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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Just so much footballing talent in this list - very difficult to rank them but pretty well done as it stands. Boy, do we miss some of this footballing intent and team value. We should make a priority of these types of natural footballing talents in our recruitment processes - a very high percentage of skilful attributes contained in each. How good it is to reflect on these players and the games that each of them has played for the mighty MFC.
  2. Interesting to see (and remember) a young David Williams amongst the class of that Demons team. He subsequently became one of our more famous and consistent ball magnets - racking up possession after possession through several home & away seasons to follow. His running game was next to perfect on the MCG - a real space and pace hunter with excellent delivery skills and vision.
  3. Nope, not done. I was just confounded in the re-recognition of the behaviours by the same people.
  4. Fully agreed, but sometimes I wonder about some Aussies' behaviour and focus. Yesterday, I was looking for particular fruit in the supermarket but there was none to be had. So, homeward bound, I went to another supermarket to see if they had the fruit. No luck. Finally, I went past home, to another supermarket and found the fresh cantaloupe (only 1 taken, of course) that I sought, and then espied something very, very disappointing. Four women got out of an SUV - the same women in I saw in the first supermarket clearing the shelves with every item they could; I saw them again in the second supermarket, clearing the shelves yet again for the same item. Lo and behold, these women were up to the same process in the third supermarket, with absolutely hundreds of dollars of stockpiled items in the back of the SUV - perhaps thousands of dollars worth. One of them called to another, '...see you on the bus tomorrow'. Overhearing the explanation to one of the ladies, there is apparently a bus booked for 20 women to travel to 12 dispersed locations to 'do the supermarkets' to increase their hordes. Shocking, heh?
  5. You too? Common concept during and after the game. Take OMac, Spargo and the Weed with him to some far away place otherwise known as Fantasy-land,
  6. Agreed .... and runs to space, uses space once found (nearly always within a 5-metre radius of the pack), and runs on in support of an attacking play by the team to receive/offload support in tight, if needed.
  7. I am still playing golf at a moderately remote course every day at first light. The magpies and corellas are still helping me find my golf ball in the half-light when things go astray into the rough. Bless them. I only play 9 holes, per day, but cover a pedometer-measured 9 000 metres in that process (my average score is 42 off the stick for the nine holes). I have the course to myself - me and the birds - and it proves to be a wonderful form of exercise and mental concentration. I intend to keep this up every day as I am convinced that the health benefits will aid in delaying the possible contraction of this horrible virus. I'd recommend this type of exercise to anyone; it is totally invigorating given the sudden and depressing descent of the C-19 virus on all of humanity. In this regime, I consider the MFC deeply, constantly and will strive to be at the first resumption of play in person. Like all good Demons' fans, soldier on!
  8. First sensible post on this topic, so far.
  9. Now we're talking good sense. Backed with Hore and Rivers.
  10. Jetta is getting out-of-position, as it were, so much and it is because he plays as a team man - providing assistance (as he sees it during a game) to his teammates under pressure. For three years, at least, he has worn his own opponent and then snuck over to assist a struggling OMac - covering his ( OMac's) man too, so frequently, game after game, struggling with high clearance punches at the ball against a KP tall forward as OMac is still bringing up the rear some 15 metres away (ie: OMac cannot keep pace with any opponent). Good onyer, Nev, for trying. You can see the weaknesses, as well as we can. That is perhaps the reason why I have never seen you pass the ball to OMac by foot.
  11. Langdon needs to keep his eyes up ... he was continually at fault with positive ball delivery after impressively winning the ball many times, and after moving to space so well to receive.
  12. One would hope they can learn to hit a target, but before that, they need to learn how to be a target; what to do, where to go, how to slip your opponent, using decoys, finding space in which to run to receive the ball and learning how to look forward to the 'movers' before dumping the ball in a long bomb without prior, trained communications.
  13. Hurrah! Now there would seem to be no more games left to make that change. How terribly 'Goodwin-ish'. Tom is not a good forward although his kicking can be sublime. He does not get the ball. He needs to go back to CHB and run his opponent legless. OMac has to go - please, please, please, please - he is always a 'man missing'. Nev is down and out, Hibberd is too casual with disposal, Lever is a imposter who could do a good deal more. Clarrie just has to learn to deliver the ball more accurately, more controlled and certainly, to a leading forward, lace-out. Disappointing...
  14. That is the problem, totally coupled with his ideas and decision-making.
  15. There are a few good points for a new coach to work on in your statement. There seems to be no player excitement left.
  16. This was the only possible outcome; it was prudent, appropriate and responsible. Our disappointment is immense but within lies a thankful public.
  17. Because we are evolving some potent smalls, I'd additionally like to see some potent, mobile and hungry talls in our forward line. TMac is a reliable backman - he could hold down CHB effectively, with May remaining at FB. In general, both TMac and the Weed are rather static forwards (so thank Heaven we had some developing mid-talls up there in Fritta and The Melk). That releases both Brown and Weideman to coalesce in the key forwards roles BUT both must further develop their mobility, space-seeking receipt of the pill. Brown is showing signs that he wishes to play that way - and for this attribute, he may well be a real asset in the role. The Weed must do similar, creating a two-pronged, leading forward pace machine across at least two, instantly pre-negotiated directions - with grips for marks instead of failed '...first at the ball...' errors from a very hopeful, single vertical leap. If all else is not working or not able to be activated at a given moment, their task is to then bring the ball to the ground for the front and centre smalls - of which Jones in the tutor for the newbies. The chop-out 2nd ruck role is a waste of TMac's attributes - and those of The Weed - and so requires a spoiling tall, not a classic tapper - we have a few of these getting limited game time in the big league, but I still see Preusse fulfilling such a role (and as a chop-out forward across a game to assist clear away opposition defenders). By Crikey, Folks, we have the artillery and the ammunition but no dependable firing sequences.
  18. Zig and Zag? The Peters Ice-cream men. Who could forget their foray onto the Albert Park ground when the Dees played Sth Melbourne?
  19. I like his decision-making and tap-ons to teammates to create plays. He has played this role well in the pre-season and last season - he was asked/left to do onfield things for varied in/out teammates who were not ready for his quick thoughts and actions. I'd suggest that he is an ideal link man off the bench, when the talls are not taking their grabs due to their static preferences where there is no space. Who is going to tell these talls that the game has changed ... static height doesn't get you the pill against a manned-up bank of defenders. Spargo, therefore, could be a remedy to their poor habits, including the abundant other 'smalls' - just like the Tigers' team.
  20. Although I have absolutely no idea to whom you are referring, PF, I hold similar views for the same reasons and performance demonstrations of just one player (in the team each week for no substantiated reason. so could it be the same one?) at the cost of greater talent and workrate than such a blessed one. Are we serious about winning games by restricting avenues for opposition goals?
  21. Let's hope that our dear OMac can show a little internal fortitude and improved anticipation, movement and physical presence. The team listed has a good balance and noticeable firepower. I'd just like to see TMac swapping back and forth into CHB instead of being a static forward.
  22. Bit rough to say that even though it could be seen as an act of perfect biological warfare. That's a bit rough, too. Let me retract that statement. Retracted. How is China's economy going - starting to pick up? The US economy is in world-affecting turmoil. It will worsen as the virus continues to live, mutate, then wane in an enclosed retaliation by the scientists. Interesting times.
  23. There were, and there still are, better potential coaches than Goodwin out there. Interesting he gets rid of the mentors and experience that he craves yet survives himself with an ordinary record characterised by so many meaningless public statements. We may live to regret his extended contract timeliness and execution.
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