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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. FWIW the Tigers faithful (the cheer squad, anyways. But they’re a reflection of the general fanbase imo) are backing Ooze all the way. That’s not to say the Board are feeling the same, but Ooze knows he has the support of the fans. At the joint banner-making session at Punt Rd I was chatting with the Tiger Army President who told me they’re really happy with securing him as head coach. She made a point of mentioning that “in his first year as coach *Hardwick only racked up two wins.” *She called him Hardwick, not Dimma.
  2. Explain it to me like I’m a 5yo please
  3. There’s sure to be thousands of women nominated so the odds aren’t great. 😭 It would be really special but I won’t be upset if my name’s not on one of them. I’d rather see the Dees win the match. Oh and to not have cancer. 👍🏽
  4. Thank you, Zurich 💖 Thank you, MFC ❤️💙 Instead of this… We’ll see this… As some here may remember, this is a cause very close to my heart as I’m a breast cancer survivor. And while this insidious disease never fully leaves my mind, unfortunately it’s currently at the forefront again. I’m so proud of our Club and our principal partner, Zurich. It may seem like a small gesture to forgo a logo on a warm-up top for one match, but it’s actually massive.
  5. I would LOVE to be at our Alice match. I’ve not ever been to one. Unfortunately I won’t be though, it’s beyond my means. It’s one of only two matches I won’t be able to attend this season 😭
  6. SHOW SCOTT’S MUG!!! pretty please.
  7. If Geelong win this I’ll vomit
  8. Please footy gods… Geelong to lose by a point. Or just lose.
  9. This is full-on crazy frenetic footy.
  10. And you’re dead right. Time to tune into the other match now.
  11. I think of that moment every time I watch him play. 😝
  12. As far as we know they’re releasing all rounds BAR the final round (Round 24) which is expected to be released in *four weeks. *Four AFL weeks, not to be confused with four everyone else weeks 🙄
  13. Rounds 16 - 23 details (dates/times) will be revealed next Tuesday.
  14. Good luck with that! Hashtag Needle/haystack
  15. I do. You make it sound like a bad thing. 😁
  16. Short answer: Cry Long answer: Cry a lot
  17. Raining as we speak. Make poncho your friend!
  18. Haha someone has defaced this Welcome Baggers sign… What a legend! I hope she wasn’t caught on security cameras. Or he. She or he. who knows.
  19. Definitely can do. Poetic licence may see you swap out the giant Tmac head for a giant Rooey head since the giant Tmac head has seen a lot of love and is now a little worse for wear. Or if you decide to make it a comedy, we have giant Grundy heads, hardly used, almost brand new.
  20. You write it, I’ll proofread it. We’ll split the $$$ 70/30. You’re fine with 30% right??! 😉
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