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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Methinks @binmanwould be sweating on the team selection this week. In particular, he’d be hoping Harmesy is picked. Not sure if anyone else heard his declaration of what he’ll do if no Harmesy. But I did. 😁
  2. Really? This is a fun thread. It’s what many of us could do with right now… Fun. Please don’t spoil it for everyone. TIA
  3. … you’re going to get what you deserve. Ed got what he deserved on the evening of the 25th of September 2021. ❤️💙
  4. When you say “Connected in some way to the MFC” does emotionally connected count? Asking for a friend who’s psych. ward level obsessed with the MFC and if brutally honest would admit to loving the Dees more than her own children. And not just a little more. A bunch more.
  5. Reminiscent of Bruce Doull’s headband. 😖
  6. ‘Demonstone’ you forgot ‘rjay’ ‘rjay’ always uses quotation marks when addressing posters. It’s an ‘rjay’ thing. So, ‘demonstone’ please remember ‘rjay’ next time. From ‘WalkingCivilWar’
  7. Rowdy? Personally I prefer “loud” but whatever. Noise from supporters is but one element. One of many. But it’s one element about which we can do something.
  8. No one is blaming you for anything OD, least of all the team’s failures! The crux of the problem is the ppl who CAN go but CHOOSE NOT to go (unless it’s a final in which case they’d bend over backwards to ensure their presence). I don’t have a solution, short of setting a minimum H&A attendance before one’s allowed to attend a final. But that’s simply never gonna happen. Then there’s the separate issue of the ppl who do attend are seemingly quieter than other teams’ fans. Again, I don’t know a solution for that either.
  9. And therein lies a quandary. In order to have sustained success, as you say a decade, the fans have to provide one ingredient of such, that being (physical) support. It’s catch-22.
  10. Quaint or otherwise, it’s nonetheless true.
  11. Of course it’s an individual’s choice to attend only finals. But doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. To members who have the wherewithal to pay for a membership with GFG, I say good on you! Your $$$ is great for our Club. But then I’d ask them: do you know what it’s like to be shunted up to level four since all other GA areas are ‘exhausted’ and to look over the balcony only to behold a sea of empty seats? It’s demoralising. As @Wodjathefirstsays (above) the crowd noise DOES affect the players and the umpires. One of our own players said as much. From whom else do fans need to hear that? As I posted before, I heard that sound from the middle of the ground on Friday. It’s like NOTHING else. I totally understand how it impacts the players.
  12. It’s nothing that can’t be changed, OD. Thing is, people have to WANT to attend. And I don’t refer to you and others who have legit issues that prevent them from attending. The people who CAN go but can’t be bothered are those to whom I refer.
  13. Fritta last year, and he got off. I remember it coz there were more DL-ers logged on during the hearing than ever there was even on a GameDay thread during a match. 😁
  14. Of course they do. But why can’t we have both like other clubs? Noise AND $$$.
  15. Increased coffers don’t make a noise on GameDay 🙁
  16. What you say about fans only making noise when the boys are up is sadly true. When I first joined the DA we were basking in our 10-0 winning streak. The first loss (Freo), a couple of minutes before the final siren and clearly no hope of winning, our guys strike up a chant and everyone joins in. I was dumbfounded. I thought “are these people clinically insane?!” But I quickly learned that no matter the score line, we do not stop. I believe that other cheer squads appear to sound louder because their fans in the adjacent bays are just as vocal as the cheer squad. We don’t seem to have that happen. And on the subject of noise: I was out in the middle on Friday night when the Collingwood banner was raised and their players ran out. The roar of the crowd was like nothing else. It was otherworldly. I mean, you often hear that roar from the stands, but it’s so much more overwhelming hearing it from the middle. Then we raised our banner and our boys ran out. I was similarly awe-struck with the sound, only this time it was booing. Again this is because our fans in general -and yes, we have way lower attendance and way fewer members - seem reluctant to make a noise. My point is, I understand how the umpires and players can be influenced by that sound. It’s so powerful.
  17. As Dees supporters we can all relate to this one ⬆️ right? 😭 Thanks for compiling this, Luci. ❤️💙
  18. Beside the point, I know, but just wanna thank you for your post (above). Somebody actually listening to the other side and then acknowledging the merit of what they’re saying just doesn’t happen often enough. 👍🏽
  19. Great idea. But will never happen. Money talks.
  20. You’ve answered your own question there, FTB. It’s that “F” word… FINAL. I’ve said this before but it bears repeating (imho, anyways), what pi*sses me off no end is that these people who aren’t turning up for H&A matches for whatever reason, are oftentimes the selfsame people who will definitely attend a FINAL come hell or high water. All those problems that stymied them during the H&A season: fear of catching covid, night matches, rain, cold weather etc. are seemingly magicked away come September. Funny, that. 🤔
  21. Same here, Dr. G. I watch the replay every week, win or lose. I have to if I wanna know anything about the match since you’d be surprised how much is missed by the members of the cheer squad due to having to concentrate on so much else. But this week it’s different. I just can’t bring myself to watch it, nor even the highlights. 🙁
  22. It’s amazing how one little word says so much. Had JT said “we’d” (we would) instead of “we’ll” (we will), there’d still be a question.
  23. I thought Ima try not to cry when they chair off JK. Siren sounds. Me…
  24. Josh Kennedy’s all class. His last game of a 17-year career and he’s kicked six goals to 3/4 time. What a legend. edit: eight goals now.
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