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Posts posted by Wrecker46

  1. On 8/29/2022 at 10:04 PM, DEE fence said:

    A small matter I suppose but from the vision showed there was no remonstration with Ladhams from the rest of the team. Question is was there anyone getting in Ladham's face after that dog act? Again only on vision shown I couldn't understand why Weed didn't body Ladhams. 

    What can you do in the finals? You can't afford to get suspended. If that happened in the GF I imagine Ladham would have gone off on a stretcher

  2. As crazy as it sounds I don't mind players on the fringe of our best 22 getting injured at this time of year. It is obviously devestating for them.

    We don't need to drop them or exclude them and they will come back the following year more desperate 

    I would hate to be the bloke Jayden Hunt is playing on this week. Hunt has his chance and he won't let it slip.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Jaded No More said:

    He is an absolute gun and funnily enough is still underrated by most of the football world, except those who really matter, the coaches. 

    Also a great player to tie with. Touk Miller is a star. Love to watch him play. Will probably win the Brownlow. 

    I used to live next door to Clarko. I had an argument with him about who was better out of Oliver and Cripps.

    1 to Wrecker 0 for Clarko.

    When we payed Carlton I noticed Cripps tagging Oliver a few times at centre bounces. Oliver would get away from him and Cripps was following him.

    You won't see Clarry tagging anyone. Cam.you.imagime if he got a free run.at the ball.


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  4. There is a reason this hasn't been explained.

    If it was racism it would rightly be called out.

    I have suspicions about what was said and the reason it hasn't been annouced.

    Sh/t post I know but let us all back HP no matter what was said.

    • Like 2
  5. Goodwin, Yze, every Melbourne player, every Melbourne supporter, every opposition player and every opposition coach knows where our kick ins are going to go. 

    It is obviously done by design but I would like to see us mix it up a little bit in the finals and try for a few coast to coast goals through the centre or the opposite wing. Fritch is a really good mark for his size perhaps we could isolate him as a target on the other wing.

    I also don't like Viney and Sparrow at the same centre bounces. We give away too much height. 

  6. 1 hour ago, spirit of norm smith said:

    Angry Wrestling GIF

    now I’m about to boil over 

    this is absolutely a wrong decision, and smells of a biased decision 

    this is the facts 


    Tribunal chairman Jeff Gleeson said the incident fell into the "bumping of an opponent" category and it was not a reasonable way to contest the ball. 
    "He entered the contest at speed and saw a player in his peripheral vision, left his feet and bumped Ah Chee at high speed," Gleeson said.
    "He should have contested the ball differently. He could have taken the ball with his arms outstretched so there was no act of bumping at all."
    Cripps had options. Fact. 
    Cripps chose to bump. Fact. 
    Cripps jumped off his feet. Fact. 
    Cripps hit AH Chee in the head. Fact. 
    Ah Chee was concussed.  Fact. 

    Blockchain Glossary GIF by Figure
    Careless. Head high. High impact. 3 weeks minimum.  
    This is the worst decision since … since … it’s probably the worst decision ever.  

    No when Moloney got suspended and didn't even touch the opposition and the opposition player fell on his head and got concussed was the worst decision ever.

    Barry Hall punching someone in the prelim and getting off so he could play in the GF was up there too.


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  7. 37 minutes ago, george_on_the_outer said:

    I'm glad you got your question answered @Deeoldfart, but plenty of people didn't get their answered. 

    Why?..Because WE decided that many questions were of a similar nature.

    Minimal female Representation?  WE decided that it wasn't necessary, and WE would hate to deny a suitably qualified candidate.  What there aren't suitably qualified female candidates in 66,000 members?  How about THE MEMBERS deciding if they want this or not?

    WE decided not to separate the clauses.  WE decided it would be all or nothing.  How about THE MEMBERS deciding what they like or don't?  It isn't all that hard to achieve.  ( Tick the box you approve of). After all they manage to fill out a Senate ticket with dozens of candidates.

    You can put in further questions.....( except the Board is meeting this week to approve OUR proposals, 21 days later there is a vote). So in essence no further input will be possible. 

    We have Daisy and Kate Roffey in prominent positions. I will be very surprised if any other club has half that talent.


    • Like 1
  8. Rex Hunt has hardly covered himself.in glory

    I wish I could say more but I would be breaking Demonland rules.

    I will say that I had a relation working for Hutchy where Rex had a fishing segment. Somebody on the morrninton peninsula was putting messages in bottles saying they had won a prize on Rex's fishing show. The radio station was getting hammered with callers thinking they had won something


  9. The footage looks bad and Fritch should have hanballed when he got caught metres out from goal.

    I have thought for a while our philosophy has changed and we no longer centre the ball or pass to a player in a better position.

    If you have a shot and miss we can set up our zone. If you try and pass and miss the opposition are off to the races 

    It's not a good look sometimes but it is more effective.




  10. I really want Gus and Jackson they are important to us but we  have petracca and Olive whor have basically signed on for life. Viney  and Gawn will stick with us.

    If we lose some so be it. We have our champions locked in.

    When they get us a few more premierships they won't be compared to Judd, cousin's, Kerr because they aren't taking lemonade with ice blocks to help them out





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