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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Well you know what? I’m not saying [censored] anymore. I should’ve learned my lesson last year. Clearly I’m a glutton for punishment. Not anymore.
  2. Did I criticise Max? I didn’t. I simply questioned why he escapes accountability while everyone else is deemed answerable, especially after a monumental hiding.
  3. So… our Flag WAS a fluke then. That’s what you’re saying, right? It’s one thing to b!ttcch and moan about the subsequent years but to call our premiership a fluke is disgusting. And btw, unless and until other posters complain about my “intrinsic almost transcendental bond with the group” - whatever tf that means - I’ll continue to post whatever I like in terms of conversations had with the players.
  4. I’m guessing you would’ve been shouted down on these occasions. People believe what they wanna believe and some simply refuse to entertain anything contrary to what they’ve always believed.
  5. Uhm, sch!tt brown and pus off-white???? Soz I mean red and blue? 😁 Incidentally, what’s the importance of how long one has supported the Club? Are you more passionate? More knowledgeable? More entitled to an opinion?
  6. Noooo! Defs NOT having a go at Max. Just wonder why he’s always untouchable. Anyways Zephs, if you think that’s me attacking somebody you’ve clearly never been on my bad side. Let’s keep it that way 😉
  7. More reason to be confident it shan’t happen again.
  8. i find it puzzling that Max is exempt from any scrutiny. Folks are quick to call for Goody’s head, to point the finger of blame at individual players, the selectors, Greg Stafford, the FD in general, the list goes on. These are all opinions based on looking from the outside in. Why is it so that on this same basis of looking from the outside in, Max is never considered by fans to have any accountability?
  9. True, but Sunday was on a plane of its own. More potential to be a catalyst.
  10. To fluke something implies luck and not just a little bit of luck (as we experienced in 2021 re injuries) but a lot of luck, oftentimes 100% luck. Fact: It is impossible to win a Premiership with just luck alone, ergo, our Flag is NOT a fluke. And yes you are shouting. You shout to get your point across. It’s as though you’re trying to convince everyone that because you’re yelling you must be right. Problem is, because you do it so often, it’s become impotent and imo comical, and we’ll throw in irritating for good measure.
  11. Except that’s not ALL you’re saying. You said we fluked a flag (see above). Then you provided the dictionary meaning of fluke (again, see above) to further demonstrate your belief that we fluked our flag.
  12. All good DZ 😊 I don’t know where the idea that he might be carrying an injury came from. He trained really well and said himself that he’s feeling great and is keen to “get into it.” As Binman might say… Got 99 problems but Luker ain’t one
  13. I wish question marks and asterisks were what you’ve mentioned because compared to your relentless contemptuous bashing of Goody, question marks and asterisks would be very welcome. Also, just curious… have you known our club under a coach other than Goody? Iirc you’ve been in Australia for a relatively short time so I’m guessing you haven’t. I’m not making a point here, I’m genuinely curious.
  14. I think you’re the one carrying a backpack full of something but it ain’t bricks.
  15. Hilarious!!! You’re sooooo funny. Goody told me Luker barracks for Freo and I told him we’d smack that outta him soon enough. 😂
  16. I sincerely hope so… it didn’t rain, the dark clouds were replaced by fluffy white ones and it’s mild and pleasant. Looks like it’s gonna be a really nice day after all. So yeah, I sincerely do hope so.
  17. I just saw this DZ. I chatted to both these boys but should’ve read this first. I’ll defs ask them next time. Not sure what good that’ll do though, I once asked KFW his height and he said he was last measured three years ago! 😅
  18. Training has finished. It was short but intense. Not a mouth guard in sight, which will no doubt disappoint some on here. 😁 Kolt introduced me to Luker. He’s a lovely kid. Humble af, polite and well-spoken. Is loving Victoria, and just like Kolt has promised me the go home factor won’t ever be a thing. Luker doesn’t have a nickname as yet but at Subi his nickname was “Duck” the origin of which is “a long and boring story.” His name is his maternal grandmother’s maiden name and his mum “grabbed it” as a first name when he was born. I also had a chat with Goody. We talked about how awesome our new kids are and how quickly they’re fitting in and how grounded they are.
  19. The mood is really good. Ricky is doing high-knee jogging exercises. Now he’s running around the boundary. Running not jogging. Roo is getting one-on-one training. Pup Brown in rehab. Max and Tmac and BBB are training separately from the others. I’ve been reliably informed they’re in loading training mode
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