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Neil Crompton

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Everything posted by Neil Crompton

  1. I’m no Level 4 coach so forgive me if I am missing something, but my game plan would be: 1. Win the ball 2. Hit a target 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 I know it’s a bit complicated, so it will take a bit of adjusting to, but I reckon we’ve got about 6 months to adapt for next season. Happy if someone wants to pass this onto Goody.
  2. Come on LG. Hold your fire. I admire Scarlett for his honesty. I think that doco was extremely powerful in making us all question our definition of racism. Scarlett has questioned his and I have certainly questioned mine. It’s so easy to see examples of racism in another country. But it’s hard to acknowledge it when it’s so close to home, and when it’s something that we haven’t been really challenged on before. Scarlett specifically asked the question “am I a racist?”. I gave my thoughts. I also realise I have been just as guilty in the past. So no ego involved, but agree with you , let the healing begin.
  3. If you don’t like Adam Goodes as a footballer, then you are a poor judge of a player, but nothing more. If you don’t like Adam Goodes as a person then, unless you have met him and know him personally, then I think there is a good chance that you are a racist.
  4. Thank god footy is just a game - or we’d all be taking this losing caper so seriously. F’ing MFC.
  5. Came across this little ditty. It reminded me of someone: Pity The Bitter Optimist Pity the bitter optimist, He wants to rant and shake his fist, But just can’t seem to bring himself to do so, He doesn’t want to think the best, He knows the world’s completely messed, From his mouth it never quite rings true though, He’s certainly no giddy fool, Thinks cynical is kind of cool, But is cursed to always find the silver lining, He’s tried to practice sneer and scowl, Even worked up an evil growl, Still he knows somewhere the sun is always shining, He makes his outside sort of tough, Wears shades and reads the darker stuff, But somewhere inside lives Little Orphan Annie, He’s even tried to turn to drink, He thought it’d make him mean I think, Found his ability to laugh is near uncanny, So if you are pessimistic, I’m afraid to him it won’t stick, Despite the twisted ruse he tries so oft to borrow, Yes his charade is oh so thin, For very much to his chagrin, He can’t help but hope for better things tomorrow.
  6. What’s wrong with being a downhill skier? Does he realise how f’ing hard it is to ski uphill?
  7. Thanks Mooney. Wouldn’t we kill for him now.
  8. They also laughed at Max in his early days. Max was as awkward looking as Preuss is currently. He just needs a couple of years to develop.
  9. What a disgraceful comment. He was probably one of only a few players who kept us in the game.
  10. I think he could develop as a good full forward for us if we were to select him
  11. If you were influenced by Chisel into drinking that drop at that time ( “paper bag, brandivino”) then I’d suggest you must be around 55 years of age PD.
  12. And what, he’s going to get that at Melbourne? Im wondering what May is actually thinking. He left a rabble thinking he was joining a premiership bound team. He must be kicking himself.
  13. Saty. I admire your red and blue blood through-and-through attitude, but a guy is allowed to express an opinion without it being construed as a knock (“negativity”) on every player on our list, surely.
  14. Thanks for the great memory recall. camping on Philip Island in the middle of winter, pouring with rain, and necking SGG to keep warm. The good ol days.
  15. If we review two players in similar stages of their careers at MFC, Jones and Lewis, and compare how we are reacting to the finish, or potential finish , to their careers, we appear to have different standards. Lewis is a 4 time premiership player who has played over 300 games, an all Australian, whose skills and football brain have always been well above those of Jones - and still are. Jones has been a heart and soul player for us through many bleak years. He has earned our respect and gratitude. However, while he still bleeds red and blue, his skill set is now second rate, if we are being honest. Lewis, a large number of us here has said he should stay at Casey, and not play in the ones again. Jones, a large number here are saying we should keep him on to play 300 games - at least one and a half seasons away. Naturally there is a lot more love for Jones than Lewis - one is Melbournes heart and the other is an outsider. But perhaps we need to take a tough leaf out of Clarkson’s book, and take the emotion out of any decision regarding Jones, and do what’s best for the teams development - when the time comes.
  16. Best team we’ve put onto the park all season and you still complain. Just once I’d like to read something positive from you Picket - and not that you are “positive” that Oscar will be back in the ones next week.
  17. Unfortunately I need to wait for the GF (gluten free) version
  18. I wish someone had told me there was twitter back in the 70’s
  19. Modesty forbids me from saying that I was the hero that day.
  20. I did say players from our current team - and I don’t believe Lewis or Salem we’re playing.
  21. If you had to choose one player in our current team to take that last kick at goal, I would have chosen Sam.
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