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Everything posted by BDA

  1. What bad habits? We'll play within ourselves and win each game by 30-40 points
  2. Played a fantastic first quarter and a half but credit to St Kilda they didn’t drop their heads and came back at us hard System and defensive structures neigh on impregnable Quiet today but 15 straight for Bowsey is a record. Well done son 8-0 and travelling nicely Go Dees
  3. super kick from Fritta to find Trac there. Real quality
  4. St Kilda having a go while we were sloppy that quarter. I reckon BB's goal have settled us and we'll see it home from here
  5. Commentators just gave JJ a big up. Well deserved
  6. I don;t know why we only want to play in 1 quarter bursts. We've conceded the momentum here and its totally our own fault we'll still win but why make it unnessecarily hard for ourselves
  7. credit to st kilda they are having a go but we've got sloppy. I don't like it
  8. Very good first half Great to see TMac playing well. It will be a big plus for us if he can find form
  9. Here we go. Swing around on your right and slot it maxy and... what! you should have had a shot there maxy
  10. Gus has made a few mistakes this quarter. Keep it simple Gus
  11. This is getting ugly for st kilda
  12. Strong mark and goal by TMac. He's playing better and finding some decent form
  13. st kilda have no anwsers. obviously not following the Hawks blueprint to beat the premiers
  14. St Kilda playing right into our hands. We'll gobble up those long kicks into our defence all day long
  15. based on this year he'a ahead but this season has been a break-out for him. Finally delivering on the talent he has. It was looking like he wouldn't make the grade if anything it goes to show that patience is required with talls and perhaps the Weid might come good yet.
  16. Recalling the Neeld era is painful. It represents the absolute nadir in terms of footy department disfunction and on-field ineptitude. It provides a case study on how not to run a footy club I understand why people want to consign to history and forget about it but we must retain the memory and remember the lessons lest we repeat the mistakes again Neeld was a disaster. Named the 2 jacks as co captains, young and inexperienced players that should never have been put in that position. Put the senior players noses out of joint straight away. The single worst coaching decision by any coach of any club in my time watching footy. Let’s not ever do that again.
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