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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Unless we traded, for example, a Fitzpatrick or Gawn for a pick or player. That would help to make further changes to the list outside of straight delistings.
  2. Not a bad comparison really, although Tapscott is better overhead and can play forward and back, but he could never find the footy like Beamer could.
  3. Viney, Jones, Howe, Salem, JKH etc etc. Plenty of key names up for a new contract next season.
  4. So instead of jumping into the thread to celebrate the re-signing of two players you make it about yourself? Disappointing but hardly surprising.
  5. To be fair he showed more than what Barry has at this point in their careers, although I also see what you're saying. Barry was always a project player.
  6. If Roos stays for the full 3 years then Barry's contract is up at the same time - it means he's had 3 years with Roos and if he hasn't continued to improve then his time will be up. The FD clearly see something in him and he has the chance to make something of it now. Good move fromt he club.
  7. I get where you're coming from, but the kid has clearly show one ability that Roos and co. like - working hard at his game. He's come along way this year to earn a run in the seniors and from all reports he works very hard to improve and he takes everything on board. For a kid his age he deserves the opportunity to improve again and a 2 year contract doesn't hurt us all that much if he doesn't.
  8. I'm being very technical here, but isn't Frawley an UFA? I haven't read anywhere that we can match offers from other clubs, but I may well and truly be wrong!
  9. He can't officially be on the senior list for 2015 until we pick him as part of the national draft with a later pick (4th of 5th rounder)
  10. More good news for the club and great to see the faith shown in the direction we are headed by the players. If I'm being greedy I would have liked to see McDonald sign for another year or two but I really can't complain too much!
  11. I haven't avoided any question - I'm happy with the way it's done as it gives us, the paying supporter, an idea of how these players are going and what they need to improve on. I couldn't give a stuff what other clubs are doing, as in the past we have tried to emulate other clubs in certain ways and look how they worked out. All I've seen you do is make sure we view the players as meek little babies who might be a little bit hurt if they read that their performances aren't good enough, yet I've failed to see you provide us with a logical solution.
  12. So what is your solution? Just give the paying supporter BS? Because, clearly, that's what we used to get. I'd rather a forthright review than being served up rubbish.
  13. Do you honestly think after a Casey game they go "okay lads, your review will be on the website on Tuesday, we'll speak after that..." Apparently is your key word here Dean, and I wouldn't believe for a second that the coaches haven't discussed this with the players first or at least made them aware.
  14. It doesn't need to be made public because we can watch them each week, or get a full download of the game not long after it's been played. We can see what is happening, we can see the positives and deficiencies and make our own mind up. We don't have that opportunity with Casey as unless you can get to the games you generally have no idea what's going on. So what's wrong with saying a player needs to work on certain areas of their game? Nothing. For so long many posters, including myself, moaned about the lack of honesty in the reviews we got on the website. Now we get honesty and it's too hard to some to take. And I have no idea why the players wouldn't appreciate it - if you don't want to continually be told that you need to work on your defensive transitions then WORK ON THEM so it doesn't have to be mentioned again. If it's happening over and over and over again then the players only have themselves to blame.
  15. If I buy a membership, merchandise, go to the games etc. then I would expect my club to be transparent with me. If there are players down in the seconds who aren't performing and up to scratch then I'd like to know about it - we all give our own harsh critiques of players who are in the Melbourne side, and we do it regularly, so why shouldn't we get a fair and honest report from the coaches about the players? How is it harsh to say "Michel gets caught ball watching regularly and loses his opponent"? If the bloke isn't working hard enough then I want to know about it. Then when he doesn't get picked each week we aren't all complaining and asking about him, we are 'in the loop' and know not only why a player is not playing but where they need to improve upon to get there. I also think it highlights exactly what the FD is asking for of the players and we, as supporters, get an understanding of the direction they are headed in. Stats only tell a fraction of the story, the above gives us more. Why we would be complaining about that is beyond me.
  16. I don't think he leaves GWS. Not yet anyway, and certainly not for being disgruntled when the season hasn't even been completed yet. If we feel, as a club, that we need another tall forward then Butcher is worth a look. Would come cheaper but he is still young and we know what he can provide, plus we can then still use our top picks on mids.
  17. If Sewell came for free like Cross then I wouldn't say no. With a depleted Hawks midfield he still came in and played very well. For a year or 2 it might be worth looking at.
  18. So the first pick in the draft wants more opportunities, even though he hasn't been at the club for more than a season? Your tomato sauce expired in 1977 pal.
  19. Tappy went to Darwin as the 23rd man in case of a late injury. He is on the cusp of selection, and it wouldn't surprise me to see him get a run this week.
  20. You are such a liar and a twister of words. That person did not say Barry wouldn't make it, he was hopeful that Barry would get the opportunity to tag Motlop and show that he has the capacity to make it as a footballer rather than be a sub. He isn't the person with no idea whatsoever, you need to take a look in your own backyard.
  21. What world do you live in Saty? Seriously? Because he is a premiership player does not mean he is AFL standard NOW. Ron Barassi won a few flags, does that make him AFL standard now? Your arguments are not even arguments, they are figments of your imagination. Pedersen and Dunn are a 'few wrong'. You could also put Jetta in that bunch. That's 3. That does not set a precedent for the rest of the list. And yes, Demonland does mean a lot to you because you love to tell the players all about it and then run back here to tell us about the discussions you've had and the personal questions you ask the players. You love that attention, so don't try and tell us this place means so little to you. You aren't fooling anybody.
  22. Your 'reply' totally and utterly missed the point - you tried to argue for Byrnes by saying he is a 2 time premiership player. So what? The bloke is long past it now. Do we get Jason Dunstall on the list and, even when he isn't getting a game, you say he stays on the list because he is a premiership player? Or this fascination with saying mentioning Spencer getting a 2 year deal - that's not the point at all. Numerous posters have made the comment that certain players WILL NOT TAKE US FORWARD AS A CLUB. This is regardless of contract situation, it's simply that they will have no impact on where the club wants to go. This board is also full of more opinions on players that were correct. Of course we get a few wrong but many of the players mentioned right now have had chance after chance after chance... and fluffed it. The sooner you realise how poor our list is the better off you'll be. Oh, and if people are blocking you Saty I'd take a good hard look at myself. Everyone can handle an opinion, but it's how you deliver it that counts, and you do that very, very poorly.
  23. No, you get lambasted because you ignore everyone else and just go on your merry way. You moan about people not listening to you and that it's just 'your opinion', yet your flippant attitude shows that you don't take anyone else's views seriously. Heck, on the previous page you said you are waiting for someone to name 20 worth delisting, which I had done a few pages prior to that. You don't listen and you don't try to, and when someone presents you with some facts you totally ignore and give an asinine response. The hole you are in is one you've dug for yourself - we haven't needed to help you. The fact is our list is poor in many areas and needs to be fixed. FACT.
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