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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Do we actually pay them for these displays?? Surely not??
  2. Again and again and yet again! Its like a deathwish!
  3. Make sure the hip flask doesn't move to front and square Uncle otherwise the police might have to arrest you being in possesion of an offensive weapon!
  4. Sheeeit I reckon their kicking was Ok !! If that true our inability to hit targets and turn it over must be catastrophic!!
  5. How the heck does the road crews "witches hat" keep his place??? Particularly when Wagner gets a gig ?? Would have gone with Billy Stretch!
  6. You want to see a slow mid instead of a speedy young up and commer?? Paleeeeasee!!
  7. Harmes is not up to it yet! ANB was extremely poor last week and should go! Milkshake is just that! Oscar?? Well, a witches hat will only last so long in traffic! Bench... Tyson, Wagner, Stretch and Salem!
  8. Mark Neeld?? I didn't see a thread about him coming!!
  9. Tiges are PUTRID overated, hacks!! Cotchin SOFT, Riewoldt selfish bigheaded sook, Rance overated and Prestia dreadfully inept. Loved watching this mob get thrashed and should have gone down by more!! Crows had 20 ore scoring shots on goal 20!!!
  10. Milkshake relegated to the back paddock in Cranny!
  11. This is outrageous I thought Bugg did some fantastic work today and I reackon we are a better team with his no nonsenec approach in it Trengove , Look I dont care how many touches he gets and a very substandard VFL! The game has passed him by, he is too slow! Two Changes In Hogan, White Out Neal Bullen, jkh Weeds needs to build some confidence for a week or two kicking a few goals at Casey. Another question , why call it Casey why not Cranbourne coz after all thats where it is!!?
  12. Anyone that Reckons ANB tagging Heppel a great move, Well I reckon Heppel was the bombers best!! By Far!
  13. Clarry Choo Choo 33 possesions if that is a little quiet then his A grade game will feature in the high 40 s possesions. Darcy Who?? Very soft indeed!
  14. Viney needs to be dropped! I have almost lost interest , dont care who wins Umpiring the worst i have ever seen!
  15. I almost regurgitated my eggs benedict! O Mac in the forward line!! let me ponder that a bit!
  16. Derek Feldman, Rick Feldman, who was the better player?? Who could forget Glen Giles, brother to Peter ( good player) 1 game, slower than drying concrete! Mark Alves played a couple of games also!
  17. I just went onto the AFL website Melbourne players and Tom Flower ws much better than given credit for!! His top possesion games 6 or so were in the mid twenties, Kicked 5 goals once and several hauls of 3 Goals. Pity he wasnt perservered with, given what players we had in the late seventies and early eighties!
  18. Moonman to say Greater Western Coorporate deserve anything is a Farce. The AFL in its greed have decreed that expansion no matter how ragged and how esoteric it is in Distributive suburbia ( I mean Gretaer Western Sydney???) Absurd , plenty of history there eh?? When they win in a year or two, will anyone seriously doubt that the AFL are gulity of comprimising the competition?? I mean seriously whi gives a fat rats Clacker about GWS??
  19. Interesting comment, shades of John Northey 1987???
  20. Touche, Hemmingway and Uncle Bitter! If you check the demon wiki stats Tom Flower was a much better footballer than was given credit. In todays game an outside mid with pace and beautiful skills. Could kick a goal AND in fact , If I recall he kicked 5 in a game vs the Filth when the filth were good! I think Carl Ditterich didn't take to him and although almost a Filth player ( Tommy Hafey) wanted him he ended up in the VFA played in a premiership or two then retired! Pity, with a considered approach would have been an excellent 100 game plus player .Typical Melbourne nurturing! Should not be mentioned on this site, nor should Greg Healy!
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