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Deemented Are Go!

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Everything posted by Deemented Are Go!

  1. Surely that's it for Garland?? In his own little world out there, the game has well and truly gone past him.
  2. Damn, picked Adelaide, but who cares - we're in the 8! (For now)
  3. Sorry bout that! Mute the telly and put on the wireless?
  4. I'm feeling nauseous just thinking about the BT and the 7 commentary tonight
  5. Is erryone forgetting he's contracted till end of next year??
  6. Yaawwwn. As a relative newbie to DL, but a fanatic nonetheless, the childish [censored]-for-tat on some threads are getting reeeally boring. I'm looking at you picket and stuie amongst others. I come on here to observe and engage in footy discussion on the 'team we love', not schoolyard dummy spits and d**k waving!! Can't ya'll grow up and play nice? We're all here with the same passion. GO DEES. Take it right up to the Dogs and do us proud this week.
  7. Grimes, Salem, ANB, OMac kent out Grimes worries me. OMac ok, ANB bout time, Salem great
  8. You bloody rippa!! Great result, lead the way Jack, go Dees!!
  9. Yeah, yeah, I was watching a recording, commented prematurely - see above
  10. I agree - but I digress , watching a recording, now there talking about the Dees on the couch!
  11. They're not the only ones - next to nothing on 360 or On The Couch, either :/
  12. BT sounds like a deranged, idiotic sycophant, just like Bruce. They should both be commited to the nuthouse
  13. I hope Port doesn't win by too much, wanna keep that % gap :/
  14. No Watts because he was nowhere to be seen! I saw that footage, yes one good play, but he had an off day. Hopefully he'll lift for the doggies!
  15. There was vision of him pacing around the rooms like a caged animal, I think he'll be right. Just took a heavy knock I think
  16. HAHAHA Rance looking like a forlorn choir boy on the sidelines!
  17. Riscatelli (however you spell it) now a chance to return...
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