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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. If anyone is venturing out here today, bring an umbrella. And be prepared to share it with someone who stupidly left hers at home. 🙄 TIA!
  2. Oh there’ll be pics. There will be so many pics you’ll need three lifetimes to see them all 😁
  3. I’d go one further and say “Not yet good enough for AFL” bearing in mind the kid’s 18yo. But maybe that’s just me. 🤷‍♀️
  4. The point of this thread isn’t the possible acquisition of SvR. It was never about SvR at all. Rather, it was created as an opportunity to disparage BBB, under the amateurish guise of interest in a replacement for him, as evidenced by the OP, and confirmed without a hint of ambiguity by the now-deleted post overnight (yes, I’ve read it, thanks to a good friend, and I truly appreciate the awesome ppl who who reacted/replied). Needless to say, BBB is a bazillion times the person a gutless online sniper is.
  5. Sesto is rapidly growing in confidence as well. It shows in everything he does. Thanks for posting this. I saw this amazing goal on the day but not clearly. Massive thumping kick from outside 50 and a great display of physical strength to shake off his opponent. That’s what you wanna see!
  6. Watching DOGga kills me too, but for a different reason. 🤬
  7. It would be wonderful to be the first to beat Geelong this season.
  8. I’m worried about folks who wanna read about how we’re gonna get belted in the next two matches. They’ll undoubtedly go to the pregame thread, and won’t think to come to this thread since it’s a NON-MFC THREAD!!!
  9. Would love for it to be seanmháir but it will likely be babcia (pronounced Bub-cha) since she’ll be born in Poland.
  10. A new member who helped get us to 60,000. Signed up a fortnight ago… My granddaughter 🥰
  11. Most of us, yes. Core group of naysayers, not so much.
  12. Higgins plays for St Kilda. So no, he’s not on the AFL darling list.
  13. It may’ve seemed that way, but only in comparison to what we’re used to.
  14. Luke Hodge is (unfortunately) here to stay. Why? Because Channel 7 clearly believe that being a former player automatically makes you a great commentator. End of qualification criteria.
  15. NOOO! HIS NAME IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE DISCO… Coz if nan calls him Disco, it’s Disco 🥹
  16. I wasn’t having a go at you. I’m sorry if it sounded that way. It’s just so hard to watch a team who deserves to win but is denied a fair go. Free kicks 23-8. That alone is awful but Dixon in front of goal earlier this quarter amongst many other similarly bs frees just kills any enthusiasm. I can’t imagine how Saints supporters must be feeling.
  17. The Saints DO have this… that is, they should have this, only they’re being stymied by blatantly unfair umpiring
  18. If the Saints win this they deserve eight points. This is an uphill battle for them because they’re playing while hobbled by the atrocious umpiring.
  19. What difference does it make? Port were always gonna win.
  20. This is unwatchable. The umpiring is crippling what might’ve been a good match. It’s so unfair, I’m absolutely furious and I’m not even a Saints supporter. And the hardest part about it is that nothing will be done about it.
  21. Exactly what I was thinking! I wondered if they at some point realised how ridiculous they were being but were too deep into the conversation to stop. Luke Hodge in particular sounded like he was realising the stupidity, mid-sentence. 😅
  22. Uhm yeah, I also was joking. Clearly neither of us knows a joke. 🤷‍♀️
  23. … and not coming close to Freo. 🥱 Not while Mitchito Owens is playing! Also Brad Hill is being called “Hill” not “Brad Hill” by the commentators. This is sure to befuddle @Winners at last 😅
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