathable air and a pox on our otherwise fine society. And if I were to have him killed, I would be the one to go to jail! You got that reference aswell, I know you did.
  21. If I was a better footy player, had better hamstrings, and could kick straighter, I too could be a 60-goal forward. He is what he is, and he ain't a 60-goal forward. Besides, in 2 years time the forward line will be dominated by Watts, Jurrah, Bate, and Sylvia. If Miller kicks 60 goals in any given year - all those guys are injured, our midfield is killing it, and we are all living in Bizarro world.
  22. You a fan of Robbo or Rookie List Pick 49?
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