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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Agree he's a package of different skills with a bright future. Thinks about the game also.
  2. Mr Freeze and rjay Yout attempts to justify, gloss over ( or ignore) Fritta's yet again selfishness in not playing proper team footy are laughable . Of course Fritta is paid to kick goals but so is Chandler and any other Dees player. You don't pick and choose who you handpass to in that situation but DO THE TEAM THING. Whst will happen is that lack of team play spreads as another player will do it AND before it dreamt cu of you know it NO ONE will go to goal square like Chandler to get the handball and the shot will be missed and we will burn a goal and LOSE a game. Your reasons are irrelevant and no excuse for any other than team play at AFL level. Team rules are king.
  3. So JVR and Judd didn't play well enough for a chance of Rising Star nomination? Both played games near enough to their best which should get them in the discussions this round.
  4. I didn't know there was a number of stats that had to be completed before a Rising Star nomination can be awarded. Can you fill me in on them please SA? Tbere were more than that as Abbey Holmes itemised in her Ch7 interview after the game. And Rooy had an impact with nearly every action he displayed in his most complete game for the Dees. Marks tackles etc etc his is what the Rising Star is looking for in a performance that highlighted his huge talent as a potential star on the horizon. Judd also is worthy of the award also on his very valuable performance last night. The award people are generally on the money and it's not always the flashiest and larger stats that win it. Team value and impact just like in the Band F are a paramount consideration. Both skilled team players that won't spend many ( if any) days at Casey in the future. Oh and to those who are craving for either Jacob or Judd plus Chandler to be managed or dropped " because they are tired" or "look like they should have a week off" they sure answered that constant request whenever they have a quiet game. Some Red faced Demonlanders who I hope are pleased with the result. Perhaps we all should have a week off asking for managed players at times. We don't know their bodies or actual aerobic ability to select that opinion thank goodness. As the late great Teddy Whitten said "We stuck it right up 'em" and it good when we get this call every now and again.
  5. Uninformed question as there has not been aQB sellout before.
  6. Ridiculous comment QF not even funny!! You are living in a bubble in cold Canberra and need a holiday in Hawaii. Please take a couple of dogs and your membership with you!
  7. We haven't hot time to wait and see AF. This surely hasn't changed for 5/6 weeks snd we have 3 games of footy in the next 3 Rounds that will define our season most likely. Our game day problems are left to fester for far too long and haunt us on a daily each round basis plus each quarter as well. The following are done points about out game and where we are at in 2023. 1. The most missing thing from 2021 standard is our PRESSURE. We no longer create it ALL over the ground. 2. The ability to perform at or near our top agsinst the top 8 ( and even lower at times) is a missing art dating back to last half of 2022. Our fitness was allegedly the major issue with many tired and carrying injuries the culprit. Not sure where we are but generally when we lose closely we are our own worst enemies with poor connection and horrible misses that compound our footy and give critics the out saying "bad kicking is bad football" Saturdays loss reminded me of the 2021 loss to GWS where we failed in the last quarter snd all term looked winners. 3. We at present don't seem to have that magic that produces a star out of the blue a bit like Rooy in the Anzac Eve game. Kossie needs a fresh challenge and Fritta doesn't look happy to me. Harmes and he were very cool when Bailey was cut across leading. A goal followed shortly afterwards but no convo with each other visible to me to clear the situation and reset on the forward line. A smile/ laugh then would ease their tension surely. 4. Again the team seems confused about its game plan and the defence is not the same in its play and execution as previously. Both May and Lever have had average seasons for them ( both play on such an edge and don't look relaxed as before ie 2021/2022. I believe they are like Goody a bit any thing less than a 2021 version in personnel creates a problem in team psyche. Clearly vs Suns Turner was (although I thought he played a better game than given credit for after watching the replay) new and the backline looked like a family with 5 kids and Disco was the black sheep from the cousins family let loose for the day. This sounds harsh but without Petty as their loyal and constant companion to sure up most errors if they occur, or mark or punch that team aspect looks fragile to me. 5. I am a fan of giving Harry a go at CHF but if it inhibits the backline to such an extent why not start him there and have Tmac as a backup at CHF and at least change them up. 6. Rooy is suffering from the dysfunctional forward line and clearly needs to be on the third defender from the opposition. But he seems he is always flying with too many others and from last in the pack needing a big run at the ball. What about our forwards LEADING for a change? 6. I also think our team is or appears stale not 100% connected on the ground ( not like 2021 and early 2022 at least) and no life or aggression in our game plan ( up to Round 4 seemed ok) and since our surprise loss to Bombers very much down on confidence with leaders also backward hence David King mentioning his Gawny solo vs Port etc. He has a point really no matter what Goody said. 7. If we are to evolve and become a Dynasty then about a third of our 23 need refreshing or dropping on form. The naysayers will say who can replace this one and that but fresh ideas and personnel are the best antidote for energy and spirit. Remember what Ross Lyon did dripped 2 of his regulars snd he got the result he wanted. Greater team emphasis snd form from all. I mean would the world come to an end if ANB or say Lever or Gawny were managed or demoted? We need to learn agsin of our missed opportunities In 2022 and act quickly now. Many may not agree totally with me but some of the points above are clear up see and need addressing at this stage of the season.
