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Deemented Are Go!

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Everything posted by Deemented Are Go!

  1. Why should we, of all clubs, listen to the man that ruined our lives in the late 80's? Bleaughhhhhhh
  2. Hodge with an absolute shocker mongrel punt inside 50. Bruce: 'Clever Kick there..' Give us a spell, already!!!
  3. Its by an artist called Lushsux - https://www.instagram.com/lushsux/
  4. In: Gawn, Wagner Out: Watts, Jones Shift Bernie into the middle, Wagner to fill his spot at half back.
  5. Just watched on the couch replay - good old Jonno Brown continues to pump us up. David Kind even brought up a graph titled 'premiership contenders?' (Notably though, showing we are #1 pressure side). what with the nature of this season and the fleeting form lines of all teams, perhaps a tightly fitting lid is called for...
  6. Well well! I managed to see the first half before my 2yo girls needed other forms of stimulation other than watching the footy (working on that). But they can now shout 'Go Dees' and think that Oscar McDonald is 'Macca Pakka' (parents of young kids will know what I mean) after repeated calls of 'well done Macca' from myself. Gonna sit down after dinner and watch the 2nd half- it's gonna be sweeeet! And holy crap, I think we may have arrived!! CARN MELBOURNE!!!
  7. All over it- had a big morning at queen Vic market, then playground, now big lunch. ???
  8. Got my 2yo girls to mind this arvo. Let's see if they have the attention span to commit to four quarters of footy. Now there's an idea....
  9. Heretic! Wiseblood will have you at the gallows by dawn!
  10. I consider myself a hopelessly addicted football tragic but yeah, nah I'm switching over to reruns of Judge Judy. Or maybe I should read a book. Watching 40 mins of this yawn fest has made me feel dumber. Aints + Norf = rubbish
  11. Ugh, just had a look Biffen, not even worth it. One [censored] called 'adam' says: "Daniher is obviously on his death bed so enjoy your final win because it was handed to you on a platter" Absolute guttersnipe, feral, vacant-brain verbal diarrhoea from some very poor excuses for human beings.
  12. Same, Nasher, I was exactly side on to the goals. I actually watched the crowd as he kicked it to find out the result, the crowd rising and the thunderous roar was confirmation enough! My blood pressure was so high and I was screaming so loud, I nearly fainted. I had to grab onto my mate to stop going down as we went utterly beserk. An indelible memory, right up there with the best footy moments I've witnessed. God knows how I'll fare if we ever win a final!
  13. Another thing. I was at the game, but in the excitement didn't notice the full on booing at the final siren from the Filth sooks. It almost drowns out our song on the telecast. What a bloody disgrace the pies fans are to themselves and the whole football world.
  14. Re-watching the replay: halfway through 3rd q : Tim Watson 'Melbourne have completely lost their shape here' as Lewis makes a perfect 45' pass off half back, we switch fat side wing then one more kick to Watts in space inside 50. He seriously just says things for the sake of it! What a joke of a commentary team!
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