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Everything posted by BDA

  1. Although named in the 18 together, i can't see TMac, BB and the Weid all playing. They've played together once, against Carlton last year i think it was. It was not considered a success by the brains trust and was not tried again My guess is: BB for TMac (50/50 call. could well be the Weid) Dunstan for Viney. I though it was for this exact scenario that Dunstan was brought in. Like for like replacement Smith for Lever
  2. What I dearly hope to see some day In: Sanity Out: BS health and safety protocols
  3. TMac or the Weid. I reckon we need a poll on this vital question
  4. I’ve subscribed to this YouTuber. Reckon he’ll get great mileage out of essington this year
  5. Too many cooks in the kitchen. a recipe for confusion I agree with him as regards paying them though
  6. We've had some great Indigenous guernseys but i'm afraid this one is an eyesore
  7. Players need to keep their mouths shut when it comes to the umpires. I will 100% support a zero-tolerance policy in this regard Trying to police reactions is futile and counter productive. Frustration, disappointment etc will always be apparent in a players demeanour. You can’t fake or curtail it. It will be written all over their face. Rugby Union is as an example where referees are respected no matter what. And it’s a sport full of interpretations. Players will shake their head and show obvious disappointment when decisions go against them. But they never back chat. I think this is the standard we should aim for
  8. It’s a poor turnout. No getting away from it. Easter a factor so I don’t think this game is the best indicator Covid has impacted attendances across the board and is the main reason for lower attendances. There are those who are afraid of catching covid but there are also iso rules still in place meaning isolating fans can’t get to the games and isolating workers can’t man the food and alcohol stalls and all the other supporting services. Once rules and restrictions are finally lifted (and its well past time they were imo), I hope the 10%-20% covid holdouts will return Watching on TV will never replace attending the game live. It’s a social occasion centred around the game for me. Catching up with mates, enjoying the banter and beers and getting the chance to belt out Grand old flag with the rest of the faithful. You can’t replicate that watching on the TV There are 2 types of Melbourne based Dees supporters (I’ll leave out country and inter-state given the logistics involved). Those who find reasons to attend and those who find reasons not to attend. Which are you?
  9. I'd like to add some balance to this thread I hate the Hawks
  10. Ruthless performance. Thoroughly enjoyable to watch. The only time I got annoyed was late in the game when we gave up some junk time goals 🤣 crowds are an issue across the league. Covid main factor. Plus school holidays. I’m down the coast this weekend as are the crew I normally head along to games with. I think Anzac eve will be a better indicator of member engagement. I expect a big crowd (I’ll be there for sure)
  11. The way he’s going so far this year Touk miller will win another AA jacket.
  12. The great thing about our team at the moment is you know exactly what you’re going to get. No other team in the league has an answer. gws super inconsistent but even if they have an “on” night the dees will weather the storm to post a regulation win dees by 25 points
  13. Entertaining game. Won't be losing any sleep about the Lions challenging us
  14. Pies hanging around. If they can get the next one its game on
  15. Superb i50 delivery from Pendles. He's not finished yet
  16. i think thats the first time i've ever seen pendles get caught holding the ball
  17. I'm predicting a blow out from here
  18. Umps being generous to the pies tonight
  19. Lions complacent. Pies first to the loose ball every time
  20. no idea what that free was for
  21. by the looks of it defending will be an optional extra tonight
  22. Great to have Harry back in the team. I think its better he has a game under his belt before taking on the Tiges
  23. Swans have been poor their last 2 games. I reckon the Eagles, even if depleted, are a chance against them at Optus
  24. TMac is our swingman so not sure why we would be trialing the Weid at CHB. We have ample defensive depth as it is. He either makes it as a forward or he'll be delisted
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