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WalkingCivilWar last won the day on August 22

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About WalkingCivilWar

  • Birthday March 8

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  • Favourite Player(s)
    Hunt, Brayshaw, Viney, Petracca, Salem, Fritsch, oh hells, all of them! Yes, even Melksham.

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    North Western suburbs of Melbz
  • Interests
    The Team of the Red and the Blue.

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  1. LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Please just leave me alone. I’m going through something incredibly difficult right now, a really really low point and the last thing I need is to be mocked by the likes of you. Just ignore me. Stop with the little indirect digs at me. I’ve done nothing to deserve your nastiness. Someone laughs at someone else when they’ve just shared that they’re at their lowest point in life? That’s a new low. It’s heartless actually. I don’t need this, I really don’t. I’m out.
  2. The little devil on your right shoulder is spot on. Well, according to admin staff with whom I spoke.
  3. I’m in the latter camp. I’m looking forward to watching him reluctantly playing for us next year. That’d be a hard gig.
  4. Right??!! Trawling through threads to quote old posts so as he can be like oh but you said this… I only wish I had that much free time on my hands. And he doesn’t let stuff go. Ever. EVER I’ve already told Andy that the day I disappear from Demonland it will be purely because of this one person.
  5. Yes I was straight-up lying, lying through my teeth. Why? Because I love my team so much that I put aside my feelings about him and praised him even though it was unpalatable. To see the other boys so happy and so united because of him (finally) explaining himself to them… at that point in time I would’ve said anything to encourage it.
  6. I have every right to be p****d off with Christian Petracca. I don’t like him, I’ve never liked him and I have perfectly valid reasons for not liking him. This isn’t a reflection of me; other DA members dislike him for the same reasons. Him putting himself before the club just cements it. I’m not gonna praise him for attending a match, and I think it’s sad that the focus of today’s match was his presence. He attended a W match. So [censored] what?! It’s gonna take some of us way more than one act of tokenism to regard him in a different way. This is my opinion and I’m entitled to it just like everyone else is. edit: the first of the regulars has already FacePalmed my comment. Thought I’d get a vomit emoji but I’m sure that’ll come.
  7. The word I was thinking of also has nine letters and starts with S but my word ends in arze.
  8. That’s actually good TRAB. Less pressure on us as we smash ‘em into the middle of next week. 😁 Its a beautiful morning, perfect for footy, but I fear there won’t be many there. Along with Casey being too difficult for many people to get to (especially since the dreaded replacement buses are a thing today), Saturday morning is unofficially local sports time. Some of our DA regulars can’t make it because of kids’ basketball games etc. Never mind. Those of us who are there will just have to be EXTRA LOUD!!! That’s never a problem for me 🤭
  9. I’ve read this several times but I’m still not sure I understand it. How is it bizarre that the people who don’t blame Kate for shortcomings are the selfsame people who praise her?
  10. Loz has a broken scaphoid (a bone in the wrist). Idk how long she’ll be out of action but we’ll make do. ❤️💙
  11. To be fair since 2016 they haven’t played many in Melbourne
  12. I don’t know but geez they look good. You need a lot of people for it to look effective. We looked pretty good with our Gus helmets in round one but you wouldn’t know it because the cameras didn’t capture it at all. Touchy subject I guess.
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