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Everything posted by BDA

  1. Chol has been a great pick-up for the Suns
  2. The way Freo play i won;t be surprised if we keep them to less than 30 points in a few weeks
  3. The Suns having a dip. Unlike the Crows last night i think they can sustain this for 4 quarters
  4. I think we're making excuses because it's Majak. He's responsible for knowing whether his car is registered or his license suspended
  5. I'm glad for him if he's not playing. Although I have no time for the Eagles Josh Kennedy is universally liked as a player. He doesn't deserve the indignity of getting belted by the premiers when the rest of the team don't appear to care.
  6. I think they’re a chance if they bank wins through the next few weeks and build momentum. They have a lot of quality in their side. Having said all that I wouldn’t rate their chances better than 50/50 at best
  7. Reckon this year could be an anomaly. Dogs and port will come hard (they’re easily top 8 quality despite all the problems they’ve had) and I know we say it every year but the cats are vulnerable. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is the year they fell out of the 8 (and I’ll be delighted if they do)
  8. Hopefully all our Perth brethren can get along to see the boys run around on the hallowed turf of Optus Eagles a shambles, we're chugging along nicely As much as i'd like to see an Eagles bloodbath, it's not our style Dees by 40 points
  9. Reckon the eagles will put up a decent fight before we decide to put our foot down half way through the third quarter, run over the top of them and win by 74 points
  10. Dogs have a run of winnable games so they will be in finals contention. It's between them and the Tioges for 8th spot
  11. The Suns might surprise Freo. although probably not The Crows form has dropped off recently but the Lions can;t take that game lightly. If the home crowd get behind them they can be awkward opponents Surely the Giants players will show up given its Cameron's last game
  12. Daytime, twilight i'm not fussed as long as its at the G
  13. Soft draws may help you make finals but I don’t recall any recent premier that had an armchair ride to a flag. Brisbane had a golden opportunity in 2020 but fluffed it.
  14. Our defensive shield is impregnable. We know it and our opponents know it. We have an aura of invincibility and a cast-iron belief in our systems and each other. It's an unbelievably strong position to be in. I'm seriously starting to think we may go unbeaten through the H&A season. No team appears to have an answer All that said, I reckon the negative nelly's will emerge on DL after our first loss. Guaranteed
  15. I’m hoping the crows lose some players. Erin Phillips has already left for port. There was talk of harchard leaving. Hope she does. I don’t see us winning a premiership unless the crows lose more key players
  16. We’ve perfected our defensive organisation and system. We know it holds up no matter the opposition or situation. Why not use this game as an opportunity to work on forward connection and shooting practice. I say let’s try to belt these bastards by 100+ points. I can’t think of a more worthy recipient than the weagles.
  17. CFC have acknowledged historical cultural problems. Lumumba and other black and Indigenous players are no longer speaking to the club as a result. No question where the historic blame lies here In terms of where we’re at now, I think Lumumba feels he hasn’t been listened to. CFC and Buckley think they have listened and have put in place processes to improve the environment at the club going forward. Both parties believe they have acted in good faith and conscience. I don’t know where it goes from here but we’re certainly at an impasse. My advice is to deal with it behind closed doors rather than twitter. And the reality is Lumumba may never forgive CFC and perhaps there is nothing the CFC can do about that. Sometimes relationships break beyond repair. For Lumumba’s sake he needs to find some kind of closure though. Airing these grievances regularly are no good for his wellbeing long term
  18. Hopefully we can make a big splash in a year or 2 and trade in a KPF. Ben King or Harry McKay my preferences
  19. Playing poor teams to make finals is a false economy. You want to be battle hardened through tough fixtures. Beating up on the Eagles and North won't improve the Cats chances of winning a flag one iota
  20. Yes. It's a chance to see the premiers and i'm an optimist as well so despite the odds i'd still be hopeful. Explains why i turned up to see the Dees belted on more than a few occasions
  21. I know its not our style but i would love it if we put our foot down and thrashed this mob by 100 points. Icing on the cake would be a full house of demented Eagle fans to witness it
  22. Why not tag all our players. That way have a chance of a nil all draw. It's better than a loss
  23. There is a rot at the core of West Coast's culture which has been there for a long time. Poor discipline, poor conditioning, brittle resilience when playing on the road. They need to take a hard look at themselves. Personally i hope they stay at the bottom for a long time
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