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  1. Hi guys. What is it specifically that has turned Fremantle into our Kryptonite? Seem to get the better of us over the last few years. Coaching, personnel, plan or are they just too good? As a WA based Dee's fan, I'm very keen for us to get a comfortable win against them. I will, however, happily admit their supporters are much better than the eagles. A much more pleasant game day experience.
  2. Do you think we free Lever up a bit more against the bombers? I think he gets exposed as a 1v1 defender which is where he seemed to find himself a few times against the Eagles.
  3. I would like 30 seconds dedicated to Binman just saying "I told you so". Much better game. Our contest and defence is back. Pressure was amazing from the first bounce. Obviously very disappointed with our 4th quarter fade outs. Assuming it's fitness related and not Goody trying to put the game to bed defensively. Is it too late in the season to correct this? I would have thought most of our loading periods are done, the demons of '21 where just hitting their stride in the 3rd and 4th. It has been asked before but have we possibly messed up our fitness program for this year or is it more related to the huge amount of young players who just don't quite have that tank yet? As well as the interrupted pre season for a few.
  4. Get a grip man. We lost by a kick to a team that everyone expected us to be completely flogged by, including most of our "supporters". Won't take much for Binman to find some positivity because large parts of our game were good. Ran out of gas in the last and lost a close one. Game is looking much better and several players showing improvement. Kept a team who has averaged about 130 points the last few games to sub 90.
  5. Agreed. He loves to take pot shots. I think it's naive to think everything is running beautifully and aspects of our culture don't need work but I think you could say the same for every club. A run of bad form and it's stacks on Melbourne again.
  6. Article from the West. Thoughts? Another beat up or kernels of truth? Link below https://archive.md/u7nqN
  7. We can probably cover a forward more easily. In which case drop Petty back and replace him.
  8. At that stage is it even a tag? Or is it just playing man on man and holding your opponent accountable?
  9. Do you think they used the 10 day break to absolutely smash the players fitness wise? There's only 2 reasons I can think as to why we performed so poorly. 1st is the boys were flogged during the longer break to load up and were completely cooked. 2nd is we just aren't good enough this year. Yes we have beaten some good teams but the gap between our best and worst is large, very large. If it's the fatigue factor then the High Performance staff need to realise that we need to actually bank some wins during the season to make it to the finals. Perhaps they thought "it's only the Eagles, we'll be fine" which shows they weren't taking it seriously and got found out. If it's the 2nd reason then, well, there is always next year. Lever out messes with us obviously but good teams should be able to adapt to that and cover somewhat. Credit needs to be given to the Eagles as well. They played very well. Cleaner, faster, tougher. Harley Reid can become a Dee anytime. Waterman turning into Prime Wayne Carey at home games doesn't help us either. We were at the game and if you haven't made the long walk to the Optus stadium train station in opposition gear after being pumped by the Eagles then I suggest you try it at least once in your life. Very humble in defeat, similar to Collingwood or Carlton fans. (Andy please convey the appropriate amount of sarcasm when reading the last sentence) Thanks guys.
  10. Disappointed but not surprised. Brisbane with plenty to play for and we just weren't quite at our best. More of a vent than a question. 5 day breaks. We have 2. I did a bit of research and there are 9 teams who have one 5 day break through their season. 5 teams have zero 5 day breaks and we are one of 4 unlucky ones with 2. Is there any rhyme or reason to how these are given out? They are a blight on the game and without going overboard, I feel like they are dangerous. These guys aren't playing lawn bowls, it's an extremely intense, rough and unforgiving sport and the AFL are playing with players wellbeing, not to mention the quality of the game, purely for tv viewers and Ad revenue. We weren't at our best tonight and I certainly don't believe that was purely fatigue. There are areas we need to work on but 3 games in 13 days is less than ideal scheduling to put it mildly. The boys had to be feeling the effects of that. I think this bye will be great for us.
  11. Temperature, humidity, skill, fitness, personnel, injuries or gameplay? What is the problem? Feel like Sydney beat us handily at our own game. Hoping for a better showing next week before the MFCSS kicks in.
  12. I actually saw that one. Kozzie gave him a decent bump VERY late. I must admit I did think something similar, that's dumb. Love Kozzie but just needs to reign it in occasionally. Especially when the ball is 50m away and the umpire is right next to you.
  13. sam6172


    Nothing. Everything is fine, nothing to see here. Go Dee's!
  14. sam6172


    I tried. It is disheartening to see the attitude of our fanbase has turned mostly negative. Whilst I thank the ones who took the post the right way, there are quite a few who just took it as another excuse to take pot shots. The main point of it was just to encourage people to just focus on the footy. Good or bad. I'm not asking for censorship of people's opinions if they happen to speak badly about certain players or staff, with the exception of personal attacks. A few people seemed to take it that way. I'm all for a good back and forth. Just don't get all down in the dumps over things we can't control. Off field and off season is all stuff we cannot control. Let's just cheer the red and blue when they run out for real in a few weeks. Just heard about Gus and that situation just drives the point home. It's just footy. There is more important things to worry about. Enough with the personal attacks on players and staff. Keep it constructive. If any of us genuinely know more than them then I encourage you to show up at the club and let them know. Put yourself to use at the club rather than talking down to everyone here.
  15. sam6172


    Absolutely. The players aren't in a complete bubble. They know when the fan base isn't behind them, that's not to say that we aren't behind them now but there is so much division. Let's just watch some footy and get behind our team.
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