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Everything posted by Kent

  1. Thanks for your efforts Werridee hope we hear from you when you can gain entry
  2. That is exactly what is happening Soon you will not be able to breathe or operate without a code of some sort And people were afraid of an identified go figure
  3. so What was wrong with Carrol? Was in our possible picks for a long time
  4. Weiderman for the Pies first pick will do me!
  5. yes lets see how they go after training the house down in the preseason ?
  6. Hi Ernest . Have missed you around here Hope all is ok
  7. Has the fixture for games 1 to 6 been published anywhere?
  8. so next year we lose Hore, Jetta, Jones, Smith, Van den Berg, ANB and maybe Weiderman if his performance doesnt improve Thats about right in my opinion
  9. I was thinking the same thing after watching HL's Watertown
  10. I'm sure a hand PASS is not beyond his ability
  11. Rhyan Mansell (played at Woodville West Torrens in 2020) Like the sound of this guy Spirit any footage?
  12. Yes DZ looks the goods very impressive pick up Im impressed
  13. Gee onion you have very little to say other than to reflect negatively on others I'm in august company with @Sir Why You Little Thanks for that! You have your view, I have mine. I don't belittle yours so You and your excuses for Goodwin should be only read in the context that somehow you defend him with all you have and of course, excuses, and remember there is always next year. You also have said the same [censored] for years whatever relevance that has. Good luck to you and remember we are allowed an opinion on here.
  14. I'm with you all the way on this PF. Timing is good because there are limited coaching positions around due to Covid effects Club has recognised Goodwins' weaknesses and are addressing them in a positive way. Shame its taken so long- 2 wasted years. Its all up to Goodwin to respond
  15. I go to training all the 58 so I know what goes on On many levels ie Game Plan and selection Goodwin needs help Again if he is struggling in those aspects why do we need him
  16. Appreciate your position on this DD but I differ I just don't know what Goodwin brings to the table agree to disagree. I'm not potting him I just don't believe he is now or ever been the right Coach for us BTW I'm happy as hell we have Richo and now Williams whether it assists Goodwin or not is irrelevant I believe he will be gone anyway.
  17. Couldn't agree more re Goodwin Its like who needs him what does he bring to the team? Green Yze Richardson Now Williams really makes you wonder what they found out in the review But anyway we appear to be moving in the right direction maybe in spite of having to carry Goodwin
  18. If it was I wouldn't use it around here Steve.
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