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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Actually, we can't do them both at the same time. We need a head of the FD to be a part of the player search don't we? He's the one doing the contracts...
  2. Everyone thinks that Ross is THE coach to get. And yet, another bloke won a flag the year before Roos won his, the bloke you are talking down. Eade has a very good record, but he didn't win a flag.
  3. We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
  4. Now hang on a second... It's not true. And that's a fact.
  5. Good luck, jcb. I am pretty sure that Free Agents can be signed up until the Grand Final so for those teams that have 'player signings' left you can use that on a kid to meet your quota of two young keepers. There is no need to get that done before the trade deadline.
  6. No-one is saying we are 'killing it.' Objective reality says we have improved. You can dismiss reality if you want to. But you would be tilting at windmills.
  7. You should have stopped at 'finals series.' The Chicago Bulls we ain't.
  8. Yes, I remember the coaching argument well. I think conceding that in light of recent events seems a tad trite and pointless at the minute... I just don't like talking to people 'in the know' who dismiss an 18 year old because of minor personality issues and/or mistakes.
  9. I said it after Rd 1 - he should not have played. I would nod with approval if we do not play Pick 2 for a few rounds next year (Hogan is ready to go so is a different story).
  10. lol Do you really care if you disrespect? And no harm done, I must admit I do find your many incarnations in this community you patronise as a source of mirth more than anything. No disrespect. With regard to Jones: My argument was he looked to have plateaued after a very strong first few years. He refined his decision making, especially in close, and he has become the player he is today. Players can sometimes surprise you.
  11. It's this kind of crap that gives you a grudging respect for people like Mike Sheahan who sink the boots in - allegiances or ties to clubs be damned - with their 'journalistic duty.' I heard he was a ticking time bomb as late as March so we will see how far this misguided young man has turned himself around.
  12. The lengths that you go to to disagree with me are astounding. Thankyou for caring so much.
  13. So you always saw him as being capable of an A-grade year like last year? And the serious conversation right now that is an A-grade player? This site does have a search function you know...
  14. Fine, but you go up to him at the end of that game down at Mordor and tell him that. And then you look around at what he has to look up to in those changerooms, at a team that could muster only 19 Inside 50s, where two Jones' had more touches than him, and then you might have a different thing to say to him.
  15. It was wet. Need I remind posters the hard part is getting the footy? Especially in the wet. Toumpas should have started at Casey. He should be better protected by more experienced older players we don't have. He can get dropped, he can get rested, I just do not like the way he is being treated by Demons fans whose expectations are as misguided as their blame and their attention.
  16. And wasn't he just terrible the week before against Geelong. 20 touches, 7 tackles in the wet against an excellent team and for a terrible team. Maybe a precedent will be set if you drop him. He will probably make way, possibly for a rest, but don't tell me he 'needs' to be dropped.
  17. There is your title and your opening post. Please don't confuse me on a wednesday morning.
  18. Do you mean - do they know its terrible? We have had this discussion before about how much weight is given to emotional and personality traits when recruiting teenagers. I think it leads to clubs letting a Darling go until Pick 26. But away from that argument - I just feel as though the U/18 competition is further and further away from the rigours of AFL footy that Oliver Wines is the exception that proves the rule. He is a big boy with supreme confidence in his talent and his body. I feel for Toumpas as he is asked to perform in an environment different to a Mayes or a Macrae. We don't have the talented bodies in the midfield that allow a young player to play their role and not much more. There is less easy footy for Toumpas, there is more responsibility. I am not ready to judge his ceiling. Frankly, I gave Nathan Jones a ceiling and he smashed right through it and I am punch-drunk from the plumage and the experience. Toumpas might or might not - but that question won't be answered for some time yet.
  19. Forget that. This is The Hitler rant for AFL fans: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X4R_IDP4aA
  20. Now this is better thinking. Depending on the price I would be looking at these types of players. Solid bodies, I don't care if they are older, that can contribute immediately and come at a low cost.
  21. Ok, then. We are blinkered. Still right though. And after I found out that 2015 may include a $2m payout to Clark for a career ending injury - there are $2m reasons to not give up on him and throw resources into his return.
  22. I am happy to keep Fitzpatrick and I am happy to see whether he continues to develop. But if our luck changes and Watts stays, Clark is right, and Fitz keeps on coming - we should pull the trigger on a trade. I don't think this year isn't the best time for that trade for various reasons.
  23. With all due respect, BB. We are not the naive ones here. You are wondering about the pros and cons of delisting a player - most came to the immediate conclusion that it is a terrible idea by instinct. That may be frustrating for you, but it doesn't mean it is anything other than a terrible idea.
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