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Deemented Are Go!

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Everything posted by Deemented Are Go!

  1. It appeared he hurt his knee in the dying seconds. It didn't look good live
  2. Yes, I agree with the realism and all your points. But to call it "season over" is a bit dramatic I reckon
  3. Forgive my ignorance, but who exactly does the AFL appeal to? Itself? Who makes the final decision? And what is the normal time frame here?
  4. You're just not you when you're hungry. Have a Snickers
  5. A few thoughts: - I really feel for Clarry in all this. He's a freakin 19 yo kids for Chrissake, who's reputation and character has been dissected in a kangaroo court without himself even being represented. I hope he can block out the frenzy that the sucubus media have created. - west Coast are sore losers. I hope we meet those [censored] in a final in Melbourne and [censored] all over them again. - The body of work this year from the MRP and now the tribunal is nothing short of illogical debacle. Is there any chance in hell there will be an overhaul of this farcical system? Unbloodylikely.
  6. Out of interest, I wonder what said QC charges per hour for his services?
  7. Good god, man, why do it to yourself?
  8. I jumped on this thread to get an update on Hogan - I don't see the connection between Carlton jumper sleeves and Jesse? Am I missing something?
  9. Face for TV? Basil's got a face like a dropped pie. What a joke Ch 7 has become. My incredulity led me to a little research on the interwebs. It seems Basil was an injury-prone flash-in-the-pan for West Perth in the WAFL in the late 80s/early 90s. Went to some talent camp hosted by Mick Malthouse and didn't get a look in. An interesting tidbit on his blossoming media career (courtesy Wikipedia): "In his first year at Seven, Zempilas was awarded “Best News Story” at the annual Western Australia Football Media Guild Awards for his coverage of the Melbourne Football Club being thrown out of a West Coast Eagles closed training session." It really bothers me that those of us with half a football brain have far more knowledge of our game than these two-bit hacks leading the commentary on the national TV broadcast. AT THE VERY LEAST GET PLAYERS NAMES CORRECT. And then of course the condescending and inane verbal diarrhoea of BT, Bruce, etc. Surely this calls for a boycott/revolution/coup d'état/bloody uprising from the AFL supporters community. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
  10. Yes I spat out my beer when he said that! And let's not forget that Basil Zemplis moron. He called Pedo 'Garland', (forget player) 'Oliver' and Tom/Oscar the wrong way around. Fair dinkum. Who the hell is this guy and how did he get this gig? God knows how much he gets paid- at least learn the players' names. now we're exiting irrelevancy, these clowns need to do their homework!
  11. It was that Hill miss on goal after he marked. I said 'game over' when he took it. Then the game turned...
  12. I CANT [censored] BREATHE! My Mrs came out to check on me after TMacs goal to find me in a foetal position with a cushion in my mouth moaning like a [censored]. This is real now.
  13. We're in this right up to the eyeballs. Carn boys
  14. That Basil clown just called Pedo 'Garland'. WTF??!!
  15. I've backed us tonight which would be pivotal to my push for top 3 in my tipping comp. please tell me I'm not insane
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