  8. Sorry Kieren did not necessarily mean the "same personnel" but same as in "goals plans and unity on the one page as it were". Last year Goody learned a hard lesson that you cant have the same group you have to evolve.
  9. Yes results are expected as well Letsstart Saturday and flick out the Freo flames. Won't be easy it's a 50/50 game I suspect. ScoMo if our B graders and role players will need to contribute.
  10. Here here Kozzie. Never want to go back to 2007/14. Never again. Let's get those 1 or 2 more flags.
  11. That's not the actual situation. Access to any part or section is "subject to availability" no matter if you have Members tickets. Yes there are some small loopholes maybe but if you don't act with some haste fully well knowing that Anzac Eve or Kings Birthday are likely challenges to the norm. Gawndy the Great in his heartfelt post about MFC members possibly missing out is nice empathy but some members are very complacent and assume it is the same as a 25,000 entry. I love the fact that Melb are now getting benefits that they only dreamed of a decade ago but it has been a well earned ride. The bottom line is 85,000/90,000 plus many of who have doubled dipped with our Membership and reserved seats contributing. Pies fans also contribute and non members with the GA pay at the gate and some have reserved seats and a minimum not. But the bottom line is that we will pocket $1.5/2million and that is what we have earned the right to because of our status over the last 3 of 6 seasons plus 2018 also included. Gawndy rabbited on about Cwood getting all the silver service from the AFL and this galling and unfair at times. But don't get down about our lot in life no one wants to pay attention to a jealous loser who can't celebrate the good in their Club. I don't want to ever return to the depths of despair from 2007-2014 where again was as precious as a flag. And life is changing for us snd it's all good just go with the flow or you will be left behind to sit in a corner and sulk. Here's hoping we go to KB Monday (after 2 more wins and are 9-3) and provide the upset of the year. We are not that far off but need to lift as the whips start cracking as we turn for home and September as our main course for the year. Up and at em Go Dees.
  12. Your now predicting injury Jaded? Let us Just let Clarry do his best to get fit and have him back in then when he is ready.
  13. Makes little difference as it is what it is ( or will be) Think they know how good Clarry is at getting his body right agsin. I have a feeling he will play on the KB game most likely or even Blues on 2 June if all goes well.
  14. The heading here says last night but this is the recoding from Monday's Hardwick story !! On that edition with moon face Hutchinson compering.
  15. Sorry Hunter is missing also Aplogies Roost it but we need 2 at least newbies vs Freo. He gave som clues in his presser today apparently at training.
  16. Oliver can't play on one leg Heis hood even great but needs to be able to run !!. Who is going to replace him word is that Taj Woe will debut.
  17. Great work Woe well deserved and good luck. A true Demon to you bootlaces!
  18. Seems a good base for another appeal to the Tribunal Appeals court based on a technicality. Very clear cut and good chance here!
