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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Yeah, torrential rain has nothing to do with that...
  2. Clark's forward pressure has also been good, has earned two holding the ball decisions in the second half which is terrific to see.
  3. Certainly doing his chances no harm. Suns up by 5 points but we certainly aren't playing poorly, conditions are not helping our talls and haven't made the most of our F50 entries.
  4. Agreed. Very impressive. Lots of big bodies in the middle helping early too.
  5. In: Rivers, McKenzie, JMac, Nicholson / Evans Out: Bail (inj), Garland (inj), Bennell, Jetta Stick with Juice and Martin, thought they had a real crack. With the injury to Grimes we should bring one of Nicholson or Evans on to the main list for some midfield cover.
  6. The Good: Martin and Newton giving a real contest up against a quality ruckman in Goldstein Davey and Sylvia had a crack The first quarter The Bad: The last three quarters Our forward line struggled - Petterd, Wona, Watts etc couldn't get there hands on it enough Moloney struggling with a hard tag Jetta, Maric and Bennell when he came on not giving us enough when it counted. The Ugly: The injuries The umpiring The way we roll over way too easily.
  7. THIS week was the major test for the club. We had to prove we had really made an effort to improve by backing up last weeks performance with a win today. Sure we had a few players out and injuries during the game hurt us but we had to show we had some fight and that we could lift... but we just rolled over and died. We all praise Maric but his stats were padded in junk time. He and Jetta needed to stand up and they didn't this week. Petterd and Watts had little influence and Moloney was shut down. It's hard to win games with too many players down and/or injured. Any criticism of Newton is harsh as he was FAR from our worst. Thought he gave a real contest in the forward line and around the ground - did more than Bate would anyway.
  8. Agree 100%. Right at this point in time we are showing nothing and we don't look as though we have progressed much at all since 2008. The club as a whole should be ashamed of our efforts tonight and something has to be done before it's too late. If that means Bailey goes then he goes, enough of this "our year is 2013 etc etc" garbage. We should be showing signs of the progressing towards this NOW and we look as though we are going backwards. Tonight has shown us, as supporters, that changes need to be made. We might win a few games this year and look alright in patches but tonight has shown us there are major, major flaws in our gameplan and the way we go about things. Enough is enough.
  9. I tell you what, Lucas Cook better turn in to a darn good footballer as we could use someone like Jack Darling in our forward line! Would complement Jurrah and Watts nicely but, no, Barry knows best...
  10. If you drank with him on a consistent basis then maybe it has some credibility. But you drank with him once and made an assumption on that day that he's a lightweight. Ridiculous and irrelevant to what happened today. Name dropping at it's finest.
  11. All this is good for is for you to name drop you drank with Moloney. Good for you mate, I'm sure you tell all your friends about it. Has nothing to do at all with the situation. Right decision by the club even if he didn't [censored] on the bar which was simply made up by whoever it was who called in. We need to set an example and stick by our "code of conduct" for lack of a better word. He'll bounce back.
  12. I was more impressed with Sheahan having a crack at Bailey's lame excuses after the game. Hearing Bailey use an excuse like "Hawthorn are a pretty good team. They'll be a top four team..." is pathetic to say the least. No, I didn't expect him to get stuck in to the players, but it wouldn't have hurt to say that the performance was unacceptable.
  13. I think you are reading WAY too much in to it mate. He has probably been asked the same questions for weeks and is sick of answering it. It's human nature to worry but I think you are drawing a rather long bow here...
  14. The thing for me is the lack of gameplan. As soon as the Hawks kicked a few goals in the third we went in to our shells and starting pushing everyone up the ground. As soon as the ball came out of their 50 we had no forwards or were out numbered and the ball came straight back in. The Hawks were ALWAYS going to get themselves back in to the game, the key was for us to keep attacking as well. Instead we went defensive and we rolled over. No-one can blame the forward line tonight. It's hard when you aren't given the actual opportunity to play inside the forward 50 and instead are continually pushing up the ground. Jetta didn't run hard all night and Maric isn't up to it. Nathan Jones also needs to be dropped, his continually turns the ball over and looks second rate.
  15. Ow, that hurts. Bloke starts a thread with what he knows through his job which, at this time of the year, is all there is to talk about football wise and you rubbish it. Jealous you didn't start it? Or you simply have nothing decent to add? I'm going for the latter.
  16. Let's be honest here, and I agree with Nostradeemus as well - how many kids do we need?? We have had a truck load of top picks over the last 3-4 years and the time is right to off load a first rounder... if the price is right. David Mundy would be a FANTASTIC fit at our club - genuine leader, fantastic footballer and a great bloke who doesn't grab headlines for the wrong reasons. As a club we are finally in a position to lure someone like him to play for us - our facilities are top notch, we have proven that we are going forward and he will be in his prime as a footballer when we make our tilt. What's not to like? As far as I can see we are in a better spot than Essendon and Carlton and we aren't hamstrung by our facilities and money situation any more. If he wants to come here then I'd be more than happy to part with our first rounder to get him.
  17. Couldn't agree more! It's a shame people still want to pull him down - fair play to the bloke for kicking 10 and if Jurrah who, in all honesty, hasn't set the world on fire in the last month, doesn't perform then Miller deserves his spot.
  18. If Jack Watts had been the one to kick 10 today then we would have been all over it and saying what an awesome game he played. It's disappointing that when Miller does it he simply did it against an "inexperienced backline". IMO that's disrespectful - you still need to play an excellent game of footy to kick 10 goals, and the vast majority were strong marks on the lead or in a contested situation. It's a shame to see people trying to justify him doing it rather than just being excited and happy for the guy. Some good signs all round for our depth today but on the performance you would say Miller and Warnock would be the only ones deserving of a recall and even then, who do they replace? Pressure is on at the G tomorrow.
  19. Isn't clean enough? Are you kidding? Has the cleanest pair of hands in the team! At the moment his impact is minimal, but when he does get his hands on the footy he is generally damaging.
  20. Joeboy to just get half of his 3 word player analysis post correct.
  21. He never said he was definitely going to do it. He said he might - however with McDonald and Sylvia to return I highly doubt it will happen. Complete over-reaction.
  22. Before I say what I think the problem really is, I'm sick and tired of the "learning" and "young team" excuses. It's been going on for years now and when we match up against other teams I think you'll find that we aren't that much younger or inexperienced than them. How come other teams can win and be competitive on a regular basis and we can't? The bottom team in the comp can even win over there (yeah, yeah, rubbish conditions but they still won...) The problem however is the game plan. Go and watch the game again - how many times did we go forward to either a one on two, a one on three or not have anyone to kick to at all? It doesn't work. I'm certain that people have analysed our game plan on here a million times over but I think that's what the problem is - we have shown that we have the talent to be competitive, yet our game plan doesn't stack up against most teams. If our game plan really worked and we were really going places then we would have, at the very least, beaten North and the Eagles over here and probably beaten Adelaide too. But we didn't. We over use it, constantly drop a man back when we should go one on one, have a shocking defense to the "counter attack" and an out manned forward line. Let's face facts - 1 win and a draw in the last 8 games is poor. Very poor. If our game plan worked then we wouldn't be playing like that. I want to support Bailey SO BADLY... yet every time I feel like I can he let's you down. All we have is a Plan A - there is no Plan B or C when things don't work. We either get lucky or get beaten. You can't deny that it's a little worrying.
  23. Why does everyone continually believe that the only players possible of going to the Gold Coast are QLD natives? It's ridiculous. So Rohan Bail came from QLD - since when does that mean he will leave at the end of the year? Same goes for Petterd. You have it on good authority? Yep, I'm sure you do.
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