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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Good player is Clearly. 1, 2, 11, 18 , 34, and PSD1 requires another 2 deletions with Spencer and Co. staying on the RL if they wish to stay. As RR said - Buckley, Batram, Cheney, and McNamara are OOC. Pick 2 or possibly 1 if you wish to keep over Pick 34. For me, it would be Batram and Buckley, or just Batram.
  2. Love to see the bloke at the club. Great leader. I guess it will reopen the old chestnut "Can we play with Moloney, Jones, and Brock/Ball?" Doesn't worry me for one reason, and it is a very selective idea - Ball is an in-and-under clearance player, and Brock is not(Ball had 6+ clearance in 7 occasions out of 17 during the regular season). McLean was a Lenny Hayes style accumulator of possessions. I would prefer to have Beamer as the 80m player he used to be - get the handball receive, run 25m and kick it 55m. We'll see...
  3. Forget the Powerpoint. Tell Luke Ball to go over to Moloney's place and watch this on his computer. That'll do mfcnow, that'll do.
  4. Hey! It was Marge's suggestion...
  5. It's disgusting...shocking...unholy...just awful... People on here read Vex News?! Utterly revolting... This is a delicate issue. No comment.
  6. Don't engage. Just look blankly, and sidle on by.
  7. If this was last year we would not be able to take Watts or Blease. Game. Set. Match. Wooohoooo. Chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga. "Is this a robbery?" ------ "It's a science experiment."
  8. You, of all people? Jeez... A third of the kids normally eligible are not eligible. That equals a thin draft. RR has come aboard the train to reason, time for the rest of you to... Read. My. Signature.
  9. By silly people do you mean silly person, and by silly person do you mean Freak? No offence to the very insightful poster The Oracle, but Freak is The Bizarro Oracle. Everything he says will come to pass...backwards...or reversed...upside-down...inside-out... You know where I'm going with this. ...back-to-front...in Aramic...in Da Vinci's secret code...in Wingdings...
  10. Nah. It's a forum. Say what you like...
  11. This is wasted internet. This could be porn, FCS!
  12. rpfc


    Great bloke, better coach.
  13. We have got people ringing other clubs about nothing trades?! People have a go at me for being patronising but... Patronising remark.
  14. One of the best in the comp as the loose man. But fans thinking he can hold down FB or CHB are kidding themselves.
  15. He is a good mid, how many of those do we have? Lynden Dunn, Clint Batram, Rohan Bail, Simon Buckley, Daniel Bell, and all those kids being on our list doesn't mean we have a midfield that can do without the services of Luke Ball.
  16. Hey, Freak is an exulted figure in the theatre of being wrong and naive... But, yes, DD made little sense. That's the problem with YouTube - makes everyone a recruiter.
  17. This smacks of desperation to me. But it's the time for that I guess - their window is ajar and they need to win before Riewoldt's knees slam it shut. Peake is depth, waste of money. Lovett is gold, if you can tame him. But if you can't, he's fool's gold.
  18. You're not allowed to use sarcasm... Landers don't like it. BTW, they are not project players. They are born footballers. Martin is a project because he has a bball background, I have no idea about Daw but LJ and Wonna are nothing like Martin.
  19. We are inquiring about Everitt and Burgoyne. The PSD may get us a decent pro. It is a shallow draft for the reasons my sig point out, but Pick 11 is still "pick 16" in a normal year, Pick 18 is still "pick 27" so there is still talent available. 18 might be thrown around in the last few days but it will still get a decent player in Nov.
  20. Jamar is a required player but any more injuries and he is in trouble. So 1 year is probably best for both. Miller is on the periphery, no doubt about it. But if we got rid of every player that didn't have a future in the one year, who would we move on the following year? Still hopeful Bell or PJ can be traded out, but these re-signings are OK.
  21. Now THAT is a better blue. Take notes Dees. Good work Land people.
  22. Moving on to an interstate club. His family is here and loves being where he is. Would take a lot of convincing. Deal far from done.
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