  19. Well Fr-ap you have spent half your post smugly self congratulating yourself saying you were right as the Tribunal upheld the appeal. Doesnt make you or them right!!! What it means is that there was an error somewhere in their expectation of how this "tackle" should have been approached. Fundamentally Lachie could have lowered his body and contested with the result that both players would expect to clash heads and Ed know what that would have resulted in. Both players missing the next week or more and a horrible scene on TV and at the ground. Oh and one digestion from the AFL team was for Lachie to avoid contesting and give Rozee the free access to the ball. That's how they came to try and solve the dilemma. Please don't try and conconct your lounge room fantasy whereby the two players "would have been safe to use their hands as they reach out further than their heads so that would have been safe!!" Is preposterous at worst and ridiculous at best. Part of football is based on the saying "keep your head over the ball" and has been the coaches catch cry for 180 years so to digress from that principle is against any proper coaching of the game. The AFL have failed in their enthusiasm to back the MRO and umpires in upholding this decision as Rozee should have turned his head and body to contest the ball to the side to avoid any dangerous head on contact ( or side on ). If done correctively both players can avoid any head contact by their bodies contacting each other's. In this instance Tozee should have been cited for his own lack of safety and careless tackle. The result that he was not injured ( or Lachie) as Lachie braced himself for the contact and his behind took the contact which proved low impact ( not medium) as no head issues resulted. Finslly Adrian Anderson and MFC got this issue wrong. It was a simple case of NOT admitting right or wrong of the action BUT that it was palpably incorrect to be Assessed as MEDziUM impact and should have been judged as LOW. Then a fine is given and you move on. Both players got it wrong IMO and the AFL and players are even more confused about tackling as the AFL want their cake then want to eat it also. ie move goalposts to suit themselves ie why didn't you avoid contesting the ball" is the dingle most damming comment from the AFL Legsl team since he thought up the " reasonable player" comment in Rooy's case a fortnight ago. No Matter if you comment or post a rely Fr-ap I am finished with this matter but expect to see a different ruling or variation at any time in the future from the Umpires and AFL as they grapple to correct their head and concussion issues and the AFL laws interpretations.
  20. As you still ignored my comment that we are in completely different times now with the head/concussion issue VIP on the AFL agenda and it has resulted in a rasp of tribunal and reports cases as a result Also the MRO has started with some cases which can be just throws at the stumps as a result of the head and concussion tackling. If he misses with a few he doesn't stop plucking and missing in this attempt to look responsible and invariably all he looks is confused out of place and must be on his last season with this style and standard of performance.
  21. Really that's why you appeal!!!! HVe you no logic Jaded?
  22. The issue user ste in a trigger happy MRO climate so we need to respond accordingly. Surely Rooys case was not trigger happy ? That's ridiculous if you believe that as we followed it up and win the appeal! Tick tick Now I believe Lachie's appeal is a no brainer. Fr-ap has bought up his home made lounge room simulation which in my opinion is more a toilet version if the circumstances. Interestingly he sort of half concedes a case for reduction of impact from medium to low bring debatable. Thsts what all our defence is trying to approve. They may even have a case for it to be all Lachie could or under the circs and highlight Rozees scary approach as he cannoned into Lachie with no thought of a safeguard for his own health. The fact that the 7 commentators initially said basically no case to answer ( they may change that later of course) is an opinion that with this present climate should be tested accordingly. It's the MRO that has the hung ho approach as he picks and chooses potential disasters and charges even when the result is not a drama. well done Dees test this climate and MRO as long as you like if there is a reasonable chance of overturning his idiocy and peculiar judgement at times.
  23. If we can see Maxy bring targeted I am sure the players can. Thats the worst excuse I have heard that they couldn't see it!!! Please . It is just where the team sits and as well is in life the more you put in the more you ( deserve to) get out of it!!!
  24. Nevertheless the members of our clandestine leadership group were notably absent and its these little 1% ers that were done in 2021 without question. A drop off in this culture 10 times a match say, indicates that we are missing out that extra unity and team bonding/ spirit that made us almost unbeatable in our Flag year. It's time for Gawny to gather the troops and release a few home truths. A gentle reminder with our next 4 games as crucial to a top 4 spot is just what the doctor ordered. We are not far off it but need all the ducks we can get in a row to beat the Pies Lions and Cats. Even Port and the Dogs would not be scared by us on Friday's effort which was short on really good classy football acts that win games. Trac and Clarry slightly hampered in the last quarter was telling but it's time for some other heroes other than Maxy Trac Clarry Maysie and JV to get us over the line in the close ones.
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