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leave it to deever

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Everything posted by leave it to deever

  1. I hope it is a case of Freo being better than we all thought.
  2. That's spelled personified and your argument is non existent.... but hey well thought out. J Watts would be an awesome co captain and the way he played today reflects that. Next time think before you type.
  3. Cant blame players out. Sure there are two huge losses but thats footy. Good teams have enough depth to cover losses. Look at the doggies last year....they were completely decimated with injuries but won the flag. I like your optimism but Im not sure its totally warranted. I think we will struggle to get 13 wins and make finals after this effort and Im sure this loss will come back and bite us.
  4. Ha. I dont think any quote would help. Feel a lot the same. Picket has a lot of passion for this club and I understand his frustration. Last year I posted that some of us have waited longer to see a flag which people dissed but its true. For guys in their 50s and some in their 60s who cant recall the glory days its been a [censored] hand. Its a [censored] hand at times for all of us the last 10 years but trust me for those who have only supported the club that long..... add another 30 years and youd be making posts like this. This was supposed to be a breakout year but we play like this at home against a bottom side. Its hard to see finals happening now which eway you slice it and Im guessing that's why Pickett is upset. I know I am.
  5. Agreed on the co captain. Poor bloody Watts now hes blighted by the club. Viney has along way to go and just cos his dad played for us is not an auto pass to be captain which is clearly the case. Hes a nice guy and a good player and will improve but talent, comitmnent and experience should come first which brings a few others into the mix b4 Jack.
  6. His lack of passion worries me. Look at Hogan when hes not having a big day....he runs up the ground, abuses his team mates, takes a mark or lays a tackle. I hope Weids was told to stay put because he made no effort to tackle or go and get the ball.
  7. If is the key word here and I know thats why they played him. Its a juggling act at best but a player can also go downhill if crushed each week. Look how long it took Watts to recover from his premature entry to the big time.
  8. Hes just a kid with a slim frame. He can jump but thats it. The most dissapointing stat about him was he laid zero tackle sand seemed disinterested in applying any pressure. I dont know why he was selected in the first place. Pederson must be injured. Tim Smith would have been a better choice. He is much stronger than weid who was manhandled today, We stopped in the 3rd qrt and didnt put our bodies on the line like the last. Its hard to stop run ons like that but Goody didnt make changes for the whole third qrt which didnt help. Congrats to Spencer and Watts and Oliver again. Garlett another stellar effort. Its a long road to sep Im afraid. It seemed like the dees of old today and I think supporters have a right to feel let down by this game we had to win. If Hogans personal issues interfere with his footy this year we are in serious trouble up forward. We still lack a big strong experienced ute player that can be deployed where necessary. Back to the drawing board. This mob can seriously give you the sh1ts sometimes.
  9. Im putting the blame where it bloody belongs....the selection panel
  10. This loss will come back and bite us......wait and see.
  11. Yea thats what people called for all week but the FD didnt listen
  12. Apart from poor selection,,,,we were slow to make changes to stopfff Yes
  13. Now I know all the fuss about Petracca
  14. Weids doesnt play again for the year for me.
  15. Good move with Trac in the middle. It only took 8 goals to zip to make a change but better late they say.
  16. This is why I have been calling for Pedo so many times. Watts should not ruck when Hogan is out Its a no brainer. Where do the FD think the goals are going to come from.
  17. Will be interesting to see if we totally give up
  18. We have been exposed. Such a great start to the year but we are back to the club that unfortunately too many of us remember. How important was it to build on last years wins. I have a feeling we will finish 10th. It is depressing... I wish I could change teams. Oh to have that winning feeling and be happy in life.
  19. This is Melbourne of old. 8 goals in a row
  20. I hope hes not smoking now but I certainly feel like it
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