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Everything posted by QueenC

  1. QueenC


    A player was suspended directly due to his actions, does that qualify as extreme?
  2. QueenC


    Oh yeah DC, legal things are suspended, while illegal actions go unnoticed (until the player outs himself)..... What a stellar and even handed organisation we have here !!!
  3. I agree, let him find his feet at Casey, same as all other injuries coming back. I really don't have much to contribute here but I thought I would just add to the thread......
  4. And does anyone really expect anything else from him ?!!!
  5. QueenC


    Fair point, but the rule is there right?
  6. QueenC


    Has anyone actually been charged with staging?
  7. QueenC


    And now for the truly powerful to flex their muscles....... Star QBs call for sides to reach deal
  8. QueenC


    They seem to be caught on the Rookie Wage Scales which has blown out in recent yeasrs.
  9. Sure they get a lot right...... But when they don't have the absolute facts (which I doubt they do) they have to rely on rumour and innuendo just like the rest of us. And this is where everything gets lost. There are no facts here. Thus it all comes down to opinion, supposition and educated guess work, and while that shouldn't be dismissed but shouldn't be taken as gospel either.
  10. Honestly RR my opinion of his character has only been reinforced after the machinations over the last couple of days..... I don't know if he will stay or go, but he has not lied and should be treated with a hell of a lot more respect than he is. I would love this to be over with him deciding to stay put, we all would, and it is annoying that this won't happen, but we knew that wasn't going to happen. And now an actual contract has been delivered for the first time reinforcing what Tom told us in March. Even Sheahan said he was starting to feel sheepish about doubting the kid. Maybe he goes (as is his right) but until we (and everyone else for that matter) know definitely, how about we have some belief in a young man who is still one of our own.
  11. .....You mean the one with the dead horse under it ?!!!
  12. Will a hearty round of congratulations and applause do '58 ?!!!
  13. Well after a debilitating loss last time out the MFC roller coaster will hopefully now take it's inevitable up swing.....
  14. We're forming a line !!!
  15. Yep, paranoia is everywhere, and contagious !!!
  16. Especially with The Mean Fiddler just around the corner !!!
  17. Maybe but AusKick isn't huge out west either....... It just hasn't been around long enough to have taken any kind of hold (if it's ever going to). The Western Suburb league juniors have tens of thousands of kids playing and while there will be some defectors (maybe due to safety concerns). I just don't believe it will be enough to grab the hearts and minds of the younger population that GWS will need to have for success in the next decade or so.
  18. Yep, it will have some pluses but it needs to work up here and in an environment that doesn't covet the sport. It's having trouble attracting corporate sponsors (outside of the AFL), and will be a big drain on funding for a long time to come.
  19. I think she's being a bit generous on Tom being a "talking point" ... GWS gets next to no coverage up here. I work in sports media and have contacts at the Sydney papers and trust me no-one cares. When it is launched it will get some publicity, but not what the AFL want or need. It is not going to conquer all in the western suburbs. Not now, not ever. Tom's contract situation has crept in a couple of times, usually on the back of a second hand Mike Sheahan piece, at the bottom of the last page of the Daily Telegraph. Nothing is coming from the Sydney sports media, because none of them really give a toss. Wilson is right, people up here don't know who he is nor do they care unfortunately. And why would they, really? The West is going to be very hard to take. And this small recognition is only to say the bare minimum of what is going on, and to make sure that (some) people are still a little aware that there is a multi million dollar sports organisation trying to build itself at Blacktown. Because there is no real impact being made.
  20. Even if he was holding a big silver cup?!!!
  21. QueenC


    More promising signs, with a big dash of nearly there....... Sides eye July 21 ratification
  22. Oh Rafa, always Rafa !!!
  23. Because none of this debate has anything to do with Collingwood, just Melbourne..... Getting him has a lot to do with Collingwood, but if we (as in those that run this club) believe that Malthouse is what they want and is the best choice of coach for us going forward, then you know what "alleviating" Collingwood's ego-driven issues aren't really going to be playing a part (outside of the fact they may be helpful). If he is what we want then so be it and they should absolutely go for it.
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