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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Frost on Blicavs is a good assignment.
  2. All good. Nice to see the final 22, as well for Rnd 1.
  3. It is thought that these actions of his were representative of his poor and vainly limited understanding of the meaning of 'united'.
  4. When this season starts and continues week by week to its ultimate end - where the Demons are in the top one quarter of the premiership ladder - prior to the finals, of course, we will have to count all of the media's naysayers who got it so terribly wrong at this pre-season time of the year. Carey, his mate, Robbo, and many others will be singing from a different song sheet by that time and still expecting the general public to recognise their 'insight' and 'sophisticated declarations' ... and their inherent right to sit on the bandwagon as far as the Demons are concerned.
  5. That is not silly. It is possible and potentially beneficial in several ways. Hawkins is too strong for OMac at this point and we do need for have TMac as a fwd - maybe on a 'swing' to a defensive post should our fwd line be performing above expectations. Hogan has the strength for the job, the marking ability, and much more speed than Hawkins. Not an easy thought to work through, is it?
  6. Quite a likely outcome, SWYL. We must run those two into the ground accompanied by a few hard bodies assisting along the way. I still have dreams of another 'weekend with Bernie' for Dangersmelled, and for Ablett, a run-in with Pedo at full bore....
  7. Thanks for that, most informative. A real depth of perception exercised in your signatory way. Those seeking opinion and feedback will appreciate your analytical efforts. Have a nice day.
  8. IMO, Harmes' form might be a turning point in the Viney saga. He needs the imposed 'leash' to be taken off, that's all, as Harmes does surprising things unexpectedly and I'd consider that he has much more of these 'moments' held in abeyance. He is relatively quick, explosive, tough as nails - and very much a 'keen' team member - with most of the goods to drive the ball and teammates into positive play. And, of course, he is another year wiser.
  9. In all, DNs, this is the best summation and possible resolution of the issue for such a great player.
  10. True, Ethan. IMO, 'crystal-balling it' we need a couple of big 'down back' utilities of the Neitz, Ingerson, Icke variety if TMac is to be sacrificed for fwd power.
  11. This is a truism and its antidote is going to be '...aiding our own growth...' Before the electronic media, we were not part of the Big 4, we were the Big 1. Collingwood was the Big 2. South Melb, Ess, Geel, StK and Rich, Foots were the rest, in essence. What changed was the continued lack of success. That is our growth factor, underpinned by a diaspora of multiple inputs and outputs along the way. The latter being the stage that we are currently just re-entering since 2015. We need to be in a position, as a Club, where change occurs for their own benefit within both the AFL and Channel 7 (and/or any other media attempting to become so sublime). Just let it all grow for us.
  12. A finite term to this point of time was intended. It was discussed amongst some colleagues and summarised from that forum in this form.
  13. Big mistake all around, as it panned out. Watts was conditioned to play for us for a few years to come yet there seemed to be a coaching issue to overcome. If it is too hard, snip it off? He is the best shot at goal in the league and our long-bomb policy going way over Watts' head did not help. When going forward with possession himself or when dropping back into the hotzone, Watts produced. His thought-action processes were elite. If he dodged an incoming tackle or stayed at the periphery of it, he could see an alternative which in team-play, could ameliorate the problem, moving the team forward. This was a feature of his game. He never lost a game from his actions. He did win a few, though.
  14. If the offers were selectively made, it would make little sense or could be discriminatory in some way. I'd reckon that it may well have been a sampling to see if members would 'go for it' in any big way. In the medium-term, I would think this ticketing offer could be a great income-generator for the Club and could provide members of the Club addition satisfaction for their money and loyalties. Imagine 10 000 + Members at the 'G for a game in one deluxe area of the ground! This could occur every home game - all facilitated electronically on the Net - buy tickets cheaply, deliver print-out tickets for Members cheaply, get increased crowds at games - think of the potential for revenues to all aspects of the spectacle of football. Imagine how the Collingwood supporters would feel attending a match against the Mighty Demons at the 'G - and those from Carlscum, Essendrug and Whorethorn.
  15. Pedo in a forward or relieving ruck position is in my best 22, but off the bench across a game. He is a mountain that could interrupt Tom Hawkins in a significant way if placed to kill on the backline. I don't see Hawkins hipping Cam very effectively, not beating him in the air because Tom seldom leaves the ground and for once, Cam is just as big, more mobile, better marking the ball and 'friggin attitudinal when elbowed, as Tom gets away with so often. Go Pedo!
  16. Hey, Wilmoy. I had an experience, once, just like that which you describe. Years ago, the kids were screaming blue murder in the backyard and I thought one or two of them were injured by something, it was so bad at 6am on a Sunday morning. I jumped out of bed in my shortie pyjamas, raced to the backdoor and jumped/leapt across the landing onto the grass to get to those little darlings. Someone had left a garden rake 'prongs up' on the lawn - just where my feet were touching down in my panic. Well, I have never hit two balls so accurately and straight in all my life on the golfcourse, yet I'd never recommend it to anyone as a way to overcome a nasty slice!
  17. These are ruthless suppositions and some of this may be closer to home than we may consider. It does not shake the loyalty of MFC supporters - or it shouldn't - it merely represents a perspective and viewpoint that is difficult to take but importantly, essential to take if the great range of factors that make up a football club are to be validated and inclusively considered. These suppositions and realities or fears are not exhaustive; such items may often be unknowingly overlooked but 'one at a time, fellas' is a start. A more complete club will emerge by questions 'on' or 'off' notice. As a sunset clause, I would certainly hope that we are richer and wiser for the experience.
  18. Agree with this, Dees11, but I think Jeffy is a little sore at present and poor kicking is rather easily ameliorated if given attention, for Frosty. This does look good as a team of depth substitutes for key drivers .
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