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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. If Newton is playing AFL, he is getting development that another player should be. That player being the one honoured in your avatar and incorporated into your username. Watts kicking 10 goals in 15 games next year is worth more to our future than Newton kicking 30 goals from 15 games. So I will ask the inevitable question; why do you want us to fail and why do you hate your country? OK, that was an unfair question, possibly. But I stand by my desire to put games into the right players next year, even if it means fewer wins.
  2. The only way we could do that is if we gave Petterd a big chat-up and told him we wanted him to wear 5 or 9. Possible, but I wouldn't put the proverbial on the line.
  3. I'll put the indicator on... Because this thread is about to MERGE...
  4. There is little doubt that Bailey lost his cool. There is also little doubt that Chris Johnson disrespected the football club with his actions. Johnson reaped the consequences of his actions and I have no problem with it.
  5. rpfc

    james strauss

    Phew!! I was worried about Maric... But he is going to be an effing star.
  6. I assume you are referring to the life affirming (for me) instance where Chris Johnson was publicly berated for turning up to training in his Demons gear when the decision that he wanted to go had been made and DB and CC were informed through his Manager? I suggest that when you have made the difficult decision to leave, you tell those in charge yourself & in a timely fashion and not intimate business as usual as a representative delivers the news of your imminent departure to those in charge while you are intimating business as usual.
  7. As Melbourne supporters we must never overlook the flaws of our younger players, especially if those players are overhyped. In fact, we should overhype the flaws of said player and convince ourselves that he cannot play, so as to allay ourselves of any future disappointment garnered from hopes that are not met. Remember, no-one is as happy to see hopes fade as the person who predicted the fading.
  8. A fantastic star wingman of the AFL. Get the ball in his hands and he will do damage kicking inside 50. Also a fine leader, who will give Brent Moloney a run for his money (all things staying the same) in 2011 for the Captaincy. His workrate is the key; runs himself to exhaustion.
  9. Pay it no mind friends. He will be at St Kilda or Melbourne. I don't give weight to any scenario that sees Richmond picking him up in the PSD. The ND is a miniscule chance and frought with uncertainty. I highly doubt he will go that path.
  10. What the hell was the topic? Oh, Tom Scully. Good player. Anyone else?
  11. Get a room you two! Visualising and... You're both very attractive... Moving on...
  12. That's the excuse HT used. Before the....unpleasantness... Now, we all have to pitch in to have his groceries home delivered as he is too big to get off his bed and away from his lap top. We tried taking his computer away but he just starts knashing his teeth at us jiggling his body fat up and down so heavily that his whole house shook. Scary stuff. And you wonder why 45HG16 always pulls me up on having a go at Freak? Well, Freak was sat on that day. Well, 'rolled over' on, at least. Really does explain a lot though...
  13. KS - Ave 20 posts a day. HT - Ave 10 posts a day. Lift your effing game HT! Your soft. Like pudding.
  14. We should meet him at the top of the Empire State Building on Valentines Day. It would be too late though... We're doomed. Oh, HT, you romantic fool!
  15. Great minds, Nasher... He could play till his early thirties as a very capable back-up ruckman. Competes in the centre, can defend one-on-one, can take a mark up forward, and has an adequate and workable handpass. Now to fix his kicking. But it's not a huge issue as how many kicks would a second ruck reasonably get? 5 or 6?
  16. It's unattributed. Heh, no wonder. Honestly, half the posters on here could write a better piece. A third... Definitely an eighth...
  17. I think the club wants to make the Debt Demolition completely a fundraising event and not use profit on eradication of debt. But surely we would make a decent profit this year with everything that has happened and next year the club could say we will have no 'night of the big wigs' and instead say that individual donations will be accepted during August and the club will match dollar-for-dollar the funds raised. Essentially, $750 000 of MFC's money pays off $5m debt? I think Ron Walker is getting sick of going to exrtremely expensive MFC functions...
  18. In a strange mood of late. It'll wear off soon...
  19. I just threw up a little. No more puns, people. Cheap laughter is just that. Unrefundable and bad for the heart.
  20. Massive selling point that one. "Hey Kane, we don't think you are very good but selecting you was the only way we could keep Chris Bryan off the list." "Now go introduce yourself to Brad Gotch - you're going to be seeing a lot of him. Hahahahaha!!!" They probably could have left off the evil laugh at the end but AFL is an emotional game and it adds drama...and flavour.
  21. Your posts constantly contain illogical and erroneous things. The only possible reason is you. No other logical reason why your posts contain such tripe.
  22. Effing hope his height isn't 190cm to 193cm... It's a shortcut to Crapsville apparently...
  23. Kids... Besides, if I wasn't here this place would fall in on itself. And Freak is posting too often for me to leave. He's not letting me live, why won't he let me live! And QueenC, is that a BtVS reference? If it is - kudos. If it isn't - then I didn't ask that question.
  24. I think we go overboard with the analysis. LB thought he was undervalued for various reasons, he wanted to go. BM thought the same, and is gone. Rischitelli thinks the same, and is punching a effigy of Voss as we speak. Money plays a part. Wow, there is a epiphany. Who doesn't care about money? Opportunity is another aspect. Everyone wants to play on their own terms. D!ckhead player agents have been around since pro-sports started. In conclusion, sh!t happens.
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