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Everything posted by titan_uranus

  1. Well it's not just dependent on our progess but also other teams (obviously). If the Bulldogs turn into the next Geelong then a premiership may be out of the question until 2012 or something like that. But I reckon we'll be up there challenging in 4 years. Finals in 2.
  2. We will finish 14th, Freo 15th, West Coast 16th. W.C. will take Naitanui with pick 1 to provide an able back up to Cox. Freo will take Rich with pick 2 because they could use another midfielder. So we, with pick 3, will take Watts. Which I would be happy with.
  3. I just wish there were more people there to witness it.
  4. He went to Mitch Clark when he was forward, but he seemed to move further up the ground later in the game. Seems to be very mobile for someone 198cm and 100kg or thereabouts. A defence with Warnock, Garland, Martin and Rivers sounds good to me.
  5. Loved seeing Wonna's dad there. Stynes ought to go to as many matches as is possible.
  6. Definitely his best game so far, and was one of our best, but his kicking still leaves a lot to be desired I reckon. I thought a few times he missed the target when he shouldn't have. Consistency is definitely what we need from CJ now.
  7. 6 - Green 5 - Miller 4 - Sylvia 3 - CJ 2 - Wheatley 1 - PJ Special mention to Dunn for collecting a second scalp (Black was ineffectual compared to his usual).
  8. That was so symbolic of the difference in determination between PJ and Sherman. It was something that 3AW mentioned quite a bit after the game. Loved the way us in the crowd cheered it like he'd kicked a goal.
  9. I'm really happy with the new leaderhip group. They're looking to the future with Moloney, Miller, McLean and Davey. And about time Green got in there. I do feel a bit sorry for Robbo though. You can't use the 'he's out for the year' argument because so are Rivers and Moloney, but I don't disagree with the decision to drop him.
  10. Hope he goes to Brown, would be a good lesson first up.
  11. Despite what people think about Sam, the Footy Show needs him. People forget that what Sam's been doing this year has been happening for the show's entirety. It seems to be that non-watchers who heard about the mannequin skit have attacked him. Billy was good, but Sam's better. Besides which, his return should bring back Street Talk.
  12. Green - captain McLean - vice captain Miller Rivers Then one of McDonald/Bruce/Jones/Grimes (i.e. go with experience or youth)
  13. I know, it's about time they came here. Even more reason to come to the G. Either you see Melbourne pull off a stunning upset win, or you see Jonathon Brown go ballistic.
  14. Still at the mercy of Demetriou though.
  15. There's only one MFC player who instils greater fear in me when kicking for goal and that's Jamar.
  16. If it's on the right side for a right-footer, Robbo. The other side, Green.
  17. I think there is much more upside associated with Johnson that with Jamar. At his best, Jamar provides shephards, blocks etc. but stil isn't a dominant tap ruckman. At PJ's best, which probably hasn't been seen yet, he can play forward, but again, isn't a dominant ruckman. So we do need to look to Meeson/Spencer or Naitanui/Warnock to get someone to help in the hitouts department.
  18. At Geelong vs Brisbane match, he said one of the stands at Skilled Stadium was 'the worst stand ever designed for spectators' (well who else would it be designed for?)
  19. He looks good now, but he looked way out of his depth against us (might have been his 1st game). Nonetheless, should be a fine player.
  20. Yeh whoops screwed that one up. Anyway, just because Thompson isn't of the highest quality doesn't mean he's not a goal-kicking key forward. I'd still be happy with a forward of his ability at that stage of the draft. True, I was just naming some other forwards that were drafted later on. But yes, the ones you mentioned are star forwards around which a side an be based.
  21. Yeah I thought that, but still a good one I reckon.
  22. Pretty exclusive list you've got there Bob. How about these: Burton - 16 Bradshaw - 55 Cloke (Travis) - 39 Thompson - 82 So there are also ways to pick up long-term key forwards outside the top 12.
  23. He's the AFL's equivalent of George W. Bush. On yesterday's coverage he said: 'That's one thing about Andrew Welsh. You just can't question his courageousness' Last week he said: 'He's just a former shadow of himself' (as opposed to a shadow of his former self) I remember seeing someone's signature here which has Schwarz saying 'On what?' in regards to writing his autobiography. Any more to add to the collection?
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