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Everything posted by Billy

  1. He’s not coming At least we’ve got a 32 yo ruckman, who can’t get a game with anyone else
  2. If the Clarry is staying the media will move straight onto Kozzie want out. Will be within minutes
  3. Yep me too, 36 year member, can’t trust the club anymore.
  4. Dream on, have you seen Oliver play in the last 18 months, we will probably get a second rounder the way we are going
  5. The club is to weak to play hardball
  6. Anyone who’s going to the B&F should stand up as one & tell the MFC to get stuffed. We the supporters have been treated like rabbits droppings for 18 months. The handling of the players & the clubs finances has been nothing short of appalling & we get nothing from these bludgers
  7. Has he asked for a trade yet, sorry if I’m behind the times
  8. The same way Jack Viney did & probably Petracca did
  9. He had an interview with Geelong!!! This is not a rumour Just keep your head in the sand if it makes you happy
  10. What makes you think that? The way the Oliver & Petracca situations amongst other things have been handled, l don’t think they have a clue about the players Other than a couple of good years here & there on field we’ve been a extremely poorly run club off field Top that off with an average coach, boring game plan & woeful home crowds the club is falling apart three years after a premiership. Seems to me the players are disgruntled & the hierarchy have now idea how to fix it. If two million dollars a year players want to leave imagine how the rest of the playing list feels.
  11. Nup if Clarry goes I’m done, been a member since 89, the Petracca, Oliver & Kozzie rumblings will be enough Im disappointed beyond words to see what is happening to the club three years after a premiership
  12. Agreed, any chance of recruiting an AFL, not VFL player??
  13. Good luck to him, I’m happy for him, not once has he bagged our club for the disgraceful way our coach treated him last year. We have been a shambles since 2021
  14. No Hes a little smart ar#e & not very good, haven’t we got McCadam, Chandler, Kozzie & Spargo for this We had Bedford the best out of the lot of them a couple of years ago and let him go Please don’t go down this path again getting C grade players
  15. The guys had a good year, give him a break & stop being so miserable Good onya TMac
  16. Or maybe just get a new coach
  17. That’s a stretch, he got plenty of opportunities & proved he’s handy backup, that’s about it
  18. Where’s the video of him shirking the issue during actual play, there’s plenty of them Not so tough then
  19. Why’s that? Lived in Nth Ringwood from 1991-2010 Nice weatherboard house with a lovely garden, great neighbours & friends. But then again I’m not too entitled Not prestigious enough for you?
  20. Seriously? Do you think we could let things simmer down a bit & be happy Traccs staying
  21. 😳 How do l delete all my recent comments?
  22. And Richo break up the band, boys club with Roffey the leader
  23. Totally underwhelming & embarrassing, asleep at the wheel. Our professionalism & culture stood up in the toughest year for all clubs winning the flag in 2021 during Covid WTF has happened since
  24. Traccs 29 next year
  25. Billy


    OMG, didn’t think it was that bad
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