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leave it to deever

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Everything posted by leave it to deever

  1. South finished in the top four in 1970. As for St kilda and Hawthorn...im not sure which periods you refer too. I think if someone pointed out to us ten years ago we would not make the finals, I for one would never have believed it. God willing it wont happen for the next ten. Also I think before our finals appearance in 2000 the year before we didn.t make the eight. So yeah change can occur quickly and maybe ext year we will make them. Im pretty sure not many think we will do it this year. Ill be happy with more than seven wins/ Nine is a pass for me given last weeks game.
  2. Fair to assume we wont be in the final eight this year. This will be ten years without a final but a chance of ten years in the bottom five. Would like to know how many clubs have experienced this. Is this the biggest drought ever? Even new kids on the block dont have such misery. Aside from better draft picks is the afl really helping struggling clubs? it cant be all our own doing? Would like to know some stats from the brianacs out there.
  3. Well said. Its qrt time and you were spot on. Wnat will happen against north
  4. After the horror loss re essendon I have calmed down and realised its way too early to make any assumptions. Perhaps the dons will beat port. Perhaps we willl bounce back against North. Clearly something went wrong last week with poor, poor efforts by ten players. They were not in it mentally and did look tired.the next 2 games will shed more light on it all. We have some wonderful players on our list so we will have to just wait and see what they do. Good to see roos dropping garland. Kent and pederson may follow him. Lets not reward non effort like we used too. Keep the dream alive and dig deep to beat nm boys. Please.
  5. Yea some heroes there. Thanks for the memories guys. Sad to say after last weeks total non performance, Id probably rather watch these replays then current games of the present team. We need to at least try this weekend against North. I Hope Gawn, Hogan, Watts and Mcdonald as leaders can play ok this week. Garland needed to be dropped as a message of bad form not tolerated, but there could have been quite a few with him. Go Dees. Lets hope Roos is saying the same stuff at the end of Norfs game. Hogan six gaols awesome. McDonald great pressure. Watts you helped out too. Gawn you were everywhere. I believe we can do it. (gotta talk myself into it).
  6. Gus is out. Was he a mistake playing too soon as well as not putting in Dunn in against daniher. Also pederson should have been dropped. Garland out is a fair call. I cant see him in our top 22 moving forward.
  7. Dunn at chf or even tmac is just common sense given that pederson or dawes just aint up to the job.
  8. How is teams like Hawthorn can be so consistantly good and teams like us can be poor for so long. How is that the hawks have the motivation and whatever else they have to win three flags in a row and we cant get one. How much of our defeats especially the last one were lost between the ears. Is it talent the hawks have in spades? Probably. But how do they stay motivated? I remember how switched on we were gainst the magpies last year after daniher revved them up. We were like essendon last sunday full of gusto and intent. We have lots of talented players. I guess the reason for this thread is that I really wonder if we have an issue of motivation compared to other clubs or is it somthing else. What do us supporters reallly think and how can we fix it. Sometimes I think we need a team of experts from VIenna to get these guys going. Sometimes I think I need help for following them. Are we not the most loyal supporters going around?
  9. And https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VGkmPF1CNo
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VGkmPF1CNoIts a mix of and
  11. How good did the supporters have it before us. We dream of one premiership yet they saw three to ten. Years ago when I lived in elsternwick I would drive past a famous brothel that every september would put up a sign out the front advertising a football fantasy week. Im not sure what that entailed but I was often tempted to go in and talk to one of the ladies about mine. I could see myself just describing a grand final replay where melbourne won by 100 points. Robbie flower was captain. Neitz kicked 10. Grinter took out 4 players. Green kicked 5. Jones and viney senior worked tirelessly. Peter moor had a day out. Earl spalding defended beautifully. Stve smith took a speccy. The umpires were fair. Even carl ditterich was these. Ahhhhhhhhhh that felt soooo good.
  12. 5,6968,029 postsGender:MaleLocation:QuahogInterests:Nudie mags Posted 3 hours ago · Report post If i were in charge the changes i'd make are... Bring Lynden Dunn back in right away, we need his experience and leadership down back desperately. Move Salem onto a Wing/half forward, he isn't a great defender and we really lack quality delivery inside 50 Move Hogan to CHF, his mobility is his strength so let him use it. Play one of Pedo/Frost/Dawes in the goal square with the simple role of either mark the ball, or bring it to ground and give Garlett/Kennedy/Kent a chance. I would love to see a game where garland gets to crumb off just one forward in the forward line
  13. Lots of peopel were saying dunns ommission wanst that bad last 2 games. He should have been on daniher. Hes tougher than tmcdonald. Poor poor coaching.
  14. After 45 years of following melbourne I have also followed jack daniels, sam cougar and johhny walker.
  15. We need another big forward like daniher or a 2nd ruckman who can move forward. Not at all impressed with garland...hes like howe and plays a good game in six. Its no where near enough. The sooner roos moves on the better. I hope one day poor jack w can string 3 or 4 great games together. His mind seems to be either all or nothing. Cant work him out. Dont know what has happened to kent...he used to be very good. Bugg not much. Lumumnba has expired. Vanderberg read kent. T mac read j watts. Kennedy a great pick up. The umps did help the dons get on their roll yesterday. It wasnt just the 2 to 1 fkick ratio at half time which is a lot but the 2 50m penalties were tough. I guess we will know this time next week to see what what for this season but all signs point to little improvement if any although on paper we look better.
  16. could not agree more there is somthing not quite right about his omission somthing must have happened for him not to be selected or it was just a massive balls up and roos got it clearly wrong
  17. I believe that we will win more than seven. Our list has improved but unfortunatley no where near as much as we all thought six days ago. We may win ten but even then we have a long way to go. Need some bigger bodies and harder nuts at the ball/
  18. Putting aside the horrible loss today, can Melbourne still get at least another seven wins?
  19. You are absolutley spot on with this observation. All the hype from players and staff on the mfc website after stealing the game form gws you would have thought we won a prelim. We have such low expectations they become self fullfilling prophecies. Heres a thought dont pat each others arses until you win four games in a row. That should be our standard from now on. All this hype from players and coaches that we have improved after one game is insulting to us who pay these guys week in week out. The only way we can say we have improved is at the end of the year when we have more than seven meagre wins. In the meantime for the love of goodness knows please, I beg you to respectfully stfu.
  20. i disagree. I think Hogan and all his fellow palyers are bloody lucky to be playing for the greatest afl club in the world. Today revealed that some much more so than others. I know Hogan tries as was his anger at himself against gws. Hogan needs some support and pederson isnt it.
  21. Why didnt roos give hogan a run on the ball in the the third like last week. Seemed slow like are players in being reluctant to make any changes today.
  22. maybe Goodwin should take over. Would we fare any worse.I think Roos has been ok but would a change be worthwhile or is it just a case of shuffling the deckchairs. Although a few have suggested that roos was outcoached today. Maybe this group needs someone that yells at them. It would make the supporters feel a lillte better.
  23. i definatley would have put Dunn in against what seemed to be a forward line that was too tall and taking so many marks, The dons took this game much more seriously even making their fans all meet before the game and bringing in all the old stars to meet and great the young team. We got ahead of oursleves and were half asleep. As for next week at least we wont be so cocky. Hope the umpires dont try to stuff up the game next time. They were clearly affected by the huge essendon supporter base. It was a poor display from them.That said...we were just very very weak todaay nd there must be quite a few changes. Hopefully we have some fit players to replace garland, bugg, kent, pederson
  24. Thanks mate its nice that someone understands my pain,,,not a flag while I have breathed......ten wins plus will be a pass this year
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