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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. We are being a bit precious aren't we? It's cause and effect, people. If you say something stupid, naive, or pointless, you will be called out on it. It has nothing to do with seniority. I, apparently, am extremely facetious and patronising. But I will give it out to BB59, RR, DemonDefined, or 45HG16 when he goes on one of his drunken, racist rants. Just deal with people having a go at you. It's life.
  2. Catfight?! What tricks were those DJC? A few of us are interested. You guys interested?
  3. Or maybe, just maybe, they were going to Perth? For a holiday? To elope? Something non-football related?
  4. Were you trying to be funny? Massive swing and miss, KS. Like, people are laughing at you that swing-and-miss was so embarrassing. And you hurt your hernia as well. Just...appalling.
  5. We don't know. Does it? Your patronising comment to 45HG16 was not warranted, nor was it the truth. He was merely giving a point of fact. To prove that your view is not the truth: "It's almost like the further we've gotten from our past, the more we feel the need to underline it." This salient remark was posted by none other than the poster you claim to be 'happy to live off past glory.'
  6. You're right, I can't leave. I don't want to risk ending up at Dockerland or Nick's by going into the ND. But let's try to better ourselves Landers... Stand tall. Chest out. We are Melbourne supporters. We are only pathetic if we choose to be.
  7. If I see another thread devoted to this, I'm going to effing leave. Can we please trust ourselves to keep players at the club? Do we always have to show our pathetic MFC neurosis on every issue?
  8. Really good season for a rookie, the chance to be apart of our future is up to him. As Nasher says, he is aggressive to a fault, will be difficult to drop when he is getting 7 or 8 tackles and 2 goals a game in our forward line. To me, he is a role player; someone to keep the ball in the forward line with pressure and harrassment. Will he develop other areas of his game to keep a place in the 22? I don't know. But at pick 53 (?) it's all a bonus from here.
  9. ...more of a burnt orange, actually.
  10. No it doesn't! We wear purple and fluro red.
  11. Just had a good season in one the toughest places to play well in the AFL - our forwardline. You don't get it often, you don't get it cleanly, or you don't get it at all at HFF in our side. Happy with his progress this year.
  12. There is so much pseudo-sociology nonsense in this thread. I hope no-one takes any of this and runs with it in public, you'll sound like a crank.
  13. Betraying your footy IQ there, BA.
  14. Occam's razor. We were sh!thouse for 23 years. This again? You better have the where-with-all and knowledge to back this up. I had family working for the merger group. They knew what they were doing and it wasn't disloyalty to the MFC. Were they? We played in huge finals but maybe you should look at the H&A attendances when we were 'the hottest thing.' No year in the 50s brought an average crowd larger than the 39.9k we averaged in 2005. Only 1961-64 and 1998 brought average crowds in the 40,000s with the highest being 49.5k in 1964. In fact, the 2008 average of 30.8k was higher than any year from 1920 up to 1954 with the exception of 1950 (which was 32k). Numbers are numbers but I stand by my vague epithet - They will like us when we win. Re-Build it and they will come.
  15. rpfc


    You know what I find concerning: carrier pigeons. What are they carrying? I will tell you what they are carrying... Diseases.
  16. I see it now. It's all coming together. So you're saying that they knew Internal Affairs was setting them up? Wow, twist!
  17. rpfc


    Phlemington? My bronchial has been dealing with that all week!! Whhooooh, I think the Ph level is way too high on that! It really deserves an 'F.' Are these bad stand-up jokes relating to a misspelled word working for you? Uhh, a bit hit-and-miss...
  18. It's a bit precious. And could be confusing to those who thought we had been "patted" on the "arse." But I prefer KOTD.
  19. Lionel Hutz, people. Phil Hartman's genius. Great comedian. Killed by his wife. Very sad. Well, we lost the case. Your pizza's free. No, we won. That's OK, the box is empty. Much props Mr. H. I believe wood alcohol has to be poured on a curb? I don't really know. Seems more sense to drink the stuff, but who am I to question other cultures?
  20. The situation in the draft is that we have been kissed on the dick. I don't think anyone here is going to post that we haven't been kissed on the dick. If we were to snare Ball in the PSD - that would be a further sign that the MFC has been kissed on the dick.
  21. Rubbish. Frawley is a gorilla tamer. Garland's best position is on a HBF or as a ute. And Rivers cannot play FB or CHB; isn't quick enough and his best position is a loose man. Warnock may not have the skills of Garland and the offensive smarts of Frawley, but that would only be a problem if we were asking him to have the skills of Garland and the offensive smarts of Frawley. He is a diligent, hard working, and competitive backman who can close down some very good players, he will only get better as he sees less footy.
  22. Done. Look, the MFC have said that 1, 2, 11, and 18 are for kids. Other clubs will try to push Ball into the ND so they can have a crack. But as KS says - it's a raffle for Ball in there. If Ball chooses the ND, it is a right royal "FU!!" to the MFC and a difficult decision is going to be made either way at 18. If in fact, PA or Sydney don't take him first. This is such a hypothetical - I stand by my St.Kilda or Melbourne prediction.
  23. Great couple of years. Late starter so I hope he can go into his 30s. I just wish the powers-that-be would allow our backman to spoil with their right hand... Always with the left...
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