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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Of course they will move for money, but every player you have listed has far different circumstances to Pendlebury. FAR different. Just because some move for money doesn't mean everyone will or that the circumstances are similar. Same goes for this stupid belief that, because landed Roos, then we can land anybody. It's rubbish. He didn't have a coaching job and we threw BUCKET LOADS of cash at him. Again, a vastly different circumstance to Pendles. Stop using these base excuses to hide behind when we all know mentioning Pendlebury is ridiculous and there is no chance he will ever play for us. Oh, and the same goes for the "he grew up a Dees supporter" crap. That's what it is Mike - crap. How old are you to actually believe that's a factor? 10? Like I said before, do yourself a favour and get some common sense.
  2. And drove past training the other day so, yeah, it's just a foregone conclusion now!
  3. Potentially is the key word. There is no way we would 'potentially' target the Collingwood captain with the reason that money talks. Ridiculous in the extreme. I might decide to pass over it in future but you could do yourself a favour and get some common sense.
  4. It didn't suggest anything either way to be honest. Roos said both Ling and Hayes would be spoken to but he also discussed that it still might be a bit early for them. Doesn't mean they won't be considered if they tick all the boxes.
  5. You will put any player in the league down as some sort of possibility won't you?
  6. And they could possibly snare Peter Wright with one of their picks as well. Leuenberger would be worth a look, although his injury history doesn't fill me with confidence.
  7. Won a few flags with Bell Post Hill, who play in the third tier Geelong league... must be ready for an AFL call up now...
  8. Yes, we do. He isn't AFL standard and never really has been.
  9. His DE for the season isn't that bad, it's just that he makes a couple of errors each game that we analyse more than others because he is the current target of the board. He is good in one on one situations, has a good pair of hands and will give 100% every time. He makes mistakes, no arguing that, but no team is full to the brim of players who are perfect.
  10. Well said AoB. He isn't a world beater, nor will he ever be a 'gun', but he contributes plenty to the side and is asked to play roles that don't necessarily suit his skill set as we don't have anyone else.
  11. Your record. It's broken.
  12. This is a big part of the problem. In years done by, when Casey was winning, they had some very good VFL players (Silvagni, Mohr etc) that worked really well with the AFL listed players. We don't have that at all this year and it shows. Short sighted of the supporters to want to jump off the Casey bandwagon too, with this season the first for a long time that they won't play finals.
  13. Brutal is a good word to use. For all our bluster as supporters we can be terribly soft when it comes to the crunch on players, like Blease and Tapscott, in the overall hope they come good. It's understandable but we can't hold on to that hope any longer. We cut them and move on as quickly as we can.
  14. It's the least of our problems right now. Good teams win anywhere.
  15. Harsh, but true. None of the above are players who will take us to the next level. Bail is the only one I would give another contract to, and even then it would only be for a year.
  16. Sorry. Is this any better? "I tell you what guys that Jack Watts, he is a lovely fellow and every time he doesn't go hard enough at the ball I just want to shake my fist at him. I pay hundreds of dollars each year and that... man.... just makes my blood boil. Next time he does that I can't wait to come on Demonland and tell everyone how disappointing he is and that, while he is a human being, his efforts today was well below par.: Fair suck of the old sav Sambo. You can play the Dad role all you like, but if you don't like people calling players "spuds" then don't read it. When a player puts in week after week of rubbish performances that's what they get. And rightfully so, as long as it doesn't get personal, which calling a player a 'spud' isn't.
  17. Have a look how he went tonight. He isn't bringing anything to the table at Carlton, therefore he won't bring anything to our side either. Will not improve us one bit.
  18. We haven't had a bloke do that stuff since Farmer. Davey was a beautiful kick, as was Yze, but the Wiz did that stuff every week. We really lack that extra bit of class at the minute.
  19. We haven't ignored it and, frankly, how could we? All I'm saying is yet another thread on it isn't necessary - we are all aware, and there are discussion threads for it.
  20. He probably gets sick of being asked the question and just wants him gone so he can move on and use the cap room elsewhere.
  21. Might have transcended the game but your response is the same one rolled out by all of us, and we've been rolling it out for a long time. We know it needs to improve, we know we need to get the right kind of players in to do it. I don't know what else needs to be said. Whinging about it won't change it, and we should know, as we've all been whinging about it for years.
  22. I really like this line of thought Praha, although Mumford is untouchable after only heading to GWS this year, but I see what you mean. We've got the gameplan, we've got the coach and we've got the off field stuff right. We just need to be ruthless now to get the on field stuff up to scratch.
  23. Why isn't this stuck in the Post Match Discussion thread as well? You're right DA, but this is a painfully obvious thread and topic that's already been discussed ad bloody nauseum.
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