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Everything posted by BDA

  1. I would seriously consider swallowing half his salary if it meant we could move him on. Essendon could take him. Hawthorn maybe. Might be worth trying to swap him for Polec.
  2. Agree. Looks a natural and doesn't mind the dirty work either by the looks of it. Love the way she chased down and bowled that big ruck over.
  3. I really like the look of this player. Powerful, good kick and a bit leg speed. For pick 41 she looks great value.
  4. She’s a big unit. Tap work and handballing look good so plenty to work with. But that kicking technique is atrocious. Some intensive coaching required there no doubt.
  5. Fair points. I think the best way to deal with these incidents is in game if possible. Why can't an official in the stands review and hand out a sanction. Why not make Lynch sit on the pine for a spell, a quarter perhaps. That would penalise the player and his team during the game and advantage the team he has infringed against. It’s done in other sports so why not AFL?
  6. Idiotic yes. Brutal. Spare me. I’m delighted someone is thinking of the kids. I’m no fan of Lynch but as I’ve said I don’t think he should be rubbed out. The norm, whether you agree or disagree, is that these incidents do not result in a suspension in a final. I happen to agree and so does the general AFL community. If attitudes shift and the commission decide it’s no longer acceptable to let these incidents go then so be it. Just be consistent and apply fairly to everyone but it will be a brave MRP panel that hands down that first suspension.
  7. I didn’t say anything goes mate. Don’t misrepresent what I said. He didn’t take the guy’s head now did he? I don’t want to see players get rubbed out in a final for what Lynch did last night. As long as there’s consistency. And before you prattle on about Richmond getting preferential treatment I can’t recall any instance in the last 25 years where a so called smaller club has had a player rubbed out for something similar.
  8. Its finals time. There’ll be no suspension nor should there be. Yes Lynch is petulant and stupid but there was no real force. If it was a dees player I doubt too many of us would be calling for a suspension. There’s no need for him to keep getting involved like this. I’m sure privately Hardwick won’t be happy with him at all. He’ll get his suspension in due course. Defenders will keep targeting him so it’s only a matter of time.
  9. This notion that once TMac drops some weight everything will be hunky dory is wishful thinking imv. He has to tell himself something to give some hope and motivation over the off season. In 2018 he had Hoges beside him taking the best defender. He has limited forward craft. at best is a no.2 fwd. so is weid. They are not a good partnership. One of them needs to go and I’d much prefer it to be TMac. I’d also wonder what can of impact TMac has on the dressing room. He’s highly paid and not producing. I wouldn’t be happy as a teammate. I’m not questioning his character at all. He seems like a good egg and I feel for him as regards the injury but he needs to be traded by whichever means possible. Based on some of the decisions they are making recently, North might just be crazy enough to take him on.
  10. This is a damp squib. Richmond haven’t had to get out of second gear. Looking forward to one of Geelong or Collingwood getting knocked out tomorrow.
  11. Tippa would be a great get. Not fussed about Devon Smith. Is there actually any bombers player happy at the moment?
  12. All our coin is sunk in TMac. He needs to be moved on somehow but there are no takers. I fear we’re stuck with him.
  13. Her husband can give her a dig out with the twins i'm sure
  14. Agree. No use being a Melbourne person if you know jack about footy. The best scenario is to have Melbourne people WHO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING – SEE YZE
  15. How about trying Daisy as part of our coaching set-up at some stage. She obviously knows her stuff.
  16. first time seeing this. Apart from the goals the delivery to Lyons was very good. If only we could provide that kind of service to our forwards today!
  17. Yze has applied for head coaching roles before, was effectively 2IC to Clarkson and has all the necessary coaching badges. It looks very much to me that Yze is being lined up for the top job. Perhaps Goodwin will come good but if he doesn't the club have a ready made replacement. Now i'm not sure Yze is the answer, i'd prefer an experienced hire if Goodwin is sacked but he's a good insurance policy and many more knowledgeable people than I who think he has the chops for the top job. Could turn out to be a very smart move by Pert.
  18. Looks a great prospect and exactly what we need. Megan Cunningham has been an absolute warrior but she didn’t have the any real impact last year at all. Hopefully Alyssa can go straight into the team and provide a target for us straight away.
  19. Tough Crowd He gave his all in a dreadful team. Won an AA jacket. We got pick 3. Best of luck Chip.
  20. We have the cash from the sale of the Leighoak club las year. After clearing debts we had approx $7m left over. Not sure how much we've had to dip into this to tide us over.
  21. I may be wrong but it doesn’t appear that an external party is assisting with the review which makes me very sceptical about its value. We’ll see what eventuates but I expect to see some significant changes. I’ll be mightily disappointed if we get another whitewash like last year.
  22. I think we’re all jumping at shadows. Take a few deep breaths and relax.
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