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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Sesto, Will V and Jeffo are out there. I just spotted Luker. Huge solid “kid” wearing #44 They’ve only just started training yet he looks like he’s been with the boys for years.
  2. I lied. The sun’s disappeared and massive dark grey clouds are rolling in. I just felt a few little drops of rain. Good news: I have an awesome MFC umbrella Bad news: it’s at home
  3. I wasn’t sure if I’m allowed to post since I was given an ultimatum from Pickett Fence, (I wasn’t aware Andy had promoted him to mod status🤷‍♀️)… sing like a canary or don’t bother posting. I decided I don’t like either of those options. Anyways, despite the glorious winter sunshine I don’t expect there’ll be many supporters here today. Partly because it’s following a huge loss, but mainly because they’ll likely think training has been relocated, same as it was after the Eagles loss. I’ll be watching from a distance today for obvious reasons, therefore let’s set the training report bar reeaaallll low… like, so low that we’re all tripping over it.
  4. How I look at it: Dees are thrashed + Essendon loses > Dees are thrashed and Essendon wins. I’m taking any and all positives out of today.
  5. Essendon lost! Come on, that’s gotta cheer folks up a little. It’s cheering me up a bunch. 🤩
  6. Yeah Touk!!!! Soft free and softer 50 = a goal. But it’s against Essendon so all’s good. Go Sunscreamers!!!
  7. GC up by 5 with 2 minutes remaining. If the footy gods have any compassion whatsoever we’ll be hearing that song that no one knows the words to. 😁
  8. Schiiiit, you’d have everyone sacked if you could. How about that goddamn useless boot studder… off with his head.
  9. And you know this for a fact exactly how? Do share.
  10. I also don’t think it’s the answer. I’m curious as to why some think this is the answer and who they think should replace him. @ElDiablo14… you’ve been loudly n proudly calling for Goody to be sacked. I’ve lost count of how many times you’ve said it in just the last two hours, not to mention the love heart reactions you’re quick to give others who also say it. And that’s fine: blah blah entitled blah blah opinion. Maybe you can answer my questions: why is sacking Goody the answer? And who should replace him? TIA 👍🏽
  11. Now to round the day out with an Essendon win 👍🏽 Good times.
  12. Tracc’s wearing his warmup top back to front. 😬 Could this be a sign? I have nfi what sort of sign it might be, but the question remains… is this a sign??!!😂
  13. I heard him say this and wondered the exact same thing. I’d call it a Freudian slip. He looks at the Dees with disdain and it shows in a subjective ‘observation’ like this.
  14. HOW GOOD DID OUR BANNER LOOK!!! Freo didn’t even have a banner, they had a guard of honour. We had a banner AND a guard of honour. Yeah the Dees!!!
  15. 🥂🎂🍰🍺⭐️🎉🎁🎊 HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎈🎈🎈KOZ!🎈🎈🎈 Now go out there and do what you did in this game in 2022… kick a lazy half dozen and whip the local kids into unbridled frenzy. Dees by (KP)36 points ❤️💙 Kozzie owns Traeger Park
  16. I’ve been accused of blind devotion to our Club but this is one instance where I believe the MFC failed. We took it lying down, so to speak. But that’s probably because any attempt to effect justice would have been futile and the Club knows this. Why waste time/money/resources on something that’s doomed before it even begins?
  17. According to this… Only Max or Tmac should entertain the idea of knocking him out since they qualify for the good guy defence. Hashtag as if 🙄
  18. They didn’t want him suspended because they didn’t want anything to jeopardise Collingwood’s journey to a premiership. This meant, among other things, having every player available for the remainder of the finals.
  19. I fully agree that this is true. Moreover, I believe from the moment he decided to flatten Gus the AFL knew he’d get off. But they had to look as though they were doing something about the zeitgeist, the head is sacrosanct, remember? So they made a case against him, except it was a flimsy half-baked attempt which they knew was destined to fail. It was patently obvious they didn’t want the outcome we all wanted, ie. the right and fair outcome. They made a mockery of the tribunal/appeals system in the process.
  20. I do. It’s called venting. Where’s the harm in it?
  21. Dermie wears more foundation than any woman I know.
  22. Right???? I knew we’d put a few cracks in ‘em but we might have snapped ‘em clean in half!!! At the end of the season I want us to be able to proudly say we started their 15-game losing streak 🥳🥳🥳
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