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Everything posted by BDA

  1. Nibbler been good this last quarter
  2. Would like to see Liam Ryan cop some retribution
  3. Just give the ball to spargo. Only Dee lowering the eyes today
  4. Hard as a coffins nail Jake Bowey
  5. And there are the boos. One of the main reasons why i hate West Coast
  6. I wonder what you were like when we were actually rubbish
  7. Vineys been our most consistent player across that first half. I've liked Bowey's work as well Not liking our forward 50 entries.
  8. Darlings gets the jeers. whats that about
  9. Spargo shows how's its done. Nice delivery
  10. Fritsch should have kicked to Kossie's advantage.
  11. Eagles showing some fight this quarter
  12. I rolled my eyes when she said that
  13. and just as i post that the long bomb hits the deck for kossie to kick the goal
  14. bombs into our 50 no use today with Barass and McGovern back there. Have to be smarter
  15. Would like TMac to kick 3 or 4. Solidify his recent better form
  16. The Suns have been hard at it but its been very poor from Freo. Clueless going forward today
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