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Neil Crompton

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Everything posted by Neil Crompton

  1. If you listen to the podcast you’ll know as much as I do and then you can make up your own mind as to whether it’s real or not.
  2. Demonsone, Bartlett also explained that when they researched the major sporting clubs around the world to determine best practice, he said that a large number of these major clubs had both a city base and a second base outside of the city. This is the concept we have apparently adopted - a city base in the MCG precinct area and a second at Casey.
  3. It would appear that a significant number of posters on here for some reason don't believe a word of what Glen Bartlett has told us at the beginning of July about our new training facility. In his podcast he has clearly stated that: - our new training and administration facility will be in the MCG precinct area. - it will include a social club - the training oval will not be MCG size - due to space restrictions - we will have a second training facility at Casey (including MCG size oval, and a good sized indoor kicking area) - the initial phase (to analyze option sites, establish the requirements for the new development, and recommend a preferred option) has been completed - the second phase of the development is now in full swing - ie focusing on the preferred site only, and finalizing the Concept Master Plan for this site. - the entire process from analysis, through concept development, to detailed design to construction completion was going to be about a 4 year process (from memory) Until proven otherwise, I'm more than happy to not only believe what Glen has outlined, but also to be very excited about what he has outlined. Yes its too many years overdue, but it looks very real at the moment.
  4. Luci, I would assume that because the land is govt owned and they are providing a certain level of finance, that they would lead the project. It should make the project cut through govt red tape so much easier. Our club has stated that the phase 1 feasibility study was developed based on a set of criteria that we proposed for our project. We may not get everything our hearts desire, but as Phase 1 is complete, then the list of facilities to be provided has already been agreed to and approved. In some ways I find it comforting that the Govt is leading the development as it means they are committed to the project.
  5. Luci, if you listen to the Glen Bartlett podcast (1/07/2020) he states that the phase 1 feasibility study is complete (which identified approx 4 possible option sites within the Melbourne Sporting Precinct) and that now the Phase 2 feasibility study is underway which focuses on the preferred option site within the Melbourne Sporting Precinct. He stated that while COVID has set the program back somewhat, it was now full steam ahead with finalising the designs for the preferred site. The MSP base will house all the football departments as well as a social club and training facilities ( training oval will not be MCG size). Casey will be a second facility with MCG size oval and indoor training facilities. He suggested that based on overseas examples, most major clubs had a city base and a second home some distance away. This is the model we have followed. Perhaps a more positive outlook now than what the 2019 annual report was able to outline at the time.
  6. A contract is an agreement between 2(or more) parties - one party does not "own" the other. Once that contract period ends, each party is free to do whatever they please. Frawley has left 2 clubs now after finishing contracts. He has done nothing wrong - nor should he be criticized for making the very same career choices that all of us do. To argue differently is just utterly ridiculous and simply portrays a disgruntled fan who cannot distinguish the difference between career advancement (for the player) and blind team loyalty (from the supporter). Frawley left the MFC 6 years ago - get over it!
  7. Does anyone know if the club spread the AFLW payments to our women over a 12 month period or just over the training and playing period? I don’t know why I need to know this, but I can’t find an answer online, and it’s bugging me.
  8. Can someone please tell me what picks we have in the 2021 draft?
  9. I think it’s been an eggscellent discussion
  10. I think from memory, Docklands oval is about the same length as the MCG, but is about 12m (?) narrower. I agree that training on a smaller oval than the MCG is "farcical" - look at how badly affected Richmond have been over the last 4 seasons by training on the Punt Road Oval ( which is even narrower than Docklands)!
  11. Nev, we all get pi ssed off at posters at times, but its smarter, and causes less grief, to simply ignore rather than to react. Your choice mate.
  12. I remember Blair when he played cricket with Prahran CC. Not only a great and rather unique talent, a wonderfully friendly man, but also a pied piper. Wherever he went, there were always kids following him. Great memories. my condolences to the Campbell family.
  13. Do you think it may just be possible that Phillips didn’t want to come to the MFC? That it may not have been our decision to make? Why are we always so keen to blame the Club in circumstances like this?
  14. Or do you think that by now they may be somewhat wary of ex MFC key position forwards with foot injuries?
  15. Personally I think dividing the GM role is a very good thing the way it’s been defined, irrespective of the $3m budget cuts.
  16. What excites me? After too many disappointing decades of watching the D’s play, only sex with my lovely wife still excites me.
  17. I have a gut feel that the next club to get Hogan will get a bargain.
  18. Luv your work Dr E. (Im assuming your prediction track record has improved greatly since your very first prediction back in 2014?)
  19. I really don’t believe that’s true one_demon, is it. One only needs to look back at your original posts and any responses to know the real truth. There were no “nasty comments” at all that I saw. Since I have been on here, I generally only find out about a new poster by the welcome they usually receive from others for their first post. I’m sorry if that didn’t happen for you.
  20. Thanks for that SWYL. Has got to be the greatest Plan B performance by any coach, ever. Barassi was a genius. i wonder what Goodwin would have done at half time if he were in Barassi’s shoes?
  21. This is where I’d be hopeless as a list manager. I know from what he showed this year that he is at or near the end, but he is such a quality person, and such a great influence and role model to our players, that I couldn’t let him go. id be offering him a role at the club to keep him. When you have a gem like Nev, you should never part with it.
  22. Haha - you were “ruddy annoyed” - I haven’t heard that saying since I last had tea and scones with the Queen.
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