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Everything posted by deebug

  1. Thanks you to all who were able to make it to training, for the great pics and info as well?
  2. When i was at Uni one day, one of the teachers told a story of this guy breaking into a house; well there to meet this would be slime #(&^$ was the pet dog who soon turned him into a chew toy. The a## hole whilst in prison, sued to the homeowner to get the dog put down because he was injured and suffering. Now at this point i said WHAT? the teacher gave me this look and a half, he won his case to have the poor animal put down. So if your dog goes to protect you and your home, he/she should stay eating their bone in the corner, whilst you get the c&%^ taking out of you.
  3. Could you please ask Josh, why we haven't drafted any Irish lads?
  4. Just so sad gone way too soon. R.I.P
  5. I have to agree summer is boring when it comes to not having any footy to watch?
  6. I was shocked to say the least. i thought for sure he was going to say the filth or methodon.
  7. I went back to tafe to do my VCE a while back, it was the first day so we all had to say our name and what was one of our hobbies; when it was my turn of course i said i love going and watching my team play, which he then ask who is your team? I said Melbourne, so i thought i would ask him who he followed his reply the Dee's.
  8. Loved Sean, he was gem, yet your so right was tough.
  9. Gus said on his podcast that Andrew had four dead teeth, not good. I
  10. They are going to crash and burn next year Ablett should have been gone and thee rest also, they are getting way too old.
  11. I thought it was going to be the Vineys
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